Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/376

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. XIL NOV. 7, 1903.

be useful. In the years 1857 and 1858 he collected materials for a detailed biography of the bishops of the national Church- English and colonial. Were these materials ever used ? T. CANN HUGHES, M.A., F.S.A.


[The ' D.N B.' states that Walcott died at 58, Belgrave Road, London, and was buried in Brompton Cemetery.]

WILLIAM GALE, son of Henry Gale, of St. Elizabeth's, Jamaica, was admitted to Westminster School 19 September, 1777. Further information concerning^ him is desired. G. F. K. B.

SIR JOHN BOWRING. What has become of his album of autographs L. L. K.

A PRIVY COUNCIL IN A PRIVATE HOUSE. The following announcement in the official Court Circular, dated "Buckingham Palace, Oct. 20," appears to merit special preserva- tion :

" His Majesty the King held a Council at Wyuyard Park last evening. There were present : The Duke of Devonshire, the Marquess of Londonderry, the Karl of Kintore, and the Right Hon. Walter Long,

" Mr. Almeric FitzRoy was in attendance as Clerk of the Council.

" His Majesty declared in Council the Marquess of Londonderry, K.G., as Lord President of the Council, when the Marquess of Londonderry took the oath of office and kissed hands."

When last did a British monarch hold a meeting of the Privy Council in the house of a subject whom the sovereign was visiting ? That that subject should himself be the new Lord President, and that lie should be sworn before his immediate predecessor, who had resigned because of a difference on ministerial policy, adds interest and even piquancy to the situation. POLITICIAN.

FALL OF SAGUNTUM, 1727. I have in my possession a copy of " The History of Sagun- tum, by A. B., 1727," and " The Fall of Saguntum, by Phil. Frowde, Esq., 1727," both bound in one volume quarto. The peculiarity is that each octavo leaf of both pieces is bound between leaves of paper quarto size, which bear the watermark of " J. Green, 1822." Further, between the history by A. B. and the play, there is inserted what appears to be a contemporary illustration of a symbolical character, representing, so far as I can make out, Hercules, and perhaps Jupiter, seated on a bank of cloud, while on the earth underneath are buildings in a ruined condition, and the tents of an en- camped army. Not a living thing, man or beast, is visible. Following this illus-

tration comes the title-page; and here I should say that a former possessor has written out, on one of the blank leaves, a long list of plays having the title beginning ' Fall of.' Among them he has noted, " 8vo, 1794. Fall of Robespierre Hist., <fec., by S, T. Coleridge not acted." The handwriting of this list is the same as that of a note on a fly-leaf at the beginning of the book, " 8vo, 1727. Collated 1823." Following the title- page there is the dedication, " To the Plight Honourable Sir Robert Walpole "Horace Walpole's father and then comes "The List of Subscribers' Names." In two copies of this play in the British Museum I under- stand this list of subscribers is wanting. If rank confers distinction, the list is not lacking in noble and influential names ; but of most interest to us are those of "William Congreve, Esq."; "Alexander Pope, Esq."; and "Sir Richard Steele." After this list follow the leaves containing the text. The quarto is bound in half green calf, carmine edges, and lettered up the back, "History of Saguntum. By A. B. Fall of Saguntum. By P. Frowde 1727." On the upper cover, stamped on the leather in gold, is a crest representinga horse rampant, holding between its forefeet what appears to be a mortar. On the under cover, also stamped on the leather in gold, in old English characters, are the initials "J. L. C." I should be obliged if some kind reader could tell me for whom these initials stand, also about the crest, and give any other information regarding the book above described. A. S.

CANTALOUP. We all know that this is the name of a species of melon, and that the word is derived from the Italian town Canta- lupo. But what does Cantalupo mean 1 The fable of ' Lupus and Agnus ' and the story of k Little Red Ridinghood ' have made us familiar with a " talking " wolf, but one would hardly connect " singing " with that animal. W. T. LYNN.


QUEEN ELIZABETH'S POCKET PISTOL. What is the real history of the famous " Long Tom " at Dover Castle? I note that the published descriptions state that it was cast at Utrecht in 1544. In reality the inscription on the breech only runs "Jan Tollhuys van Utrecht, 1544." Is anything known of this founder? Above the breech is a coat of arms, viz., 1 and 4, six cheyronels ; 2 and 3, a fess en- grailed ; on an inescutcheon above a fess a cross saltire compony. On the muzzle are a male and female figure, entitled respectively "Scalda" and "Libertas." The figures on