Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/524

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.

Matthews (J. H.) on Charles I., 478 "Demon's aversion," 298 Epitaphs, 415

Field- names, 37

Franciscan arms, 172

Glyndyfrdwy, 238

Heraldic query, 98

Holy Communion, 498

Ladle, silver, 137

Madonna, black images of the, 376

Money lent by measure, 332

Pew, child- bed, 212

Piggin, its etymology, 73

St. Jordan, 495

Trethowan, place-name, 115 Mawdesley (F. L.) on Fisher =Lane, 317 Maxwell (Sir H.) on Innes = de Insula, 335

Patronymics, 32

Provinces, Scotch, 209

Maxwell (James), his translation of Herodian, 86, 152 May Day and peacocks' feathers, 484 Mayall (A.) on Avice, its pronunciation, 248

Bounder, its derivation, 14

English rimes to foreign words, 287

"Hill me up," 435

Litany, supp'.ications in, 188

Minutes and seconds, 16

Soot, its pronunciation, 15 Mayhew (A. L.) on Flucing, its etymology, 88

Flurch of strawberries, 88

Fretished, its etymology, 165

Furlybirs=knave of trumps, 107

" Gallock-hand," 267

Gambaleery, its meaning, 187

Gancanagh, its derivation, 187

Geary, its meaning, 287

Geese=saddle-girth, 307

Gew-moutbed, its meaning, 327

" Go o' simmer," 367

Goodyer, rare word, 40"

Gow, its meaning, 386

Guldize, its meaning, 347

" Heels o'er gowdie," 386

Junames, its etymology, 107

"Norman gizer"=: missel-thrush, 486

Peas, pease, and peasen, 190

" Ride gimlague," 467 Maynard (Lady), her biography, 69 Mayors in 1726, 167, 335

Mead and obarni, their meaning, 306, 413, 471 Medicine, Chinese, 408 Mee (J. H.) on Muse plots, 88 Menteith (Earls of), their arms, 219 Mentone on Marshal Masse"na, 188 Menus with quotations, 266 Mergate Hall, near Norwich, its history, 52 Merlin's Mechanical Museum, 169, 235 Merrick (W. P.) on Popladies, name of cakes, 172 Messenger (H.) on cards on church tower, 214

Crowley (Sir Ambrose), 155 Mickefer (Alfrey), his biography, 113 Micoleta or Nicoleta (Don Rafael de), 201, 254, 432 Middlesex and county of London, lands in, 56

ilton (John), Dearth " in ' Paradise Lost,' 425 Minakata (Kumagusu) on a witty boy, 426 Gimbal, invention of, 427

Minakata (Kumagusu) on Chinese description of

Walrus, 487

Ministers, their letters to the sovereign, 66, 156, 277 Minutes as a measure of time, 16, 71, 136 Miracle play, Provencal, 226 Mitchiner (J. H.) on eating of seals, 111 Models, cardboard, 407, 477 Moffat (A. G.) on Hean, its meaning, 377 Mogienie (Cornelius), Indian nobleman, 6 Moliere (J. B. P. de), title.of hU ' Tartufe,' 346 Mollond, its meaning, 85, 190 Molony (A.) on heraldic query, 212 Mompesson (Henry), Westminster scholar, 248 Money, lent by measure, 32, 191, 332, 476 ; white, in

Elizabethan times, 108, 210 Monkish chronology, era in, 73, 234 Montaigne, misprints in Florio's translation, 7 ; and East Anglia, 144, 211, 437 ; judgment on himself, 174 ; grammar in Florio's translation, 406 Montgomerie-Fleming (J. B.) on Sir Walter Scott's

  • Guy Mannering,' 429

Montgomerie-Fleming (J. B.), his death, 500 Month, rime to, 60, 104, 191, 258 Moody family of Bury St. Edmunds, 247 Moore (Miss Frances), her writings, 125, 272 Morales, cavalry action at, 327, 395, 457 More (Sir Thomas), his ancestry, 151 More (Rev. William), M.A., his biography, 108 Morgan (Major-General George), his biography, 308 Morice (Humphry), his will, 241 ' Moro,' an opera, 407, 471 Morris (E. E.) on "Daniel" Chaucer, 304 Endeavour, H.M. barque, 438 Montaigne and East Anglia, 437 Morris (J. B.) on "Hullabaloo," 53 Moseley (B. D.) on Moliere's ' Tartufe,' 346 " No great shakes," 277 Odour, hereditary, 78 "Parley's Penny Library," 233 Stone ale, 489

Motiled or motlet, its meaning, 227 Mottoes: " Vangvt ni besses," 48, 235; "Vestigia nulla retrorsum," 71, 218; " Moult me tarde," 88, 257 ; proud, 204; Latin, 249; "Hie et Ulubris," 310 Moule (H. J.) on Bingham family and arms, 355

Room-panelling, English, 351 Mount (C. B.) on Shakspeariana, 282 Soot, its pronunciation, 15 Transpire, misuse of the word, 243 Mozart (W. G.), book of words of ' II Don Giovanni,'


Mullett, its meaning, 227

Munro (Sir Thomas), Governor of Madras, hiu pedi- gree, 30

Murillo (B. S.), his ' La Vieja,' 58 Murphy-Grimshaw (W.) on Slough, 169 Murray (J. A. H.) on ' Cupid's Garden,' 267 Ice : " An ice," 26 Illustration as a book word, 247 Murray (J. H.) on " Cutting his stick," 434 Murray (General James), biographical notes, 286 Muscat, brush with pirates, 444, 491 Muse plot, its meaning, 88, 176, 417 Music and Oliver Cromwell, 341, 417, 491 Mustard motto, 88, 257 Mutterd, its locality, 207, 413