Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/528

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. XL JUNE 27, 1003.

visited all the museums which repay attention, and supplies his impressions concerning the value of the reputed statues and busts of Julius Csesar. The marble statue, heroic size, located in the court oi the Conservatoire on the Capitoline Hill is held to have, on the whole, a weight of authority such as no other statue possesses. For the reproduction of this we must refer the reader to the book, wherein also he must look for the respective value of other monuments. In estimating the worth of Mr. Scott's decisions it must be borne in mind that he is a thick-and-thin admirer of Julius Csesar, and would have his actions illustrated in a play quite other than that of Shakespeare. Upon this matter we will not enter, and we content our- selves with recommending the study of a work which, without putting in any pretensions to infal- libility, should be in an equal degree the delight of the art-lover and the antiquary.

Holy Bible: Revised Version. With Revised Mar- ginal References. (Oxford, Frowde ; Cambridge, Clay & Sons.)

THE University Presses offer now, at a remarkably low price, their edition of the Revised Version of the Holy Bible, the advantages of which, as regards text and appearance, have received constant recog- nition. In its flexible morocco binding, and with its edges gilt upon red, it forms in all respects an ideal edition. Not the least of its claims upon attention is the indexed atlas.

Don Juan, XVIIth and XVII Ith Cantos. (Arliss


IN issuing in a cheap form what are called the seventeenth and eighteenth cantos of 'Don Juan' no claim is, we observe, made for them as being Byron's. This is as well, since Byron's they assuredly are not. Fancy Byron speaking of le (sic) creme of society, making navy rime with suavely and gravely, and machinery with chicanery and feign to be ! Many spurious continuations of ' Don Juan' were issued (see Mr. Coleridge's edition of Byron's poetry). This is obviously one of such.

St. Peter in Rome. By Rev. A. S. Barnes. (Sonnen-

schein & Co.)

THIS is the second edition of a book to which we gave a generally favourable reception on its first appearance (9 th S. v. 178). It is an ingenious argu- ment, founded on topographical considerations, that the body of the great apostle is actually lying beneath the dome of the splendid fane which bears his name. Prof. Lanciani now contributes a pre- fatory letter, in which he lends the weight of his authority to Mr. Barnes's theory, chiefly on the ground of a discovery made by Prof. Marucci in 1901. This was the excavation of an ancient bap- tistry in the catacombs of St. Priscilla, hard by some springs which are believed to be the very " nymphse Sancti Petri" in which the apostle used to baptize. The present Pope, curious to say, so far from encouraging these subterranean investiga- tions, has flatly refused his consent to their con- tinuance.

Although the volume before us is announced as a second edition, it does not appear to have been submitted to any revision. We notice that the misprints which we formerly pointed out (e.g., "guide" for gird, p. 101) still remain unconnected ; and the writer still thinks the comparison of St. Paul to a wolf made in an old inscription "a

strange use " (p. 32), whereas, as we indicated, it is one of the most familiar patristic commonplaces, founded on Jacob's blessing upon Benjamin in Genesis xlix. 27.

The Burlington Magazine. Vol. II. No. 4. (Savile

Publishing Company.)

THIS best of art periodicals opens with an earnest appeal for the public acquisition of Clifford's Inn and the protection of ancient buildings. This we strongly support. Though now in private hands, Clifford's Inn can, we are told, be repurchased at a small advance and preserved for the nation. The magazine renders a high service in protesting against English neglect as regards public monu- ments. We are hopeless of effecting any good, but back up the editor's plea. Eminently interesting in the body of the work are the reproductions from what is called ' The Finest Hunting Manuscript ' extant, and the illustrations preserve their pre- eminence in England. Space fails us to do justice to these, but the judges who preserve the con- secutive numbers will have reason to congratulate themselves upon their wisdom.

MESSRS. PARKER Co. wish to draw attention to the fact that the book reviewed ante, p. 458, and entitled 'The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church : their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees,' edited by Henry R. Percival, D.D., was withdrawn from publication immediately after the review and presentation copies had been sent out in May, 1900.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

F. B. H. (1. "Let sleeping dogs lie." 2. "Pour oil on troubled waters.") No exact answer to either of your queries can be given, nor can we again insert them. For No. 1 we can only refer you to 6 th S. x. 351, 360, 460, &c. ; for No. 2 to 6 th S. x. 440. To facilitate your research we may say that the volume indicated is for July to December, 1884. NOTICE.

Editorial communications should be addressed x> "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- isher "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print ; and to this rule we can make no exception.