Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/358

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interesting to remark that mention is made of a certain scout named Bill Codv, no doubt the well-known Col. Cody of the" Wild West show. FRED. G. ACKERLEY.

Care of British Vice-Consulate, Libau.


(9 th S. xi. 227.)

PERHAPS the following notes will help MR. WAINEWRIGHT in dealing with his batch of queries.

No. 1. In the original 'Register of Scholars ' at Winchester there is a marginal note, " rec. ad Oxo. post trans mare quia deprivatus," against the name of Thomas Butler (1546), who is entered as " de Radley, xiij annorum in festo Nat. Sti Johis Bapte pt. Sarum dioc."

No. 2. The ' Composition Books ' at the Record Office show that William Wige, clerk, whose sureties were Andrew Reade, of Faccombe, Hants, and John Deane, of New- bury, Berks, gentlemen, compounded for the first fruits of Faccombe rectory on 15 Oct., 1595. According to the index to these books, the next composition in respect of this rectory was made by Hugh Whistler, clerk, who, as the books show, compounded on 18 May, 1620. I suggest that this William Wige was the Winchester scholar of 1570 who became fellow of New College, Oxford (Kirby, p. 143) ; my reason, which is perhaps somewhatinadequate,beingthataJohnReacFe, of Faccombe, became scholar at Winchester in 1591, and a John Deane, of Newbury, became scholar there in 1610 (Kirby, pp. 155 164). Possibly the William Wygge who is said to have been executed at Kingston Surrey, on 1 Oct., 1588, was William Wiggs of St. John's College, Oxford, M.A. 1570. see Wood's 'Hist, and Ant.,' by Gutch, ii. J45; Wood's 'Fasti,' by Bliss, i. 171, 221

Oxford University Register ' (Oxford Hist T^'ki V< & ip ty Boase), pp. 261, 357 ; vol. ii. (by Clark), pt. ii. p. 28. But an opinion tc the contrary is expressed in the Latin version of the ' Hist, and Ant.' (1674), i 283

No. 3. The will of a John Clare, alien Dominic, of Poole, Dorset, was proved in 1593, P.C C. 44 Novell (Brit. Record Soc.) A Richard Dominick, of Chilmark, Wilts became Winchester scholar in 1527 (Kirby I 1 , 14 )' J* e resi S ned his fellowship at New College, Oxford, to take the college livings a

Witchmgham, Norfolk, for which he com

pounded on 28 May, 1546, and at Sahara

loney, Norfolk, for which he compounded

n 18 Sept., 1546 ('Composition Books'). He eems to have vacated both these livings in r before 1557 (Blomefield and Parkins's Norfolk,' i. 592, iv. 451). He was perhaps dentical with (1) the Richard Dominick who )ecame rector of Stratford Toney, Wilts, in 554, and Canon of Sarum (Warminster) in .558 (Jones's * Fasti Eccl. Sarisb.,' 428), and who, being deprived in 1 Elizabeth, was cheduled as "an unlearned papist, but very tubborn" ('Gal. St. Papers, Add. 1547-1565,' ,3. 521), and also with (2) the Richard Dominick who compounded for Long Critchell ectory, Dorset, 19 June, 1559, and vacated t before 23 Feb., 1560/1 ('Composition 3ooks ').

No. 4. The Winchester scholar to whom !!R. WAINEWRIGHT refers was a Richard ^isbye (Kirby, p. 98), and so also was the warden of the Observant Friars of Canter- Dury who was ' hanged and headed " (Stow) in 1534. See ' Statutes of the Realm,' 25 Hen. VIII. c. 12 ;' Cal. of Letters and Papers, temp. Hen. VIII.,' vols. vi. and vii., indexes ; Gillow, v. 425. The scholar is described in the 'Register of Scholars,' in the list for 1500, as "Ricardus Risbye de Redyng, filius tenentis Winton. [i.e., son of a tenant of the college], x annorum in fo Sti Egidii pt."

No. 5. In spite of what is stated in the ' D.N.B.,' xlviii. 321, it is obvious that the Nicholas Rishton who in 1491 was engaged on the Bishop of Salisbury's behalf at the Roman curia in a suit between the bishop and his chapter (' Fcedera,' vii. 702, ed. 1709) was not identical either with Richard Ryxton, the Winchester scholar of 1402, or with Nicholas Ryxton, the scholar of 1407 (Kirby, pp. 29, 35). The 'Register of Scholars' says that Richard Ryxton " recessit ad Coll. Oxon. anno prsedicti regis [Hen. IV.] viij"; and that Nicholas Ryxton "recessit quia bene- ficiatus anno regis henrici quarti xij." The will of Nicholas Rishton, Canon of Sarum (Netheravon), to whom the biography in the 'D.N.B.' relates, was proved in 1413, P.C.C. 26 Marche (Brit. Record Soc.)

No. 6. John Rugge was holding the pre- bend of Bursalis at Chichester in 1535 (' Valor Eccles.,' i. 301). This was one of the four Wykehamical prebends founded by Bishop Sherborne ('D.N.B,' lii. 69), and Rugge was the first holder of it (Dallaway and Cartwright's 'Chichester,' 69, 113). He may therefore be safely identified with (1) John Rugge, the Winchester scholar of 1488 (Kirby, p. 91), and also with (2) John Rugge, M.A., who became fellow of Winchester College in 1520 (Kirby, p. 8), and who vacated