Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/533

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904,



Books recently published :

Bloom's (J. H.) Shakespeare's Garden, 259 Bodley's (J. E. C.) Coronation of Edward VII..


Book-Prices Current, 338 Sorrow's (G.) Romany Bye, 240 Bride's Mirror, 440

British Apollo, ed. by G. W. Niven, 259 Browne's (R.) Treatise of Reformation without

Tarying for Anie, 79

Brushfield's (T. N.) Financial Diary of a Citizen of Exeter, 1631-43, 140 ; Britain's Burse, or the New Exchange, 340 Burlington Magazine, 79, 199, 319 Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London :

Letter-Book E, ed. by R. R. Sharpe, 239 Calverley's (C. S.) Fly Leaves, 318 Cambrian Notes and Queries, 100 Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VII., 118 Campion's (T.) Songs and Masques, ed. by A. H.

Bullen, 258

Cardiff Records, ed. by J. H. Matthews, 158 Caulfield's (S. F. A.) House Mottoes and Inscrip- tions ; Old and New, 259 Chambers's (E. K.) The Mediaeval Stage, 98 Chatelaine of Vergi, englished by A. Kemp- Welch, 279

Coleridge (S. T.), Bibliography by Haney, 240 Crabbe's (G.) Poems, selection by A. Deane, 299 Crawford's (C.) Authorship of Arden of Fever- sham, 60 Cronise's (F. M.) Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider, and

the other Beef, 318

Dante's Vita Nuova, trans, by F. de Mey, 219 Davies's (R.) Chelsea Old Church, 499 Descent of the Sun, trans, by F. W. Bain, 279 De Tabley's (Lord) Poems, 358 Dexter (D. W.) Cricklewood, 100 Dickens (C.), Fireside Edition, 60, 140, 340, 379 ;

in French by Gausseron, 139 Digit of the Moon, trans, by F. W. Bain, 279 Earle's (Bishop) Microcosmographie, 358 Edinburgh Review, 139 Elking ton's (J.) The Doukhobors, 259 Encyclopaedia Britannica, New Volumes, 20 English Historical Review, 100, 458 Epictetus's Discourses, trans, by G. Long, 279 Escott's (T. H. S.) King Ed ward and his Court, 20 Earner and Henley's Slang and its Analogues,

138, 519

Eisner's (H. A. L.) Studies in Napoleonic States- manship, 298 Fletcher's (W. G. D.) Battlefield Church, Salop,

and the Battle of Shrewsbury, 379 Eolk-lore, 100 Freeman's (E. A.) Historical Geography of

Europe, ed. by J. B. Bury, 379 Gerard's (J.) The Popish Plot and its Newest

Historian, 140

Glasgow Archaeological Society Transactions, 79 Grace Book B., Part L, ed. by M. Bateson, 499 Great Masters, 1400-1800, 378, 439, 479 Grierson's (J. H.) Silent Trade, 280 Growoll's (A.) Three Centuries of English Book- trade Bibliography, 178 Gwyn (Nell), Story of, by P. Cunningham, 479

Books recently published :

Hakluyt's (R.) Principal Navigations, &c.,

Vols. I. and II., 418 Hales's (Prof. J. W.) The Fame of King Alfred,

Hazlitt's (C.) Old Cookery Books and Ancient

Cuisine, 259 Henley and Farmer's Slang and its Analogues,

138, 519 Higgins's (Mrs. N.) Bernards of Abington and

Nether Winchendon, 239 Historical English Dictionary, 37, 338 IntermeMiaire, 100

Jewish Encyclopaedia, ed. by I. Singer, 78 Jocelin of Brakelond, ed. by Sir E. Clarke, 139 Jonson's (B.) Alchemist, ed. by H. C. Hart, 478 Joyce's (P. W.) A Social History of Ireland, 438 Lamb's (C. and M.) Works, ed. by E. V. Lucas,

59, 258, 339 Lang's (A.) The Valet's Tragedy, and other

Studies, 398 Lega-Weekes's (E.) Neighbours of North Wyke,

Legge's (H. E.) Short History of the Ancient

Greek Sculptors, 219

Martin's (S.) Izaak Walton and his Friends, 399 Memorials of Old Northamptonshire, ed. by A.

Dryden, 38

Mew's (J.) Traditional Aspects of Hell, 198 Milton (John), Poetical Works of, ed. by W. A.

Wright, 59 ; Minor English Poems, ed. by

H. C. Beeching, 219

New English Dictionary. See Historical Eng- lish Dictionary.

Northcote's (Lady R.) Book of Herbs, 440 Peat's (A. B. N.) Gossip from Paris during the

Second Empire, 358

Perkins's (T.) Cathedral Church of St. Albans, 340 Photograms of the Year, 499 Popular Ballads of the Olden Time, selected and

edited by F. Sidgwick, 498 Porritt's (E.) Unreformed House of Commons, 198 Quarterly Review, 179 Ramsay's (Sir J. H.) Angevin Empire, 1154-

1216, 158

Rawle's (E. J.) Doones of Exmoor, 139 Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 318 Rivett-Carnac's (Col. J. H.) Cup-marks as an

Archaic Form of Inscription, 359 Roper's (W,) Mirrour of Vertue in Worldly

Greatnes, 240 Rushton's (W. L.) Letters of a Templar, 1820-50,


Rye (W.) on Vandalism at Norwich, 319 Saga Book of the Viking Club, Vol. III.,

Part II., 340

Scottish Historical Review, Vol. I., No. 1, 299 Shakespeare : Macbeth, Revised Edition by H. H.

Furness, Jun., 118 ; Stage Shakespeare, ed. by

A. Brereton, 379

Skelton's (J.) Poetical Works, 259 Stevenson (R. L.) : Virginibus Puerisque, and

other Papers, 340; Bibliography, by Col.

Prideaux, 358 Stubbs's (L.) Stevenson's Shrine: the Record of

a Pilgrimage, 199