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9"> S. IV. Oct. 7, '99.] NOTES AND QUERIES. TNCANDESCENT GAS MANTLES.— X REQUIRED to COMPLBTB • COLLECTION thOWinu the PRO- GRESS of the INCANDESCENT <; As IN Ills TR V. duly Authenticated Specimens of Incandescent Mantles as used In England In the year 1892 (Imported or otherwise). A Liberal Price will be paid for suitable Authentic Specimens duly guaranteed,or Information leading to tracing them.—Address CURATOR, 117, Chancery Lane, W.C. FOB SALE, a COPY of RABELAIS, Translated and Annotated by W. F. Smith, Privately Published, 2 vols thick royal 8to buckram, London, 18U3 (as new).—Apply JOHN WILLCOCK, Lerwick, Shetland, N.B. nULLBTON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, J 92, PICCADILLY, London, W (formerly 25, Cranboum Street). OBNBALOOICAL RI8EARCHBS. Heraldry: English and Foreign. Genealogical Charts Engrossed. Sketches and Paintings of Arms and Crests Engraving Department: Book-plates, Resls, Dies, Livery Buttons, Crested stationery, Visiting Cards. 4c SPECIMENS FREE. 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(The LBADENHALL PRBS8. Ltd , Publishers and Printers. W, Leadenhall Street, London, K ,0 i Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfect freedom. Sixpence each. bs. per dozen, ruled or plain. New Pocket Size, 3s. per dozen, ruled or plain. Authors should note that The Leadenhall Press, Ltd., cannot be responsible for the loss of MSB, by Are or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than Gum for sticking in Scraps, joining Papers, Ac. 6d. and la. with strong, useful Brush (not a Toy}. Bend two stamps to cover postage for a sample Bottle, including Brush. Factory, Sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall Street, B.C. OI all Stationers, stickphast Paste sticks. WM, & GEO. LAW. COFFEE—8 UG AR—TEA 104, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.C.