Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/403

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g* a xii. NOV. H, 1903.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Lambeth, Archceologia, vii. 251.

Leverton, Lincolnshire, ibid., xii. 333.

Louth, Lincolnshire, ibid., x. 70.

Mipchinhamptou, Gloucestershire, ibid., xxxv. 409.

Stratton, Cornwall, ibid., xlvi. 195.

Wing, Buckinghamshire, ibid., xxxvi. 219.

Wymondham, Norfolk, ibid,, xliii. 270.

Kirton-in-Lindsey, Proceedings of Society of Anti- quaries, 14 April, 1864.

The Reports of the Historical MSS. Commis- sion contain churchwardens' accounts at the fol- lowing places, and, I think, elsewhere : vol. iii. 271, 329, 367 ; vol. v. 571, 593, 607 ; vol. viii. 277.

The Topographical Series of " The Gentleman's Magazine Library" contains many extracts from churchwardens' accounts. The volumes are well indexed.

The Wilts Record Society issued in 1896 the churchwardens' accounts of St. Edmund and St. Thomas, Saruni, extending from 1443 to 1702, under the editorship of the Rev. James Fowle Swayne. It is a very valuable book. The churchwardens' accounts of Croscombe, Pilton, Yatton, Tintinhull, Morebath, and St. Michael's, Bath, from 1349 to 1560, were edited in the year 1890 by Bishop Hob- house for the Somerset Record Society.

Is it too much to hope that some studious and accurate person will compile a cata- logue of the churchwardens' accounts which are already in print, in whole or in part? Such a work would be most useful for those who study local and even general history, and it cannot be doubted that it would act as a stimulant and lead to the production of others which at present remain in manuscript. EDWARD PEACOCK.

Probably your correspondent will find the information required in * How to Distinguish and Study Old Documents,' by E. E. Thoyts. A second and revised edition will shortly be published by Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

JOHN SOUTH, LL.B. (9 th S. xii. 309). This Wykehamist was instituted rector of Roth er- field Peppard, Oxfordshire, on 18 March, 1624/5. In the bishop's certificate of the institution he is described as John South, clerk, LL.B., and the certificate states that he was presented to the living by Robert Pincke, S.T.D., Warden of New ' College, Oxford, who had acquired the right of pre- sentation from Sir Francis Stonor, of Stonor, Oxfordshire, Knt. At or about the date of his accepting the living, South vacated his fellowship at New College, and ceased to be Regius Professor of Greek. Besides being rector of Rotherfield Peppard, he was vicar of Writtle, Essex, and was buried at Writtle when he died in August, 1672. He was pre- sented to Writtle by New College, but at what date I do not know.

John South, LL.B., was evidently a distinct person from the John South who was collated to the vicarage of St. Uny Lelant, Cornwall, on 8 February, 1622/3, and who is described in the bishop's certificate of the collation as a Master of Arts. The two men are distin- guished in Foster's ' Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714,' p. 1391, Nos. 20 and 21, where it is stated that the vicar of St. Uny Lelant was of Christ's College, Cambridge, M.A. 1622, and incorporated at Oxford in 1624.

I imagine that John South, of Writtle, who became scholar at Winchester College in 1643, and also John South, of Rotherfield Peppard, who became scholar there in 1670, were members of the family of John South, LL.B. Precise information on the point would be welcome. H. C.

FLINT BUILDINGS (9 th S. xii. 328). This subject has already engaged the attention of correspondents of ' N. & Q.'; see 4 th S. v. 446, 570; vi. 204, 291. Norwich, West Moon Church, Hampshire, Suffolk, Isle of Wight, and Yarmouth, with other seaside places, are particularly referred to.


71, Brecknock Road.

A HISTORY OF BOOKSELLING (9 th S. xii. 267, 316). I have made inquiry of the family of the late Mr. Triibner, but have failed in obtaining any information as to the existence of the MS. mentioned by MR. AXON.


DR. ANTHONY SCATTERGOOD'S BIBLE (9 th S. xii. 281, 303). It may be worth while putting on record that the late Mr. J. R. Dore con- sidered Scattergood's Bible of 1678 to have been at one time comparatively common. He told me that, for some reason or other, it seemed to have mysteriously disappeared, and that he had been unable to meet with a copy, though he might have easily obtained half a dozen copies at one time had he wanted them. I am sure of the date, as I made at the time a memorandum of the details he gave' 4 1678, folio, J. Hayes, Cam- bridge, Dr. Scattergood's notes."


CHILDREN'S CAROLS AND LULLABIES (9 th S. xii. 348). Perhaps ' Nursery Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles,' the Camden edition, compiled Mrs. Valentine (London, Frederick Warne & Co.), would be of use.


WILLIAM WARE (9 th S. xii. 350). I suspect MR. STILWELL means William Yare, of Read- ing, who was a bellfounder between 1610 and 1619. He succeeded his father-in-law Joseph