Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/397

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and why this appropriation was first made? It is now generally recognized, I believe, but I know of no early authority for it.

J. T. F. Durham.

LONDON MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. It is a melancholy thing to see the rapidly decay- ing tombstones in the old churchyards of London. To the genealogist it means a great loss. Has any systematic attempt been made to copy and print the inscriptions'? The only modern books I know are Mr. Cansick's three volumes. W. C. B.

BEN JONSON'S EPIGRAM LVI. 'ON POET- APE.' Is there any proof that this sonnet- epigram was aimed at Shakespeare, as "Baconians "assume? E. C. D.

'EiKON BASILIKE' MOTTO. Will any one kindly explain the motto attached to early copies of ' Eikon Basilike ' ? TO Xi ovSfv r}8LKrj(T T-TJV Tr6X.iv ov8e TO KaTTTra.

Mr. Almack traces it to the ' Misopogon ' of Julian the Apostate, and applies it to the Emperor Constantius, but does not explain it. Do Xi and Kdinra stand for Charles and Carolus ? and how did the saying apply to Constantius ? W. T.

"HUGELY." This ugly adverb seems to be gaining ground. Is it of ancient date? Madame Sarah Grand uses it in her curious lecture on 'Mere Man,' and I have just come across it in the Eton Miscellany of 1827. If " hugely," why not " bigly " 1 But why either, in the face of " greatly " and " largely " 1

J. B. McGovERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, (J.-on-M., Manchester.

[Wyclif (1380) supplies the first quotation in the 'H.E.D.']

MAYORS' CORRECT TITLE AND THEIR PRECE- )ENCE. Can any one inform me what mayors are entitled to be called " the Right Worship- ful"? I have always understood that the mayors of the old towns I think the county towns whose charters were in existence before the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act are entitled to be called "the Right Worshipful." I may say this term is applied to the Mayor of Shrewsbury, and was cer- tainly used in official documents in 1649, if not earlier. With regard to precedence, as there may be several mayors here at our celebration of the 500th anniversary of the battle of Shrewsbury, I should like to know in what manner I can ascertain their proper precedence. Does it depend entirely on the date of their first extant charter ; and would the mayor of a small county borough, with

an old charter, take precedence of the mayor of an important town with a new one?


DE BRADFIELD PEDIGREE. Is anything snown of the descendants of Ralph de Bradfeld, who in 1278 suffered a fine and recovery of the same in favour of Ralph Muscat, of the parish of Wakeley, Hertford- shire (Ped. Fin., 7 Ed. I., No. 101, Record Office), and William de Bradfield, who in 1340 granted the manor of Aspenden to John Dawe, parson of the church at Bradfeld or Bradfield or Bradefelle, Herts (Ped. Fin., 13 or 14 Ed. III., No. 210, Herts, Record Office)? FRED. W. FOSTER.

102, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood.

GAOL DELIVERIES, 1523. Failing to find any clue in these documents, I ask if there are any others likely to shed any light on a trial for murder at Leighton Buzzard.

A. \j* H.

POEMS ON MISCHIEF. Can any reader of

  • N. & Q.' kindly help me to information as

poems on mischief as typified in young ildren? Is there any collection of the kind? If not, any references to individual poems on the subject would be acceptable.

EDWARD LATHAM. 61, Friends' Road, E. Croydon.

"ViTA POSSE PRIORE FRUi." Can any one tell me whereabouts in any Latin author these words are to be found ? H. MILLS.

Clyde House, Ventnor.

WATER-EMMETS, 1705. The following ex- tract from the Trans. Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Archceol. Soc., New Series, iii. 14, contains words of which I should like an explanation (the italics are mine) :

"June 18 [1705], Munday. Early to meet M r Gibbon at W. Gasgarth's ; whence we went to Threlkeld Tarn, to fish (as it prov'd) for nothing but Water-Emmets, no fish being ever known to live in y* cold Lake." Bishop Nicolson's ' Diaries,' pt. iii. No book I possess contains the words ; what do they represent ? S. L. PETTY.


[Is it possible the word might be a misreading of newt ?]


charming book 'A Girl in the Karpathians ' the authoress says with reference to a French collection of tales which cheered her in her solitude :

" Talk of the ancien regime I don't know how many regimes ago that book must have been written ; and how immensely I enjoyed the faint pressed pansy scents that its dear, dead, dry artificial tales exhaled. There is only one that I remember, ' La