Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/385

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the Post Office Conveyance Directory for the first time. In 1843 waggons are mentioned for the last time. In 1844 the van service had not ceased, but 1845 is the last year in which even the van is mentioned in the con- veyance list. See * The New Guide ' at the end of the London Post Office Directory for each of the above-mentioned years, namely, from 1807 to 1845. See further ' Observations on Stage Waggons,' by William Deacon, 1807; 'A New and Accurate Description of the Present Great Roads,' (fee., 1756; 'The Laws of Carriers, Innkeepers, Warehousemen, and other Depositories of Goods for Hire,' by Henry Jeremy, A.B., 1815-18; 'The Carriers' Case considered in reference to Railways,' 1841; Hone's 'Year-Book,' 1892, p. 726; the 'Picture of London for 1803/ p. 358; and the 'Middlesex County Records,' vol. iii., 1888 (4 June, 1650). In 1818 the Grand Junction and Paddington canals formed a regular line of water conveyance into Lancashire, the fly boats leaving Pad- dington daily to Liverpool in that year ; and covered caravans for the conveyance of goods only went from the "Castle" Inn, Wood Street, Cheapside, every evening at six o'clock to Lough borough, Derby, Ashbourne, Leek, Macclesfield, Stockport, Manchester, in thirty- six hours, whence goods were forwarded to Liverpool, Warrington, Wigan, Preston, Lan- caster, and all parts of Lancashire ('The Picture of London for 1818,' p. 418).

J. HOLDEN MACMlCHAEL. 161, Hammersmith Road.

In Smiles's 'Lives of the Engineers,' vol. i., pub. 1861 (Murray, Albemarle Street, London), chap. v. p. 362, &c., some details will be found. Until 1750 (see p. 366) the road to Liverpool was very bad. Even then coaches from Man- chester could only reach Warrington. Pro- bably goods for Liverpool could only travel on packhorses or by river. On p. 400 it says that the first vessel passed on 1 January, 1773, to Liverpool through the locks at Run- corn. The regular stage waggons must have begun between 1750 and 1773 all the year round. R. B. B.

NOTES ON SKEAT'S 'CONCISE DICTIONARY' (9 th S. x. 83, 221, 356, 461 ; xi. 43, 141, 235). MR. PLATT says that there is evidence that the standard pronunciation of sigh was sith far into the eighteenth century. Pope's evi- dence is to the contrary. His translations from Ovid were his earliest work ; and the epistle was printed in the year 1717 :

She said ; and for her lost Galanthis sighs, When the fair consort of her son replies.

' Fable of Dryope,' translated from Ovid.

The truest hearts for Voiture heaved with sighs Voiture was wept by all the brightest eyes.

' Epistle to Miss Blount.' E. YARDLEY.

The town of Keighley, in Yorkshire, sup- plies another example of gh being sounded like th In that county the name is invariably pronounced as if it were spelt Keethley. On the other hand, in Essex the personal name Blyth is pronounced Bligh.

HENRY SMYTH. Harborne.

SAN DIEGO (9 th S. xi. 129). The Antiquary in Gald6s's novel ' Narvaez ' says (p. 31) :

" Resultando que ni por una parte ni por otra se puede probar que fuera romano el tal Porcellos, cuyo yerdadero nombre castellano fue Didacus Roderici, que es como decir Diego Rodriguez " ; and p. 52 :

" Su nombre es Didaco 6 Yago, aunque vulgar- mente lo llaman Diego."

"Didacus oder Diego, Bischoff zu Osma in Spanien " (' Universal Lexicon ').

"Diago. Forma antigua de Diego. Etimologfa. Variante de Jacob, por conversion de la j en di, como en el italiano diacere, derivado del latin jacere: Jacob, lacob, Diacob, Diagus, Diago. La mutaci6n de j en di es simetrica de la mutacion de di en j, como se ve en jornal, el trabajo diario ; del latin diurndlis, forma de dies, dia. El origen de Diego, que Monlau sienta, es perfectamente seguro y merece un placeme." The Portuguese form is Diogo.

" Santiago. Etimolqgia. Bajo latin, Sanctus Yagus: castellano antiguo, Sant iago, del latin

logico de la Lengua Espanola ').

San^Diego de Alcala was a lay brother of the Franciscan Order of Minorities. He spent the last thirteen years of his life (1450-63) in the Convent of Santa Maria de Jesus, in Alcala, where he died 12 November, 1463. He was credited with miraculously restoring to health, after the doctors had given him up, Don Carlos, son of Philip II., in 1562, in Alcala. For this, at the instance of the king, he was canonized by Pope Sixtus V. in 1588. His day is 12 November (' Flos Sanctorum,' Rivadeneyra, torn. i. p. 849). A. D. JONES.


Has not Didacus been proposed as the etymology of the name Diego ?


" SURIZIAN " (9 th S. xi. 287). In the Coroner's Roll for London in the year 1277 one Symon de Winton, taverner, is described as lying dead in the house of Robert le Surigien (Riley's 'Lond. Mem.,' 1868, p. 12); but with only the brief context given by