Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/157

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kindly, and collected them into an orchard. A children's festival is held yearly in the town in honour of the occurrence. My friend thought the town was Hamburg, but suggested that it might be in Bohemia. I have not come across such an episode in Bohemian history. Can any reader direct me 1 ? FRANCIS P. MARCHANT.

Brixton Hill.

LODOWICK CARLELL. I seek information concerning Lodowick Carlell (Carlisle, Car- Hell), a courtier and dramatist of the reigns of Charles I. and Charles II., especialty con- cerning the period 1649-60.

CHARLES H. GRAY. No. 243, East Sixty-first Street, Chicago. [Many particulars are supplied in the ' D.N.B.']

AUTOGRAPHS. Will any reader kindly in- form me as to the best way of disposing of a collection of valuable autographs and auto- graph letters, either singly or together 1

(Miss) A. L. COUPER.

Camberley, Surrey.

[Send them into a literary auction-room with, if necessary, a reserve price. ]

THACKERAY'S MOUSTACHE. In a note on Samuel Laurence's portrait of Thackeray that representing the novelist's face in full the Illustrated London News of 13 October, 1855, says :

"It is not, we must confess, altogether true to his present appearance : for it wants a recent and becoming addition to the upper lip, in the shape of a black moustache, that contrasts most admirably with a head of silver grey ; but it is like the man, and will be welcome to his many admirers."

The reference here to the moustache is interesting, for the reason that every portrait of Thackeray (with one exception) represents him with a clean-shaven upper lip, the ex- ception being Maclise's pencil drawing of the famous " Titmarsh," which, however, belongs to a much earlier date (viz., about 1840), and in which there is just a suspicion of a mous- tache. Presumably the hirsute appendage of 1855 was merely a passing fancy, which the razor speedily disposed of. I should be glad to know if there exists any portrait of Thackeray of that date showing the mous- tache. F. G. KITTON.

St. Albans.

GORE. Can any genealogical contributor inform me as to the mother of Judith and wife of John Gore ? Judith Gore married in 1744 Joseph Townsend, M.P., the father of Gore Townsend, of Honington Hall, War- wick, who died 1826. KATHLEEN WARD.

Castle Ward, Downpatrick.

HALL. Who was the mother of Frances Hall, coheiress, who married John Weston, High Sheriff for Surrey 1687 1


Castle Ward, Downpatrick.

VERGERS. Can some reader kindly give me a reference to any statute or canon re- gulating the number of vergers to bishops, deans, and archdeacons respectively, or re- ferring to vergers generally 1


"KILLEN" OR " KEELING "= A BARN. I shall be much obliged if any one can in- form me whether in Yorkshire or West- morland there is in use a word like killen keelin, keeling, or skeeling, meaning a barn and what is the origin of the word.

C. A. B.

[No such word is traceable in that sense in the ' English Dialect Dictionary.']

W. H. CULLEN. Information is sought concerning this person, who wrote 'Flora Sidostiensis ; or, a Catalogue of the Plants indigenous to the Vicinity of Sidmouth,' published by W. S. Hoyte at Sid mouth, and Simpkin, Marshall & Co., of London, in 1849. He was M.D. and F.R.S.E. Who was Robert Dickson, M.D., F.L.S., to whom the pamphlet is dedicated 1



PICTURE OF HOUSE OP COMMONS. Can you inform me whether the picture of the 'Interior of the Old House of Commons during the Moving of the Address to the Crown at the Meeting of the First Reformed Parliament, 5th February, 1833,' painted by Sir George Hay ter, has ever been engraved 1 It was purchased by Her Majesty's Govern- ment in July, 1858, and presented the same year to the National Portrait Gallery, where it now is. For whom was it painted, and from whom purchased ? D. K. T.

JOHN EDWARDES, OF HIGHGATE. Can any correspondent kindly give particulars of the ancestry of John Edwardes, of Highgate, London, merchant, whose daughter Mary married, 1749, Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart, and Sarah married, 1765, Sir Thomas Cave, Bart.? WM. JACKSON PIGOTT.

WITHAM ARMS. In the early part of the seventeenth century a member of a family in which I am interested married a lady of the family of Witham of Yorkshire, and her arms impaled with his own appear on a con- temporary monument. Being anxious to learn the correct blazon, I looked into books