Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/555

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Jfotes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.



Byard's Leap, Lincolnshire legend, 329, 438 Byron (George Gordon, sixth Lord), site of his birth place, 90 ; on Bonaparte, 186

C. on John Loudoun, 116

C. (A.) on two kings of Brentford, 148

Carnwath (Earl of), 515 C. (C. H.) on Rev. Edward Ashburner, 228

Chelsea, its derivation, 156

Cowslip, its local names, 517

Kendrick family, 429

Luther family, 94

Register, oldest parish. 35, 278, 396, 490

St. Mary Matfelon, 154

Warton (Rev. Edward), 475 C. (D.) on William Prynn, 288 C. (E. A.) on " Crow to pluck," 155

Shroud, sable, 357

C. (E. F. D.) on Duke of Wellington and Ney, 128 . (F. F.) on Walker family, 130, 253 C. (G. E.) on Bridget Cheynell, 155, 476 C. (H.) on hackney carriages, 409 C. (H. R. P.) on entrance into churchyards, 177 C. (J.) on pattens and clogs, 535 . (J. C.) on Greene's ' Friar Bacon,' 287 C. (J. W.) on Woodward's illustrations of ' Seven

Ages of Parsons,' 309 C. (T. W.) on Farnham, 488

Parret, the river, 329 C. (W. H.) on Charles Dori*, 528 C. (W. S.) on Scotch coins, 530 Cadoux family, 8 Caitisned, ghost-word, 485 Calder (A.) on Duke of Albany, 489

Gord >n family, 128, 412

Rose family of Kilravock, 494

Sutherland family, 408 Calderon (Pedro) and the story of the sleeper

awakened, 361

" Calling the river," an old <; chestnut," 325 Callings of various persona, 324 Cambridge, "hounds" at King's College, 177 Cambridge University, an anonymous "Member,"


Camelr ycamel corps, 245, 313, 412 Campbell (G. W.) on sable shroud, 535 Campbell (N. D.) on Thomas a Becket, 31 Campus = college -grounds, 7 7 Canaletto in England, 11, 471 Candy (F. J.) on Low Latin, 156

Marbles, " alley-taw " and other, 315 Cann Office, origin of the name, 89 Canonicals, "signing full," 425 Canons Hall and William Hallet, 248, 331 Canterbury, masters of King's School, 346 Cape Town in 1844, 489 Caps : "Brace of caps," 188

Cardew (A. G.) on Dalbiac's ' Dictionary of Quota- tions,' 65 Cardinal, French, at eighteen years of age, 48, 157,


Card-sharper, noble, 109, 173 Carew naval officers, 1720-50, 7 Carkeet family of Cornwall, 508 Carlton Club in 1829, 489 Cariyle (Thomas) his 3ssay on Fiohte, 10

Carmichael family of Mauldslay, 54

Carnwath (second Earl of), his marriage, 447, 515

Carols. See Christmas carols.

Caron House, South Lambeth, its history, 509

Carter = Brecknock, 388

Carter (Rev. Robert), rector of Stourmouth, 149

Carter (Rev. Walter), rector of Stourmouth, 148

Cary (H. F.), notes on his translation of Dante, 4

Cashin (F.), artist, 327

Cataloguing, its curiosities, 206, 531

Catholic. See Roman Catholic.

Cattle, new varieties for parks, 50

' Causidicade, ' satirical poem, 8, 112

Cavendish (Stephen de), Mayor of London, 1362-3,


Caxon=wig, 26, 132

Cecil, its pronunciation, 168, 238, 275, 512 Cedar trees first grown in England, 187, 214, 290, 333 Ceiling or cieling, 284 Celer et Audax on African names, 152

Epitaph, 146

Celtic on FitzStephen family, 270 Celtic personal names, 329 Celtic words in use in Anglo-Saxon parts, 387 Centenarianism, 209, 296 Chalk on the door, old saying, 37 Chatnberlaine (William), his biography, 348 Chancellor of England, his precedence when not a

peer, 137

Chancery, Six Clerks in, 69, 233 Charing Cross, derivation of the name, 405 Charles I., George worn by, 263, 354 ; memorial

rings, 448 ; genuine relics, 513 Charles Ilf. of Spain at Petworth, 74 Charlotte (Queen), her portraits, 91, 310 Charme, its meaning, 173 Chaucer (Geoffrey) and Henry Scogan, 423 Chauncy MSS., their sale by auction, 407, 477 Chaussey, Channel islet group, 467, 534 Chelsea, its etymology, 156, 350 Cheltenham, its etymology, 90, 210, 349 Cherry-cob, its meaning, 206, 513 Chesham, its etymology, 90, 210 " Chestnut " among Irish bulls, 325 Chevron on Tintern Abbey, 297

"Iheynell (Bridget), her biography, 87, 155, 433, 476, 512

!hian, its meaning, 148

ihiasmus. 8ee Choriasmus.

hi-ike, its etymology, 53, 152

hild-bed pew = churching pew, 5, 255

hina (Emperor of ), annual ploughing by, 108, 156, 23

hinese punishments, 27, 214, 513

hintz gowns prohibited, 89, 150 Chiswick, its etymology, 90, 210, 349 ~'hoirs, modern instrumental, 513

horiasmus, error for chiasmus, 74 Christ Church, Newgate Street, its registers, 343 hristian names, brothers bearing same, 51, 217, 276,

535 ; Erica, 57, 152, 197 ; Atleanadiolagra, 57 ;

in old charters and grants, 74, 195 ; laws con- cerning, 107; Dolor, 136; sisters bearing the same,

145; Hamish, 153; Cecil, 168, 238, 275, 512;

Algernon, 248, 293, 389, 454, 517 ; George as a

feminine name, 307, 473 ; Clarinda, 338 ; Alured

or Averay, 423, 534