Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/296

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human skulls were found with no other bones mingled with them. He had an idea that they were the remains of the heads of men who had been beheaded when the castle was taken. This, however, seems far from pro- bable. Sir Walter Scott, in his introduction to 'The Border Minstrelsy' (ed. 1902, vol. i. p. 140), tells of more than fifty skulls being found in a single grave in the churchyard of Linton in Roxburghshire. Can the meaning of these burials be explained ?

EDWARD PEACOCK. Kirton-in-Lindsey.

'STANLEY,' A NOVEL. Can any reader of 'N. <fc Q.' kindly inform me where I can obtain a sight of a novel entitled ' Stanley ; or, the Recollections of a Man of the World"? I have ascertained that, although published anonymously in 1838 at Philadelphia, it was written by Horace Binney Wallace (1817-52). There does not appear to be a copy of the book at the British Museum.


61, Friends' Road, East Croydon.

TALBOT GWYNNE. Was this the real, or an assumed, name of a novelist who published 'The School for Fathers,' 'The School for Dreamers,' and ' The Life and Death of Silas Barnstake,' in the early fifties? The last- named was published by Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co. in 1853, and in an advertisement at the end of the volume the author is referred to as "Talbpt Gwynne, Esq." I fail to find the name in the usual books of reference.

W. B. H.

J. BRADSHAW. Who was Mr. J. Bradshaw whose signature appears upon Civil War documents and letters connected with Lanca shire in 1643-4 ? It is possible that he was a deputy-lieutenant of the county, arid hi signature is usually associated with that o Col. John Moore, the regicide, or of Col. Ralph Assheton. He is sometimes called Col. Brad shaw. His signature (which is now before me) is not unlike that of the famous Pre sident, yet it does not appear that the latte took any active part in county affairs at thi period In a document I have seen he i described, I believe, as "Mr. Bradshaw, o Penmgton." I hope that this query mav perhaps, catch the eye of MR. PINK.


FLOGGING AND THE KENNELs.-In an ol book recording the flogging of one Jame Naylor at the cart-tail in 1656 it is state that the man received three hundred and te strokes, and should have received one more there being three hundred and eleve

ennels " between Westminster and the Old Ixchequer in the City, between which his unishment ran. The kennels here obviously 3fer to the drains in the road ; but surely it r as customary for these kennels to run arallel with, and not across, the road. Also have never come across any other instance

where the executioner was supposed to strike t every kennel. Can any one enlighten me, r tell me where I might find reference to this

natter? G. E. MITTON.

ELVERTON STREET, WESTMINSTER. A street which is to bear the above name has lately )een formed from Bell Street, Vincent Square, nto Horseferry Road. I shall be glad if 1 an be enlightened as to the origin of the lame, as I can find no association in West- minster for it. Of course, I cannot say that here may be none, but I have searched for it without success. I have also asked many >ersons of official standing about it, and they are as ignorant as myself upon the point. A question was asked about it in the London Argus for 10 January by a Miss Lavender, ?ut no answer has appeared yet. It is thought

hat Messrs. Glutton, of 9, Whitehall Place,

may be able to throw some light upon the subject ; but a letter to them has received no reply. This may be so, as the land appears to belong to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. W. E. HARLAND-OXLEY.

HADRIAN I. This Pope died about Christ- mas, 795. What was the exact day ? Which of the Popes was the first to obtain the Roman See by translation from another see ? HERBERT VAUGHAN.


"OLD JEFFREY": "PRINCE THAMES." The demon who was supposed to be the author of the preternatural noises at Epworth parsonage, in Wesley's youth, 1716, was familiarly known as "Old Jeffrey" (Tyer- man, ' Life of S. Wesley,' 1866, p. 355). Why was this name chosen ?

When John Wesley was at Charles-Town, in Carolina, in 1737, he visited a man who, though dying, was " still full of the freshest advices, and busy in settling the affairs of the Czarina, Prince Thames, and the Ottoman Port " (' Works,' 1809, i. 243). Who was this Prince Thames ? W. C. B.

WAUGH FAMILY. Can any reader inform me on the following points ? The Rev. John Waugh became Bishop of Carlisle in 1723, and died in 1734. I wish to ascertain into what families his brothers and sisters married. One sister, Jane, was married at St. Peter's, Cornhill, in 1697. The bishop had a son