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9>s.xi.MAY3o,i903.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The Kev. Lancelot's mother was Sarah Till, who was sister toiny great-grandmother Catherine Till, who married the Rev. Dr. Boyer, by whom the Rev. Lancelot was educated, and their mother was first cousin to Mary Gilbert, who was mother to the celebrated Mary Eleanor Bowes, who married the ninth Earl of Strathrnore.

Besides the literary work referred to by MR. AXON, the Rev. Lancelot Sharpe corrected the proofs of Woodfall's edition of the Bible, 1804, published 1806. FRANCIS H. RELTON.

9, Broughton Road, Thornton Heath.

The following amusing anecdote concern- ing S. T. Coleridge is narrated by John Payne Collier in his ' Old Man's Diary,' only twenty-five copies of which are said to have been printed. The poet had been complain- ing of his wife's conduct in feeling terms to H. J. Rose, then Master of King's College School, London, only recently founded :

"June 11, 1833. Again Coleridge wiped his ' large gray eyes,' and went ou to apologise for the trouble he was giving. Rose assured him that his main trouble was to see a friend so unhappy ; and, after beating about the bush for some time longer, Cole- ridge declared he could never live with his wife again, if she were not brought to her senses. Rose here began to fear that Mrs. Coleridge had literally gone out of her mind ; but Coleridge reassured him upon that head, adding, however, that a sane woman could hardly have required of her husband what she had expected from him, viz., that on the coldest mornings, even when the snow was on the ground, and icicles hanging from the eaves of their cottage, she compelled him to get out of bed in his night-shirt and light the fire before she began to dress herself and the baby." Pt. iii. p. 81.

JOHN PICKFORD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

OBELISK AT ST. PETER'S (9 th S. viii. 405, 505 ; ix. 109, 255). The following is from " Selectse Chris tiani Orbis Delicise ex Vrbibus Templis Bibliothecis et aliunde. Per Fran- ciscvmSweertivm F. Antverpiensem. Colonise Agrippinse, 1608," p. 14. It may be that it was "In privata Julii iii. bibliotheca," as it follows next after an inscription with that heading :



Quod singular! pietate & magnificentia Obeliscurr mirandse magnitudinis ex ^Egypto olim ab Octauiano Augusto, alii a Caio Caligula in vrbem aduectum, & in Circo dein Vaticano collocatum, ac progressu temporum ruderibus seniisepultum, ex neglecto & infrequent! illustriorem in locum ante liraina Basi- licte sancti Petri, quo cunctis patere, adeoque ingens moles conspicua esse posset, transferendum, eri- gendum, in eiusdemque summitate salutarem Christi Crucem affigendam decreuit ; vt qui Tiberio Imp. quondam dicatus, gentilium superstitioni in-

leruierat, diuino nunc cultui addicendus, Christi le vtroque Csesare, Augusto sub quo natus est, ac Diberio sub quo passus, atque adeo inuictae Crucis le omni Idololatria clarissima yictoriam loco cele- jerrimo demonstret. Ob rem igitur praeclarissime jentatam, felicemq; propediem exitum sortituram,

ot sumptus erogari, tot difficultates superari

cseptas, vrbs votis conceptis, publica acclamatione Magnificentissimu Principem prosecuta lubes gratu- "atur.

Sixto V. P.M. Fidei Catholicee propagatori, Dis- ciplinae Christ, instauratori, pacis coseruatori, virtutum remuneratori, sceierum yindici,

magnarumque rerum auctori, Vrbs egregiis illius beneficiis exhilarata,

Patri sanctissimo & Principi Summarum actionum laude olarissimo

publica laetitia gratulatur : Obelisco magno ad limina S. Petri asportato,

inuictissimaeque cruci dicato, Ad perpetuum Christianse pietatis monumentum.

The obelisk was placed in front of St. Peter's in 1586 i.e., only twenty-two years before Sweerts published his l Delicise.'


FLOGGING AND THE KENNELS (9 th S. xi. 288). May I suggest, in reply to the above query as propounded by Miss MITTON, that it would seem to be possible that the writer of the old book referred to may have, un- wittingly perhaps, used the word "kennels" for " runnels '"? and if so, the allusion becomes at once more understandable. As your querist justly observes, it was (and indeed is) " customary for these kennels to run parallel with, and not across, the road." If " runnels " should be the word intended this would not be so, for as Walford, in 'Old and New Lon- don,' points out (and other writers will doubtless be found to bear out his state- ment),

"among the characteristics of the Strand at this period were the bridges that spanned the various water-courses flowing from the meadows and open fields on the north, and crossing this thoroughfare 011 their way to the Thames." Of course, these little streamlets, brooks, rivulets, and what not, were of unequal size ; some fairly large ditches and gullies needing bridges over them, while others would be mere trickling streamlets at the time, as the same writer says, "when the fields along the north side of the Strand were furrowed with water-courses." Some of these rivulets were of a sufficient size to be carried under the Strand, for of Strand Lane, to quote the same authority, we are told that it

"follows pretty nearly the line of a little brook or rivulet which carried off the water from the higher grounds about Catherine Street and Drury Lane, Stow observing that the Strand was carried over it by a bridge,"