Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/58

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. XL JAN. 17, im.

and married Hannah James. Dr. William Wilson's son Edmund, as well as his grandson Edmund, was a physician in London, which fact may cause some confusion in the records. Any facts or clues you may be able to give me concerning this family will be greatly appreciated. (Miss) OPHELIA MUIR, 2316, De Lancey Place, Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A."

.Replies may be sent direct to the above address. For William Wilson, D.D., see Wood's

  • Athense Oxonierises,' 1691, vol. i. p. 800. For

the two Edmund Wilsons see Munk's 'Roll,' as above. The later of the two was a dis- tinguished physician, who delivered the second Harveian Oration a few days after Harvey's death, and a few weeks before his own in 1657. An account of Nicholas Prideaux and his family is given in the Herald and Genealogist, part xxxiv., July, 1870 ; also see 'N. & Q.,' 2 nd S. x. 347, 419 : xi. 115, 512. W. R. B. PRIDEAUX.

DAIRY WINDOWS. In the village of Wine- ham, in Sussex, is a house with a small window, below which, up to a year ago, I am told, was a board with " Dairy " on it, dating from the time of the window-tax, from which the window of a dairy was exempt. Are there many such in existence ? Also I have heard that in Sussex a "window-peeper" i.e. an inspector of houses in connexion with the window-taxwas used as a term of reproach long after the office had been done away with. C. F. Y.

[We recall windows with "Dairy" written over them, but have not seen such for half a century.]

HOTSPUR'S BODY. In an account of the battle of Shrewsbury written forty years ago it is stated that "nearly four months after the battle Hotspur's mutilated remains were consigned to Elizabeth, Hotspur's widow, when they were once more committed to the grave." I should be glad to know if there is any authority for this statement. If so, where were Hotspur's remains ultimately interred ?

It is well known that Hotspur was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July, 1403, and that his dead body was beheaded the following day, after being publicly exhibited in Shrewsbury. His head was sent to York, where it was set over one of the gates ; his body was quartered, and the quarters were sent to London, Bristol, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, and Chester. It took seventeen men to carry these four quarters to their several destinations, the cost being 13/. 15s. (Foreign Accounts of the Court of Exchequer, 1-6 Henry IV., No. 5, mem. 23).

What proof is there that, four months later, these scattered portions of Hotspur's body were collected from five different places and given to Lady Elizabeth Percy

and buried by her? On 8 October the king issued a warrant for her arrest (Patent Roll, No. 363, mem. 21).

Hotspur's uncle, Thomas Percy (Earl of Worcester), was taken prisoner at the battle, and beheaded shortly afterwards. His head was sent to London and placed over London Bridge. On 18 December, 1403, five months after the battle, a mandate from the king was sent to the sheriffs of London to take down the earl's head and deliver it to John Clifford and Thomas de Burgh, in order to be buried with the earl's body in the Abbey Church of Shrewsbury (Close Roll, 5 Henry IV., pars 1, mem. 25). Is there any similar mandate extant concerning Hotspur's remains'? W. G. D. FLETCHER, F.S.A.

St. Michael's Vicarage, Shrewsbury.

'AYLWIN.' (9 th S. ix. 369, 450 ; x. 16, 89, 150, 471.)

IN answer to MR. JOHN T. PAGE I send the following notes. With regard to " the topo- graphical matters relating to the Snowdon district," the preface merely quotes the re- marks at 9 th S. ix. 353, signed C. C. B., and the remarks in the same number signed SIGN o DDYLI. With regard to the "inner meaning" of the book, the most elaborate discussions on this subject that I have seen are the article in the Journal des Debats, signed Maurice Muret, called ' Un Roman Spiritualiste Anglais,' of 20 October, 1898 ; one in La Semaine Littdraire, called ' Un Roman Poetique en Angleterre,' of 28 January, 1899, signed Henri Jagotett ; the long essay in the Contemporary Review, called ' The Signifi- cance of " Ay 1 win,"' by Dr. Robertson Nicoll, for December, 1898 ; and an admirable essay in one of the religious quarterly reviews, by the Rev. Wilson Eccles, a year later. But wish- ing to make my notes complete, and knowing that the author of 'Aylwin,' as he has so often said in print, has the deepest wish that the "inner meaning" of a book which, as he has also said, was only written for the "inner meaning," should be more widely known than it seems to be, I have obtained his per- mission to transcribe for the readers of 'N. & Q.' the following sentences from the preface to the new illustrated edition of


As far as I remember,

the only objection made

by the critics to 'Aylwin' was that I had imported into a story written for popular acceptance too many speculations and broodings upon the gravest of all subjects the subject of love at struggle with