Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/111

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¢. fr-s.1v. sz-.9.»s.1 No'rEs AND QUERIES. 203 50. The circular Dendera planisphere is engraved in Drummond, p. 158, of the reign of Antoninus Pius, according to Bankes. 51. The long zodiac at Dendera in the ceil- ing of the temple of Isis is engraved in Drummond, pl. vi. p. lx, p. 158. 52. Engraved on a wooden celestial globe, 1813. In V.A.M. No. 176. 53. Woodcut oi a zodiac round the inside of a wooden bowl, the personified seasons being outside, to illustrate Virgili ‘Ecl<{gue’ iii. 40, 41. In Thornton, ‘Pastoras of irgil,’ 1821, vol. i. 68. 54. oodcut of a limb of the zodiac on a beech- wood vase,I to illustrate Virgil, ‘ Eclo%_}e ’ iii. 36-43. n Thornton, i. 56. 55. oodcut of a limb of the zodiac in the sky behind Astraea with Libra, to illustrate Virgil ‘Eclogue ’ iv. 6. In Thornton, i. 92. 56. 'Woodcut of a limb of the zodiac bearing Libra, Cancer Sagittarius in the sky above Phaeton to illustrate Virgil, ‘ Eclogue ’ vi. 61, 62. In Thornton, ii. 399. 57. The northern hemisphere with its con- stellations is engraved in ‘ he Celestial Atlas,’ by Alexander amieson, LL.D., 1822, pl. i. p. 7. 58. The circular Dendera planisphere is engraved in ‘Explication du Zodiaque de Dendera,’ Paris, 1822. 59. The Esneh zodiac is engraved in ‘Ex- plication du Zodiaque de Den era.’ 60. The Crienta zodiac, accordin to Sir W. Jones, is engraved in Jamieson, ‘Celestial Atlas,’ 1822. 61. A large litho_graphic plate of “The Circular Z iac of entyra in Egypt” is in ‘ Treatise on the Circular Zodiac of entyra,’ by John Cole, R.N., 1824. The plate includes the exterior ring of hieroglyphs, the eight supporting hawk-headed men, and the four supporting women, and the four supporting fourfold columns of hieroglyphics. Cole considers the date of the planisphere to be B.c. 2261. and that it confirms “the veracity of the Bible.” The plate is l5lgin. square. 62. A large plate of the circular Dendera planisphere is engraved in Bentley, ‘ Hindu Astronomy,’ 1825. 63. One is engraved in Jamieson, ‘The Galle of N ature,’ 1830. 64. 'Cnc is engraved in Jamieson, ‘ Nature Delineated,’ 1835. 65. E1i_graving of ‘A. Z.,’ No. 180, is in Hugo, ‘ rance Historique et Monumentale,’ Pans, 1836, vol. iv. pl. 2, 4. 9. 66. No. 65 is also engraved in Lenoir, ‘ Des Arts,’ 1. xx. 67. Engravings of the Norman capitals of Westminster Hall are in Archaaologza, 1836, 4 vol. xxvi. pl. xlviii. xlix. p. 420: Aquarius, Leo,_ Pisces, Seogrio (salamander), Lupus, Aqu1la_( lican) apricornus (stag hunted), Gemini (liao-bodied animal). 68. An engraving of a zodiac is in the Saturday Magazine, 1838, vol. xiii. p. 201, November No. 411. 69. Limb of a zodiac with Prince Albert as Cupid or Sagittarius, shooting at Victoria as Virgo, in t e sky; and six musicians as planets, in Cruiks ank, ‘ Comic Almanack] 1840, $35. 70. und Achilles’ shield, as designed by Flaxman, a woodcut in the Saturday Maga- zine, 1841, vol. xviii. p. 170, xii. 37. 71. Wood engraving__?f No. 36 in the Penny Magazine, 1838, p. 92, o. 381, vol. vii. 72. Painted on glass for a lantern slide, London circa 1825. 73. The zodiac was very large] emblazoned on the curtain of the Lyceum Theatre, 1817. Virgo has wings. Lyceum was burnt 1830. 74. Painting by E. Burney ofa large zodiac for the Lyceum. See No. 73. 75. In the portail of Germigny is a fine work, comprising a string of angels and an admirable zodiac, which is in Touchard- Lafosse, ‘ La Loire Histori<Aue,’ Paris, 1856, vol. ii. _part ii. p. 585. See ‘ . Z.,’ No. 176. 76. orked un coloured worsted on canvas, for a chair cushion, 14§ in. by 13§ in. The figures are black _with red and gold adjuncts. In the centre are personifications of the four seasons. Aquarius has a golden trident (1 Chronicles xxviii. 17); Virgo has a distaif ; Cancer is a lobster. The order is incorrect. Said to be Dutch, about 1850. Bought by me in Greenwich. 77. A lithograph of the Dendera circular planisphere is in ‘ Mazzaroth,’ by F. Rolleston, 1862 and 1875, Mizraim, p. 5. 78. A lithograph of the Esneh zodiac is in ‘ Mazzaroth,’ Mizraim, p. 23. 79. Painted on the ceiling of the Free- masons’ Hall Great Queen Street, London. 80. Painted on the ceiling of the Foreign Cfhce grand staircase, owning Street, London. _ _ 81. Painted on the ceiling of the grand saloon, Foreign Office, Westminster. _ 82. On ‘ mith’s New Movable Plam- sphere,’ tinted, on cardboard, 172, Strand, London, 1862. _ 83. On tinted cover and title-page of Whitaker’s ‘ Almanack] engraved on wood from designs by John Leighton, F.S.A., 1874-99. he signs are fancifully designed. 84. Photograph of ‘A. Z.,’ No. 161, by V.A.M., No. 985, 1873. Venus with Libra. 85. In Masson, ‘Works of M1lton,’ 1874,