Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/76

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. XIL JULY 25, 1903. .

Shall separate by that melting Fire, She'll stand alone and none come nigh her. Reader, here she lies till then, When truly, you '11 see her again.

I should also like to know how it came about that so audacious and persistent a malefactor as Moll Cutpurse enjoyed the honours of a grave and " a fair marble stone," not to speak of an epitaph by " the ingenious Mr. Milton." W. MOY THOMAS.

JOHNSON'S * LIVES OF THE POETS.' Johnson, in the 'Life of Dryden' (ii. 153, 1783 ed.), referring to 'The Hind and the Panther,' says that " Pope used to mention this poem as the most correct specimen of Dryden's versifica- tion." I cannot find his authority. No such saying occurs, I think, in Elwin and Court- hope's ' Pope.'

In the * Life of Addison ' (ii. 388) Johnson, criticizing * Cato,' writes : " Nothing here excites or assuages emotion ; here is no magical poiver of raising phantastic terror or wild anxiety? The words in italics are apparently quoted from elsewhere. Can any of your readers inform me where they may be found? H. S. S.

  • LE VICAIEE SAVOYARD.' Can any reader

of ' N. & Q.' oblige me with the name of the author of ' Le Vicaire Savoyard ' 1


"WANTED" v. "WAITING." Ante, p. 39, I read, " Coryat's ' Crudities,' with a plate wanted." Is not wanted as here used a sole- cism 1 Should it not be wanting ? What authority is there for using the past instead of the present participle in a case of this sort, and thus violating the recognized idiom ? LEOFRIC K. B. QUEX-PIFFLE.

BELL INSCRIPTION. Can any of your readers suggest a rendering of the following inscription on one of the bells at Preston-on- Wye, or is it merely a collection of letters for ornamentation? The church is dedicated to St. Lawrance. The letters are Lombardic and the M is crowned : MAVEBEG(?)INACEL(?Q)OB. GEORGE MARSHALL.

The Batch, Weobley, R.8.0.

" THE GENERATIONS PASS," &c. Who is the author of the following lines 1

The generations pass, the gods abide,

The beauty and perfections of the earth

Are due to silence ; in a little while,

And other things displace them, fair as these.

The hearth is broken where the children played.

G. A. M.

'THE COGERS' CHRONICLE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER.' On 23 December, 1889, there was registered a. journal having the above

title. No copy is to be found in the British Museum Library. Can any reader tell where a copy can be seen ? W. H.

COFFEE MADE OF MALT. .Robert Pollok, the author of 'The Course of Time,' in a letter to his brother David, written in 1825, which is given in the latter's life of the poet (1843, p. 263), speaks of coffee made of malt, which he regarded as a most pleasant beve- , rage. Was this a drink which was popular for a short time and then went out of fashion ; or is it manufactured at the present time ?

K. P. D. E.

. BUNYAN'S * SOLOMON'S TEMPLE SPIRITUAL- IZED.' Can you or any of your readers give me information as to the date, value, &c., of the book called 'Solomon's Temple Spiritualized,' by John Bunyan ? A memo- , randum in the book states that it was bought at the auction 23 November, 1765, at the "Rose and Crown," Deansgate, Man- chester. The frontispiece is a portrait of Bunyan. J. P. HACKFORTH.

[A copy of the ninth edition of this sold, with many other Bunyan items, for 21. 2s. in 1889.]

ENEAS SILVIDS. Can anybody tell me if any value is attached to the following book 1 Eneas Silvius, 'History of Bohemia,' in Latin, dated 1475. There is no title-page. " Eneas Silvius " is written on the first page. There is the following preface :

"Enee Silvii Piccolomini seu Cardinal Sancte Sabini ad Alfonsum Aragonum Regem Clarissimum in Historiam Bohemicam prefatio incipit Legiso- dicites." There are no numbers to the pages.

F. C. S.

Kieff, Russia.

[Brunet calls the work rare, and cites the sale of a copy for 60 francs.]

BREECHES BIBLE. Are the following scarce or valuable? Bible (Breeches), date 1599, imprinted by Christopher Barker, London ; Bible, 1597, imprinted by Chris- topher Barker, London. A. D. [Copies sell for from 30-s. to QL]

SOUTH SEA SCHEME. I shall be much obliged if you or any of your readers can tell me where I can see a complete list of the subscribers to the South Sea scheme.


55, Holland Park Avenue, W.

ZOLA'S * ROME.' Very frequently the key is sought to the personages of popular novels, such as ' Lothair ' and others. Can any one inform me who is (1) represented in Zola's 1 Eome ' by Pierre Froment ? Mr. Gladstone