Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/128

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. xn. AUG. s, 1903.

1484 (60Y.), sold ; a collection of Lever's works, 40Z. ; a Luther's * Enchiridion,' first edition ; some fine Lydgates ; Mandevilles of various dates from 1497 ; a MS. of Martial, dated 1477; 'Poems of Andrew Marvell,' 1681 (21/.); 'Paradise Lost,' first edition (two copies); 'Mirrour for Magistrates,' 1610; and many fine Missals. These are but a few out of a very large number of rarities. For the sake of the reproduced illustrations the catalogue is a desirable possession.

One hundred and twenty-five pounds are asked by Henry Young & Son, of Liverpool, for a splendid MS. Missal of 1494, and forty-five pounds for a fine Hogarth, 1735-1808. Nat Lee's ' Works,' 1734, are 3 guineas, and a large-paper Middleton, 3/. Pope's

  • Works,' Elwin and Courthope, full bound, are

67. 6s. ; Robson and StephanofFs ' Brandenburg House,' 1820, 10/. The catalogue, which is general, contains some interesting portraits, and many works of great interest to the archreologist.

Miscellaneous is also the catalogue of Maggs Brothers, as compared with that they sometimes issue. A Brunet's 'Manuel du Libraire,' with the supplements, latest edition, 1860-80, is priced 10/. ISa. It looks as if this were to be the last edition, since we hear no promise of another. A Burns of 18UO, on special paper, is charged 11. Is., and a ' Pilgrim's Progress,' 1796, 51. 5s. Campbell's ' Works,' uncut, with Turner's plates, choice copy, is 10/. 10$. There are lots of so-called "Court Memoirs." Thirty volumes of the Monthly Mirror (11. 18*.) have become very scarce. Other works under drama repay attention. An extra-illustrated Campbell's 'Siddons' is 9/. 9*., and one of Shep- pard s ' St. James's Palace ' the same sum. A com- plete set of first editions of Dickens is 2851. A collection of Sir George Cornewall Lewis's works, 12 vols., is 26Y. Tracts concerning the French Revolution comprise some curious works. The Percy Society's publications do not now often occur. Pickering s ' British Poets,' wreath edition, are priced 551. , and 21 vols. of Ranke, 17/. 17*. Rogers's ' Works,' with Turner's illustrations, and Whistler's 'Gentle Art of making Enemies' are valuable items in a catalogue full of such.

Messrs. Rimell <fc Sons have removed from Oxford Street to Shaftesbury Avenue, whence they issue a catalogue largely consisting of books on history, sport, drama, travel, &c. Among interesting items are a Matthew's Bible, 1549, a fine and well-bound copy, price 16V. 10*. ; an 'Aurelii Augustini Opera/ 1516, from the library of \Villiam Morris ; Burton's 'Arabian Nights' (34/. 10*.); Bonn's 'Extra Volumes' (21. 16".) ; Burns's ' Poems,' third edition, London, 1787 (51. 5*.); 'Cruikshauk's Illustrations to Bentley, &c., ? India large paper; some scarce early Dickens; Dorat's ' Baisers, pn-cedes du Mois de Mai,' well bound, but not large paper (231 ) ' Le Centre de 1'Amour,' 1698, a book of emblems of which we have not previously heard (28/.) a Granger's ' History,'" grangerized" ; 'Illuminated Illustrations to Froissarf; 'The Heptameron ' 1780-1 (14/. 15-.); Parkinson's 'Herbal'; N &Q. 93 vols., with Indexes (35/.); Nichols's 'Literary Anecdotes ' ; Seymour's ' Trip to Margate ' ' The Variorum Shakespeare,' 21 vols., extra-illustrated (6): ihackeray'a novels, first editions (20/.)- Prynne s Histrio-Mastix ' (11. IK.).

What is most interesting in the miscellaneous catalogue of Albert Sutton, of Manchester, must be sought under headings such as India, Lancashire, Military. There are also a Du Bartas, 1641 a set

of the Geographical Society's publications; and a United Service Journal, 106 vols.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, whose London catalogue we have recently noticed, issues a Reading catalogue, out of the miscellaneous items in which some inter- esting books may be selected.

Murray's Nottingham Book Store offers a Drayton, 1613, imperfect, priced 61. 6-s\ ; Gerard Legh's 'Accedens of Armory,' 1562 (121. 12s.); Lubbock's ' Hundred Best Books ' ; a curious collection of the sextus parts of old madrigals ; a Sandys' s ' Ovid,' 1632. A propos of an item ' Atalanta in Calydon,' first edition, announced in the original red cloth, we are rather fogged. We can only suppose Moxon's reprinted edition is meant. There are a fine ' Com- plete Angler,' 1824; Watts's 'Guide to Prayer'; and some early Bibles.

Mr. Francis Edwards issues a clearance catalogue of books and coloured prints and mezzotint por- traits. The former are principally, but not wholly, of recent date ; and there are few headings literary, artistic, or scientific under which the searcher will not find desiderata.

Mr. Charles Highanvs August catalogue contains selections from privately purchased libraries of clergymen. It contains a number of works on foreign and colonial missions, and interesting Wesleyan books, including a set of the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine from its commencement by the Rev. John Wesley in 1778, under the title of the Arminian Magazine, retained until 1797, when it became The Methodist Magazine, the word Wesleyan being added in 1822. The price of the set, 1778-1884, is

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