Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/376

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PIKE FAMILY. Mr. Ralph J. Beevor, 22, Craven Street, Strand, W.O., kindly cites the London Magazine for August, 1766, p. 437 : '* Deaths. Lately, James Pike, Esq., a captain in the Navy." By the courtesy of Mr. S. R. Scargill-Bird, of the Public Record Office, it is learnt that no trace of this officer can be found in any of the Admiralty Lists therein preserved. I should be very grateful for any information as to the existence of any other place from which the desired facts might be ascertained ; also, whether or not there was a military academy conducted in Dublin at any time between the years 1750-72.


Room 606, 1, Park Row, Chicago, Illinois.

ROMAN NUMERALS. An edition in three volumes of * Les Serees de Gvillavme Bovchet, Sievr de Brocovrt,' has the following rubric : "A Roven, Chez Pierre Loiselet, tenant sa bovtiqve, av havt des degrez dv Palais M,VICXV." Is not this way of noting 1615 odd ? I am aware of the treatment of Roman numerals by theAlduses and Elzevirs. In vols. ii. and iii. of 'Les Serees' the address differs slightly, but the date is the same.

H. T.

OLIVER OF LEYTONSTONE. On 27 March, 1771, the House of Commons ordered Brass Crosby, M.P., Lord Mayor of London, to be committed to the Tower. Similar sentence had already been passed on the Lord Mayor's colleague, Alderman Oliver, M.P. The Alder- man had a brother Thomas Oliver, of Ley ton- stone, who left issue. Is anything known of his descendants ? Two brothers, Henry Brough Oliver and Richard Oliver, held commissions in the 8th, or King's, Regiment of Foot between the years 1793 and 1798. To what family did they belong 1

R. O. HESLOP. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

^ GOOD FRIDAY IN 1602. Can any reader of N. & Q.' tell me, or refer me to a work in which I shall find, on what day of what month Good Friday fell in the year 1602 ?


1 CELEBRITIES AND I.' Can some amiable collaborator, as one would write in L'lnter- mtdiaire, demonstrate that the title of this book is grammatical ? To me it seems quite ot the 'between-you-and-I " stage of culture ; but I can hardly think that the publisher's reader would have passed it unless there were more to be said in favour of it than I can nnd to say. I suppose the author discourses concerning celebrities and herself ; she would not say "about, or concerning, I" at least,

I fancy not : she would probably say *' con- cerning me." Well, then, how does her happy conjunction with celebrities alter the gram- matical case of the personal pronoun ? If it be alleged that ' Celebrities and I are the Sub- ject of the Book ' would be the title at full length, I must retreat with the remark that it is too much to expect the man in the street to excogitate such an ellipsis in order to justify a locution which is apparently in- correct. ST. SWITHIN.

HENRY II. AND LINCOLN. I find in 'Lin- colnshire in 1836,' p. 73, that Henry II. " was crowned twice, viz., at London and Lincoln, in the suburb of Wykenford in the valley." Now why did the coronation take place in the suburb ? Can it be that the king and his companions were familiar with the pro- verb which speaks of a u crowned king " and Lincoln? G. W.

VALLEE'S ' BIBLIOGRAPHIE DES BIBLIO- GRAPHIES.' In Roger's 'Manual of Biblio- graphy,' 1891, p. 159, it is stated that the above is in two volumes, 1883-7. I should be glad of more definite information than is here given. Was a supplement issued in 1887 ; and have any further supplements been issued ? F. MARCHAM.

WILLIAM DYNGLEY. Information required about this person, who gave several volumes of manuscripts to Peterhouse Library, Cam- bridge, in the fifteenth century. There was a John Dyngley ; of Charleton, Worcester- shire, Groom of the Privy Chamber, whose recognizance of 5 July, 1515, was cancelled 17 August. 1519 ('Calendar of State Papers, Henry VIII.,' vol. iii. part i. p. 156).


14, Church Street, Chesterton, Camb.


Can any reader supply the words of this old ballad, or state where the same, with the music, can be obtained 1 ADRIAN.

ANDREW JELF was admitted to Westminster School 3 March, 1777. I am anxious to obtain particulars of his parentage and career.

G. F. R. B.

KELYNACK : THE PLACE AND FAMILY. In most maps of Cornwall there is marked a place bearing the name of Kelynack. It is situate near the Land's End. What is the history of this place ? In the west of Corn- wall Kelynack is a well-known surname. Is it connected with the place Kelynack, and what is the origin of the name ?