Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/295

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9* s. xii. OCT. 10, iocs.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Quality Court. It hath a very good Freestone pavement neatly kept. The houses that are on the South side have a prospect into Serjeant Rawlin- son's Garden."

From which ifc appears that the place was first known as New Court, and subsequently, for the reason given above, acquired the name of Quality Court, which it has since retained. Possibly the fact that there was a New Court in Carey Street, almost within the distance of a stone's-throw, may have facilitated the change in the name.


WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct. _____

LOPE DE VEGA. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' say in which of Lope de Vega's multitudinous works the following striking lines may be found ?

Si culpa concebir ; nacer, tormento ; Guerra, vivir ; la muerte, fin humano : Si despues de hombra, tierra, y yil gusano ; Y despues de gusano, polvo, y viento ; Si viento, nada, y nada el f undamento ; Flor, la hermosura ; la ambicion, tirano : La fama y gloria, pensamiento : Y vano en quanto piensa el pensamiento ; Quien anda en este mar para anegarse ? De que sirve en quimeras consumirse? Ni pensar otra cosa, que salvarse? De que sirve estimarse, y preferirse ? Buscar memoria, habiendo de olvidarse ? Y edificar, habiendo de partirse ?

This quotation is given at the back of the title-page of the unfortunate Dr. Polidorl's ' Essay upon the Source of Positive Pleasure,' London, 1818. JAMES HOOPER.


FORESTEAL : FORESTALL. 1. I shall be appreciatively grateful to learn when the old English word foresteal was first intro- duced into the English language, and at about what date its spelling was altered to forestall.

2. In old English foresteal originally meant to waylay, lie in wait or ambush so as to intercept or cut off either a person or an animal. Later this word foresteal meant also to lie in wait for and buy up from the fresh- food producers (like fishermen, butchers, merchants, &c.) the victuals before the food came to the markets or fairs, so as to enhance the price of food to the consumer. The crime consisted in the forestealer or forestaller buying wholesale to sell again

wholesale, without distributing the foods direct to the consumer.

3. Curiously enough, in modern thieves' language the word forestall denotes the look- out or spy ruffian, who walks in advance of the professional garotter who commits the assault and robbery upon the victimized wayfarer on the highway. What was the date of the introduction into the English language of this meaning of forestall or fore- stall ?

4 Does the old English word foristealler (which meant the man who illegally spied, sneaked, stole, and sold game and deer de- rived from other persons' forests, &c., like the present professional poacher) come from forest-stealer or forestealler ?

5. In many old Acts of Parliament the same word in the same Act is often spelt in two or more ways, apparently on accidental phonetic variations. About what date was accurate definite spelling introduced into the English language 1


30, Sussex Square, Brighton.

[The 'N.E.D.' devotes nearly three columns to forestall and its derivatives, the dated quotations showing the varying forms of the word from Anglo- Saxon times.]

GARY, CAREW, CORY, GORY, is the origin of the above name 1 ? I should be glad to hear from any one writing a history of the family. F. HERBERT.

26, Castellain Road, W.

[The Carey family and name were discussed at considerable length 6 th S. ix., x. See also the General Indexes under Care w and Carey. MR. T. W. CAREY seems to be engaged on the task.]

CUNNINGHAM. Mortogh Cunningham rented a property at Killeen, co. Limerick, on the borders near Mitchelstown, co. Cork from Lord Kingston, in 1721, and died there a few years later. He had sons Edmond and Thomas, and I think a brother Anthony his wife's name was Rodentia. Have any or your readers seen such name in any pedigrees of Cunningham 1 R. S. CLARKE.

Bishops Hull, Taunton.

LELAND'S ' ITINERARY.' Is it not about time that an annotated and cheap edition of Leland's ' Itinerary ' was published ? A series of Itineraries, including William of Worcester's and John Nordens, would be valuable, edited in the light of recent scholar- ship. VIAD.

ELIZABETH ANDREWS, PRINTER. Can any one give me information as to Elizabeth Andrews, a London printer 1 I have a broad- side black-letter ballad, apparently of about