Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/544

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I N D E X.

Notes and Queries, Jan. 30. 1904.

Ilythe Church, skulls in, 51, 96

I printed with small letter, 73, 172, 231

J. (C. J.) on John Dowland, 367

I. (W.) on riming epitaph, 216

Salop, 313 lago (W.) on Anglo-Saxon names and titles, 268

Duels of clergymen, 112

Edgar (King)," his blazon, 247

Riming epitaph, 92 league* on " Little Mary," 504 ixOvQ, early Christian symbol, 291, 390, 406 Ignoramus on ' Le Vicaire Savoyard,' 93 Immuring of nuns alive, 25, 131, 297, 376, 517 Indiana on authors of quotations wanted, 188 Tneen Dubh, references to, 75 Ingeminate, use and meaning of the word, 49, 135 Ingland and Inglish, use of the words in 1810, 448 Ingleby (H.) on Shakespeare's sonnets, 210 Tnkbottles and evil spirits, 106, 297 Inns of Chancery, records of London, 13 Inq. on flint, buildings, 328 Inscription, on snuff-box, 429, 495 ; on house in

Wymondhaui, 475

Inscriptions, London monumental, 514 Interludes, the presentation and players of, 245 Ipsissima verba, misuse of the phrase, 345 Iredale (G. H.) on Miss or Mrs. Startin, 328 Ireland, rebel flag of, 228 Irish spelling and pronunciation, 349, 392 Iron for paving roads in 1816, 242 Iron-making in America, 266 Itineraries, publication of, 287 Itle, to sway to and fro, 89, 151 Ivo, Christian names as evidence of race, 43 Ivory sceptre of George I., 409 J. (V. C.) on rhinoceros in Fleet Street, 85 J. (F. M.) on fish a symbol of Christ, 406 J. (F. V.) on Capt. Peter Puget, 248 J. (K. J.) on ballads and Methodism, 19 J. (W. C.) on heraldic china, 505 Jackson (B. S.) on doubles, 367 Jacobin and Jacobite, differing origins of, 469, 508 James I., his Privy Councillors, 349, 367, 415 James II., removal of statue by Grinling Gibbons,

336, 391, 514

James (D.) on betwixt the devil and the deep sea, 128 James's ' Naval History of Great Britain,' 1837, 324 Japanese folk-lore, 477 Japanese monkeys, 237

Japp (Dr. A. H.) and Prof. E. H. Palmer, 326 Jan-att (F.) on Jews and eternal punishment, 10

Parish registers, 317

River not flowing on the Sabbath, 175 Jarrett (K. X.) on arms wanted, 329 Jeer, use and derivation of the word, 357 Jeldleddin, English version of his ' Gazels, 1 326 Jenkins's hen, in ' Letters and Memorials of Jane

Welsh Carlyle,' 208, 335

Jennings (Frances), of St. Albans, Sutherland, 349, 471 Jennings (Henry Constantine), art collector, 486 Jennings ( Richard )= Frances Thornhurst, 349, 471 Jepson (0.) on " The truest wealth," 329 Jere bottoo, use and derivation of the word, 89 Jere mode, use and derivation of the word, 89 Jermyn on House of Commons, 1640, 408 (C. S.) on marriage in a sheet. 314

Jerrold (W.) on Longfellow's 'Wreck of the

Hesperus,' 216 Rebellion of 1745, 169, 356 Roscommon and Pope, 215

Thackeray ( W. M.), his speeches, 130 ; his mous- tache, 357 Jersey, crying "Haro ! Haro ! Haro ! " in, 126, 272,

412, 496 Jessel (F.) on Percival Haslam, 506

Rout, 291

Jewish faith and Jean Paul Marat, 88, 236, 357 Jewish weddings, breaking the glass at, 46, 115, 214,

337, 435 Jew of York attacked by Richard Malebisse, 1190,


Jews, and eternal punishment, 10, 193; supposed council in Hungary, 121 ; and the use of the name Lombard, 125 ; in England, 328 ; fables as to child-murder by, 446, 497 Jinrikshas, 431, 494 Johnson (C.) on leonines, 249 Johnson (John), 1625, his descendants, 53 Johnson (M.) on Jewish weddings, 116

River not flowing on the Sabbath, 175 Johnson (Dr. S.), his ' Lives of the Poets,' 68, 129, 175 ; on Cowley, 342 ; his prayer " Summe Pater," 389, 516 ; his reference to phasis, 482 Johnston (Dr.), of Heidelberg, 1589, 367, 476 Jonas (A. C.) on origin of the Turnbulls, 353, 475

Sleep and death, 512 Jonas (M.) on First Folio facsimile, 27 Jones (A. D.) on Lope de Vega, 336

Oranges, 335

Jones (Griffith), 1683-1761, his portrait, 89 Jonson (Ben), and Gabriel Harvey, and Nashe, 161, 263, 342, 403, 482 ; his ' Epiccene,' 168 ; his ' Underwoods,' 186, 277 ; story of, 356 Jordan (Mrs.), her theatrical career in Dublin, 285,

418 Journal, manuscript, of a London citizen, 1816, 203,

242, 316, 354

Judson (J. H.) on Roman pits, 28 Jus on morganatic marriage, 486 Justice of the Peace on " hook it," 156 K. (F. M. H.) on Infant Saviour, 291 K. (H.) on pasquil against surgeons of Pope


K. (L. L. ) on " As merry as Griggs," 506 Bloomers, 84 Bowring (Sir John), 368 Brett (Samuel), 121 Byroniana, 18 Capsicum, 449 Dumas on cats and dogs, 8 " First catch your hare," 125 Godkin (Edwin Lawrence), 329 Hapsburgs aa Emperors of Germany, 256 Hiung-nu or Huns, 37

Kemeys (Sir Nicholas) and Chepstow Castle, 235 Leo XIII., 124 Lorenzo da Pavia, 349 Mannings and Tawell, 148 Neapolitan marvels : Virgilius, 589 O-words in the 'N.E.D.,' 331 Overstrand Church, 308 Pamela, Marchioness of Sligo, 269