Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, July 25, 1903.



Davis (J.) on Richard Nash, 445 Davis (M. D.) on Jewish charm, 293 Davy (A. J.) on cyclealities, 109

Nothing, 333

Daw Raby, Robert NevilPs younger brother 209 De Bradfield pedigree, 389 De la March (Jean Fran?ois), last bishop of St. Pol

de L6on, 428, 515 De Lespina (Anna le Marchioness), buried at Sunder-

land, 1770, 168

De Moro on dairy windows, 237 De Quincey on The Excursion,' 486 Dead, the living, 427, 497 Decastro (J.), his 'Memoirs,' 346 Deedes (C.) on 'Eikon Basilike ' motto, 497

Gilbert (W.), ' De Magnete,' 286 Degrees, American, 506

Delhi, celebration of coronation of Edward VII. at, 21 Demesne, ancient, or Cornwall fee, 153, 210, 371, 449 Deputy-mayor, use of the title, 489 Dereham and Stuart families, 326 418 Devil-lore, 70

Devil's door, explanation of the term, 249, 318 Devon, pre-Conquest Earls of, 52 Devonshire Dumpling, nickname for Hopkins the

wrestler, 329, 473

Devonshire, wrecking in, 126, 196, 233, 274, 393 D'Ewes (Sir S.), his portrait of Sir R. Cotton, 167, 254 Dey (E. M.) on Shakespeariana, 163, 324, 325 Dibdin (Charles), bibliography, 2, 243, 443 Dibdin (E. R.) on Dibdin bibliography, 2, 243, 443

" From the lone shieling," 198

Inn signs by celebrated artists, 317

Keats's ' La Belle Dame sans Merci,' 195

Mona, 194

Mug houses, 278

Newspaper cuttings changing colour, 217 Dickens (C.), engravings in 'The Chimes,' 27; on Maori legend, 369, 411 ; and Seven Dials, 448, 494 ' Dictionary of National Biography ' on William Wal- lace, 166, 316 ; Dr. Offspring Blackall, 464 ; Dean Wm. Henry, 488 ; on John Taylor, 495 ; George Moir, 505 ; Dr. James Xewton, 505 "Dieu et mon clroit," at Hampton Court, 490 Different than, use of the term, 476 Diminutives, Latin, 484 Dioceses and boroughs, arms of, 247, 395 Dive, use and definition of the word, 230, 514 Doctors in the army and military titles, 387, 472 Doctrin, use of the word in 1772, 387 Dodgson (C. ) on " Societas aurata," 148 Dodgson (E. S.) on anagrams, 296

And which, 446

Ant and emmet, 89

Betty or bettee, 227

Cornish rimes in an epitaph, 146

Croke epitaph at Marston, 205

German reprint of Lei^arraga's book, 64, 112, 191, 276, 393

'H.E.D.' jottings, 387

Heuskarian rarity in the Bodleian Library, 32

Hoyarsabal of Cubiburu, 355

Jansenist crucifix, 517

Jeer, 487

Lesing, 28

Oss, its etymology, 452

Dodgson (E. S ) on paraboue, 369

Pindy from pendu, 308

Pre-Reformation practices, 475

Riming epitaph, 487

Salisbury (Lord) on decaying nations, 56

San Diego, 377

Suff and stuff, 488

Trapeza in Russian, 298

"Travailler pour le Roi de Prusse," 496

Unram, 188

Uther and Arthur, 327

W. (E.), translator of ' Theodore ; or, the Peru- vians,' 509

Dodsley (Robert), d. 1764, his biography, 173, 275 Dognoper, a Yorkshire name for beadle, 248, 358, 409 Dollond (John) and the achromatic telescope, 53 Dominic (Richard), recusant Wykehamist, 227, 350 Donald (T. F.) on tandem, 353 Dormer (J.) on Annie of Tharau, 91

City of the Violet Crown, 177

Danteiana, 156

Date of Easter, 117

Half- bull= half-crown, 71

Indigo in Dante, 184

Isabella colour, 49

Living dead, 497

Lucid interval, 137

Lupo-mannaro, 17

Maize, its native country, 357

"Man of Destiny," 348

Misquotations, 13

Motor, 115

' Paston Letters ' and the 'N.E.D.,' 142, 163

Pendugum : carlyng, 17

Plagiarism and platitude, 425

Portrait of Dante, 273

Races of mankind, 236

Retarded germination of seeds, 155

Transcendant, 15, 71 Dorset, hops in, 248 Douglas (J. B.) on "In petto," 289

Taylor (Sir John and Lady), 309 Douglas (Wm.) on Seven Dials", 494 Dove (C. C.) on ' Burial of Sir John Moore,' 143 Dowell (V. W.) on peeler, 474

Drab Coat School, established 1840, particulars of, 502 Drake (H. H.) on Archbishop Temple, 261, 382

Castle Care we, 18

Drelincourt (Mrs.), wife of Dean of Armagh, 168 Dress of London apprentices, 207, 316, 478 Drew (Admiral Andrew), 1792-1878, 248, 351 Drew (C. M.) on Drew family, 351 Drew family, 248, 351

Drummond (H. O.) on " So many gods," 394 Drury (C.) on Tennyson's ' Lord of Burleigh,' 1 Drury (GK T.) on letters of Dorothy Osborne, 445

Londoners of Charles II. 's time, 298 Drury Lane, demolition of Little Wild Street Chapel, 246 Dryden (John), surgeon, of Jamaica, his biography, 29 Dryden (M.) on Reynolds, 510 Dubious on animals in people's insides, 467 Dublin parish registers, 209, 272, 418 Dudley family of Wiltshire, 408, 496 Duels of clergymen, 28, 92, 353 Daffy (Sir C. G.), his ' Two Hemispheres,' 226 Duignan (W. H.) on Hock- : Ocker-, 208