Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/567

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.



May hew (A. L.) on Ribbonism, 426 Tarr, its meaning, 46

Mayor, custom of weighing-in, 509

Medal ascribed to Lady Arabella Stuart or Stewarc 283

Mediaeval economic history, 487

Medical specialism in ancient Egypt, 344

Meggs (Vincent), emigrant to America, 28

Mehren (Frantz von), his pedigree, 187

Melt, its meaning, 447

Melville on the harrow, 32

" Member of University of Cambridge," 503

Member on Royal Navy Club, 411

Mergate Hall, near Norwich, its history, 522

Mesham, place-name, 207

Mesham (A.) on Mesham, place-name, 207

Metcalfe (Theophilus), his family, 328, 416

Michell (A. T.) on West Indian families, 508

Mickefer (Alfrey), his biography, 249, 318

Middlemore (Lewis), his biography, 267

Middlesex and county of London, lands in, 469, 494 511

Milton (John), " Dewy.feathered " in ' II Penseroso, 7, 116, 176 ; reading of ' Paradise Regained,' II. 30S 18 ; Satan and the North in 'Paradise Lost,' 55

Minister of the Word of God, its early signification, 3i

Minutes as a measure of time, 509

Miserere carvings, 37

Misericordia, guild in Italian town, 55, 495

Misprint, felicitous, 145

Misquotation, curious, 205, 312, 454

Mistletoe in Scotland, 329, 374

Mistral and Tennyson, 487

Mitchell (G. B.) on charter of St. Peter's, Wolverhamp

ton, 46 Mitchiner (J. H.) on Cardinal Kossi, 175

Terminations, female, 291 Mitre and cope, their use, 34, 98 Modesley (Thomas), Dean of Chester, his biography, 129 Modestest, use of the word, 91, 238, 351, 424 Molony (A.) on continental ' Notes and Queries,' 152 Monastic orders in England, 329, 474 Monastic records, index to, 530 Monckton (H. W.) on Scotch coins, 529 Moncrieff (Sir Henry), his portrait, 392, 465 Money, its value circa 1180, 205 Money lent by measure, 367, 492 Moniplies (Richia) and R. W. Elliston, 285 Monkish chronology, era in, 29, 292, 473 Montagu (H.) on Andre* family, 1 1 9 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley) and 'The Basset

Table,' 141

Montaigne, judgment on, 468 Montgomerie-Fleming (J. B.) on Matteo Bandello, 368

" Will ye go and marry, Katie ? " 366 Montgomery (Robert) and Macaulay, 12, 294 Montgomeryshire, its lieutenancy, 27 Moon through coloured glass, 13, 152, 233, 375, 492 Moon-goddess and Sun-god, 405, 538 Moore (Col.) on Farwell family, 8 Grigson family, 287 More, Sir Thomas, 488

Moore (Sir Jonas), Knt., his descendants, 406 Moore (L.) on De Liancourt, 248 Moore ( W. W.) on Junius's Letters, 330 More (Sir Thomas), his ancestry, 488

Morning : " Betuix midday and nicht," 105, 152, 193 Morphyn (B.) on Gale = mine, 153 Morris (E. E.) on the Endeavour, 248 Morris (J. B.) on silhouettes of children, 396 Morris (William), his Welsh descent, 529 Morris's Coffee-House, its locality, 149, 271 Mortar and pestle in use in farmhouses, 513 Mottoes: " Hie etUlubris," 70 ; " Habent sua sidera teges," 227, 355; "Vestigia nulla retrofsum," 348 Moule (H. F.) on swallow's song, 471 Moule (H. J.) on cattle, 50 Hymn, 369 Meggs (Vincent), 28 Silchester, church (?) at, 158 Through-stone, 153 Wren (Sir Christopher), 417 Mount (C. B.) on " Cordwainer," 97 Jumble, quotation for, 409, 494 Nice, its meanings, 36 " Queen's English," 269 Scott (Sir W.), his heroines, 257 " Strenua nos exercet inertia," 70 Syntax of preface, 172 Welshmen, Shakspeare's, 284 Mountgymru, its locality, 436 Moustache cultivation. See Algernon. Muggerhanger, place-name, its derivation, 47, 97 Mullins (W. E.) on portraits of Englishmen, 461 Munro clan and Mr. Gladstone's ancestry, 243 Munro (Sir Thomas), Governor of Madras, his pedigree


Murillo (B. S.), his ' La Vieja,' 128 Murray (D.) on Table de communion, 211 Murray (J. A. H.) on poem on horse-chestnut, 48 Housty = sore throat, 127 Hoyle, archery term, 209 " Hullabaloo," 267 "Humble pie," 286 Humbug, early use of the word, 287 Humpty-Dumpty, 307 Hypercritic and critic, 468 Murray (J. H.) on "Limerick," nonsense verse, 470 Musical queries, 127, 173, 235 ' Mutus nomen dedit cocis," its originator, 388 yrmidon on famous barbers, 413 Book-borrowere, 376 1 Buondelmonti's Bride,' 318 Cataloguing curiosities, 531 ' Courses de Testes et de Bagues,' 518 Firearms, rifled, 834 Mickefer (Alfrey), 318

. (M.) on samplers, 169 ST. (R.) on rounds or rungs, 531 Barnes, Slavonic, 93 ; laws concerning, 107, 212 ;

modern changes in, 225 Nationality, its constitution, 29, 216

Quid Nimis on crucifixion in Yorkshire, 118 'feck-handkerchief for neckerchief, 169, 375, 47(> "feilson (G.) on ' Birds of Cirencester,' 369 " Bob-baw ! " 491

Brothers with same Christian name, 276 Church tradition, 296 Cromwell (0.), his library, 465 Seas, within the four, 421 Tryst, hunting term, 532