Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.



Bonar (J.) on child's hymn, 67

Boni Homines, orders of friars, 93

Book borrowers, rhyming warnings to, 115, 376

Book borrowing, how to register, 66, 119, 231, 2 8

Book plates, early Belfast, 464

Book terms, 322, 521

Book title wanted, 327, 375

Bookbinding question, 417

Bookbinding with wire, 125

Books. See Bibliography.

Books recently published :

Aitken's (G. A.), Spectator, 139 ; Tatler, 460

Among my Books, 520

Andre ws's (W.) Bygone Hertfordshire, 19 ;

Literary Byways, 180 Ashbourne's (Lord) Pitt, 438 Baddeley's (J. J.) Guide to the Guildhall, 60 Baring-Gould's (S.) Lives of the Saints, 59, 159 Biagi'a (D. G.) Last Days of Shelley, 539 Bible, with Marginal References, 340 Blakeborough's ( R. ) Customs of North Riding of

Yorkshire, 398

Book of Sundry Draughtes, 359 Book-Prices Current, 319 Brewer's (E. C.) Reader's Handbook, 359 Burton's (Sir JR.) Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah,


Butler's (S.) Iliad of Homer, 419 Calendar of Letters and State Papers, 1580-6,

138 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series,

1668-9, 259 Clegg's (J.) International Directory of Booksellers,


Clodd's (E.) Tom Tit Tot, 519 Coleridge and Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads, 19 Collinson's History of Somerset, Index to, 79 Colyer-Fergusson's (T.) Marriage Registers of

St. Dunstan's, Stepney, 279, 335 Cowper's (J. M.) Canterbury Marriage Licences,


Cunningham's (W.) Essay on Western Civiliza- tion, 99

Dalbiac's (P. H.) Dictionary of Quotations, 65 Daniell's (F. H. B.) Calendar of State Papers,


Dasent's (J. R.) Acts of the Privy Council, 179 Dearmer's (P.) Cathedral Church of Wells, 259 Dictionary of National Biography, 38, 298 Dimock's (A.) Cathedral Church of Southwell, 359 Dublin-Printed Books, Catalogue of Early, 159 Ellice's (E. C.) Place-Names in Glengarry, 239 English Catalogue of Books, Vol. V., 258 Evans's (S.) In Quest of the Holy Graal, 498 Ex-Libris Society's Journal, 80 Fowke's (F. R.) Bayeux Tapestry, 539 Fowler's (T.) Corpus Christ! College, Oxford, 359 Foxcroft's (B. C.) Life of Sir George Savile,

Marquis of Halifax, 339 Friend's (H.) Bygone Devonshire, 19 Friswell's (L. H.) James Hain Friswell, 440 Furneaux's (H.) Agricola of Tacitus, 119 Gairdner's (J.) History of Richard III., 178 Gee's (H.) Elizabethan Clergy, 500 Cell's (Mrs. L.) More Excellent Way, 540

Books recently published :

Gomme's (A. B.) Traditional Games, Vol. II., 519 Groome's (F. H.) Gypsy Folk- Tales, 439 Gross's (C.) Bibliography of British Municipal

History, 119

Hamilton's (Sir E. W.) Mr. Gladstone, 440 Harrison's (H.) Place-Names of Liverpool Dis- trict, 120 Hennessy's (G.) Novum Repertorium Eccle-

siasticum Parochiale Londinense, 58 Heraud's (E.) Memoirs of John A. Heraud, 398 Hewins's (W. A. S.) Whitefoord Papers, 418 Historical Dictionary of the English Language

78, 338

Holmes's (T.) Sir Benjamin Brodie, 120 Huish's (M. B.) Old Stuart Genealogy, 60 Hynam's (F. E.) Secrets of the Night, 539 Inderwick's (F. A.) Calendar of Inner Temple

Records, 378 Jensen's (W.) Runic Rocks, trans, by M. E.

Suckling, 540

Johnson's (T.) Imperial Britain, 380 Kendrick's (A. F.) Cathedral Church of Lincoln,


Kingsford's (H.) Vigornian Monologues, 59 Lang's (A.) Companions of Pickle, 499 Lee's (S.) Life of William Shakespeare, 458 Lowndes's (M. E.) Montaigne, 179 Lumby's (J. R.) Chronicon Henrici Knighton, 280 Macleod's (N.) Church Ministry and Sacraments,


Macmillan (A.) and Brydall's lona, 80 Magnetic Magic, 19

Marriott's (E.) Bacon or Shakespeare ? 180 Memoirs of D'Artagnan, trans, by R. Nevill, 419 Mockler-Ferryman's (A. F.) Imperial Africa, 238 Murray's (D.) Brass Cup found at Rodil, 239 New English Dictionary. See Historical Diction- ary.

O'Connor's (J. F. X.) Facts about Bookworms, 99 Old Chelsea Bun-Shop, 360

Oxford English Dictionary. See Historical Dic- tionary.

Peacock's (M.) Lincolnshire Tales, 239 Pembrokeshire Antiquities, 139 Phillimore's (C. M.) Dante at Ravenna, 59 Piper's (E.) Church Towers of Somersetshire,

199, 499

Rait's (R. S.) Kingis Quair, 180 Ramsay's (Sir J. H.) Foundations of England, 478 Record Office Catalogue, Vol. II., 100 Routledge's (C. F.) Church of St. Martin, Canter- bury, 18 Roxburghe Ballads, edited by J. W. Ebswortli,


Rye's (W.) Church and Parish of Cawston, 79 Scott's Novels, Border Edition, reissue, 60, 100,

160, 239, 280, 379, 500

Slater's (J. H.) Romance of Book Collecting, 459 Somerset, Weaver and Bates's Index to Collin- son's History, 79

Stillman's (W. J.) Union of Italy, 360 Stokes's (Sir W.) William Stokes, 39 Swift's Prose Works, edited by Temple Scott, 479 Sydney's (W. C.) Early Days of the Nineteenth Century, 379