Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.

Owl-light, equivalent expressions for, 511 Owls and their enemies, 113, 315 Oxford, rules concerning the admission of dogs in college, 125; "Catherine Wheel" Inn at, 188, 293 ; Great Tom of, 226 ; Shrove Tuesday custom at Brasenose College, 268 ; carving on chancel screen of St. Bartholomew's, 329, 378 ; Friar Bacon and Brasenose College, 361 ; Broadgates Hall, ib. ; Folly Bridge, ib.

Oxfordshire parish registers, 388, 431, 457 Oxoniensis (Comestor) on the Eleusinian mysteries, 467

Mother of Ninus, 128

Welsh dictionary, 128 P. (C. J.) on "Catherine Wheel" Inn, 188 P. (F.) on Grubb surname, 454 P. (G. S.) on Midland registers, 292

Parish registers, 431 P. (J. B.) on Logans of Restalrig and Lurgan, 336

Mercer family, 371

Turnbulls, origin of the, 416 P. (M.) on Glastonbury walnut, 208

Hood (Robin), his mill, 309

Kentish game, 49

Pass, 189 P. (R, B.) on R. T. Claridge, Esq., 18

Fountain pens, 218

' Lois the Witch,' 89

Scoggan or scoggin, 206

Tyre, 54 P. (S.) on Albany, 49

Flats, 49

"Paddy persons" and dictionary makers, 87, 153 Page (John T.) on banna of marriage, 107, 375

Bloomfield (Robert), 364

Booth (John Wilkes), 236

Coincidences, 137

Commonwealth arms in churches, 194

Dee (Dr.), his magic mirror, 467

' Edwin Drood ' continued, 510

Epitaph at Doncaster, 414

Evil spirits and inkbottles, 356

Gilpin (John), his route, 371

Gipsy Queen, Margaret Finch, 477

Grotto at Margate, 75

Kingsley's verses, ' A Farewell,' 477

Latin quotation, 269

Mallet used by Sir C. Wren, 191

Marriage in a sheet, 214

Mico family, 216

Modern bell inscriptions, 144

Mug, 231

Nameless gravestone, 504

Nash (Richard), 393

Newspaper cuttings changing colour, 111

Pass, 236

Primitive colouring, 145

Primrose superstitions, 33

Reade (Charles), 517

Roman pits, 131

Skulls, 96

Sundial motto, 495

Village feasts, 448

Weather lore; 225

Paint brush, literary use of the term, 307, 356 Palatine, Lord, use of the title, 347, 417, 496 Paleface, origin and use of the term, 366, 491

1 Pall Mall Gazette,' removal of premises, 364 Palmer (A. S.) on cavatina, 227

Dovetail, 147

Trade-winds, 202

Palmer (Prof. E. H.), his translations of JelzCleddin, 326 Palmer (J. F.) on living dead, 14 Palo de cobra, scientific name of the plant, 288, 374,

436, 473

Paltock's inn, history of the expression, 187 Pamela, Marchioness of Sligo, 269 Pamela: Pamela, pronunciation of the name, 141,


Pampe, use of the word in Halliwell MS., 227 Panier, use of the word, 247, 352 Panjandrum, reference to, 247, 356 Pannell (C.) on Pannell family, 248 Pannell family, 248, 475 Pantagruelism, use of the word, 267 Panton family, 13

Papal elections, veto at, 89, 174, 396 Papers, illustrations of use of the word, 387 Pardoe (A.) on Sir R. Wilbraham's journal, 286 Paris, Pimodan H6tel or H6tel Lauzun, 6 Parish registers, in the Midlands, 209, 292 ; Berkshire

and Oxfordshire, 388, 431, 457 Parker (J. Oscar), his ' Legend of Dolbadarn,' 447 Parkins (Dr.), of Little Gonerby, Lincolnshire, 349 Parliament, members of, 1626, 204; members of, 1558-9, 289 : survivors of Queen Victoria's second, 407

Pass, in " Please pass the plate," &c., 189, 236, 334 ' Passing By,' author of poem wanted, 12, 176 Paterson (A.) on fountain pens, 32 Patrick (A.) on Longfellow's ' Wreck of the Hesperus,' 129

Wordsworth queries, 153 Patterson (W. H.) on bracelet, 6 Patton (Sir Robert) and Robert Peyton, 48 Pavia, Lorenzo da, at Venice, 1494, 349, 398 Payne (J. F.) on Edward Gwynn, 174 Payne (Peter), bearer to Bohemia of Wycliffe's teach- ing, 308, 495

Payne (W.) on Peter Payne, 308 Peachey (G. C.) on W. H. Cullen, 194

Mary, Queen of Scots, 238

More Church, Shropshire, 216 Peacock (C. J.) on Lord Monteagle, 430 Peacock (E.) on John Wilkes Booth, 197

Child-murder by Jews, 446

Churchwardens' account?, 394

Folk-lore of childbirth, 413

House of Commons, 498

Immurement alive of religious, 132

Mannings and Tawell, 230

Marriage in a sheet, 146

Oak, ash, and ivy, 433

Primrose superstition, 234

Sham burials, 246

' Spirit of the Woods,' 268

Tragedy at Heptonstall, 13 Peacock (M.) on dialect word for see-saw, 151 Peacock (W. F.) on Charles Reade, 243, 312, 517 Pears (E.) on Tatar or Tartar, 376 Peat (Lady), d. 1842, her biography, 176 Pebble, Constantine, in Cornwall, 506 Peculiars, ecclesiastical, 69, 137