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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. xn. OCT. 10, 1903.

the belief that the edition which they attri- bute to Scattergood must have had his name on the title-page or in the preface ; for it seems unlikely that a mere tradition could have preserved the name of the author of the notes and parallel references through a space of thirty years. It is to be hoped that further evidence may yet be found, either in the way of contemporary reference to Scatter- good's Bible, or of an actual copy with internal evidence of the authorship of the notes. It should be added that the late Mr. Quaritch, in a letter to the writer, stated that he thought he had once seen such a copy ; but he was unable to afford any more definite information.

With this preamble of my own, I now con- tinue in my father's words :

For many years after the publication of * Critici Sacri' much "of Dr. Scattergood's time must have been given to a laborious work, the exact facts con- cerning which are curiously obscure. This was the preparation of an edition of the Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures, which he had enriched by " the addition of many thousands of new references and parallel passages, and which was published in 1678 by J. Hayes, the University printer at Cam- bridge, one of many editions of the Bible issued by that publisher.

The chief authorities for the above statement are the following :

1. (The earliest* hitherto met with) Jacobi Le Long, " Bibliotheca Sacra, seu syllabus omnium ferine Sacra Scriptures editionum ac versionum," Leipsize, MDCCIX., vol. ii. sectio quinta, p. 335, ' Biblia Anglica ab Anglicanis Edita' :

"Biblia Regia" (i.e., the Authorized Version), "multis locis parallelis locupletata per Anton. Scattergood, Cantabrigian, 1678"; and there follow continuously in the same paragraph the dates, sizes, and places of publication (Camb., Oxon., Lond.) of nine other editions of the dates 1680, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1687, concluding thus: "Eadem cum annotationibus Matthei Poli, 2 vol. in folio, Londini, 1688."

This suggests perhaps that the nine mentioned in the paragraph after Scattergood's were successive editions of his Bible.

2. In an edition of N.T., "with references espe- cially arranged in regard to the text for convenience of study" by the Rev. Francis Fox, M.A., vicar of

  • The London Gazette of 2-5 November, 1696

(No. 3233), contains the following advertisement : " There is newly Printed at Oxford, by the Univer- sity Printers, a Bible, in 4to, of a fair new Letter, and good Paper, with Dr. Scattergood's Notes, and a Chronology with Common Prayer, Apocrypha,

and Singing Psalms This is no doubt the

edition mentioned by Hartley in his ' Catalogus Universalis' (Brit. Mus., 619, b. 5), "Bible, on a fair letter with Dr. Scattergood's notes, Oxon 169 " (w). The Gazette of 10-14 April, 1701 (No. 369(5), and also that of 19-20 July, 1703 (No. 3933), have advertisements of Bibles, published in London and Oxford, folio and 4to respectively,

  • 'with several Thousand References more than

Dr. Scattergood's."

Potterne, Wiltshire, London, 1722 (B.M. 1004, e. 3), in the preface (p. 6), speaking of the marginal references in our Bibles and their authors, Jbox says " the first who seem to have done it were the translators of the Holy Scriptures " (meaning the A.V.); "afterwards many more were added by Dr Scattergood ; last of all some references of that admirable textuary, Dr. Lloyd, the late learned Bp. of Worcester, were added " ; and at p. 9 he states that in his edition he distinguishes by signs prefixed (asterisk, dagger, &c.) these several sources of each reference.

On a comparison of a chapter (the second of Ephesians) in this edition with the 'Annotations' edited by Scattergood from Abp. Williams's library, it is evident that Scattergood added others besides a selection from those in that work.

3. The Rev. J. Lewis, 'History of the English Translations of the Bible,' p. 344, 2nd edition, London, 1739 (Brit. Mus. 1017, f. 13), says, "In 1678 was this Bible published at Cambridge by the University printer, J. Hayes, with the addition of many parallel texts by Antho. Scattergood, D.D., rector of Wilwick [sic] and Elverton [sic] in Northamptonshire." These words also occur ver- batim in the ' History of Translations of the Bible ' prefixed to Lewis's edition of Wiclif's New Testa- ment, published eight years before, in 1731 (B.M.

4.' The Rev. C. Crutwell in his ' Concordance of Parallels,' 4th edition, 1790, gives in the prefatory- pages to both Old and New Testaments the authori- ties from whom, his references are derived, and in both places includes " English Bible with Dr. Scattergood's references, 1678."

5. Ducarel's List. (Brit. Mus. 218, k. 17.) " A list of various editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from the year 1526 to 1776. From a MS. (No. 1140) in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lam- beth, much enlarged and improved." On a blank leaf at the beginning is written in an old hand, " This is the 1st edition of what is generally called Dr. Ducarel's List." At p. 13 we find

"B. with parallel texts by Anthony Scattergood (Cambridge, John Hayes, 1678, fol.)."

6. The Rev. C. Crutwell, edition of the Bible published at Bath, 1785, " with Bp. Wilson's Notes." (Brit. Mus. 1009, g. 1.) On p. 21 of the " Editor's Preface " the following passage occurs :

" In 1677 a Bible was printed by Hayes at Cam- bridge with many references added to the first edition" (i.e., presumably to the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version), " and in 1678 a Bible also was printed at Cambridge with still more references, the labour of Dr. Scattergood, rector of Wilwick and Elverton [sic] in Northamptonshire, and one of the compilers of the ' Critici Sacri.' "

This is evidently copied from Lewis, whose mis- takes of Wilwick for Winwick and Eiverton for Yelvertoft are reproduced. Crutwell adds that this was published at Cambridge in quarto, 1683. At the beginning of this Bath edition Dr. Ducarel's list (apparently with some amplification) is printed, and contains the following references :

"B. with additional parallel texts, Cambridge, J. Hayes, 1677, quarto."

"B. with parallel texts by A. Scattergood, D.D.. 1678, 4to."

Also, further down the list :

"B. with Dr. Scattergood's parallel texts and Bp. Wilson's notes in MS., Oxford, 4to, Bodleian Library."