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NOTES AND QUERIES: at Interammtmicatifln FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE, No. 98. [SS.] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1899. ISSUED FOE OVEK FIFTY YEARS. SOTHERAN'S PRICE CURRENT OF LITERATURE. No. 591, published THIS DAY, for NOVEMBER, contains the usual large Selection of Books in ENGLISH and FOREIGN LITE- RATURE, including a number of Works on Occult Research and kindred subjects, also some good Remainders. POST FREE ON APPLICATION FROM HENEY SOTHERAN & CO., Booksellers, Publishers, and Bookbinders; General Agents for Private Bookbuyers and Public Institutions at Home and Abroad. LIBRARIES AND BOOKS BOUGHT. TO EXECUTORS, SOLICITORS, AND OTHERS. MESSES. H. S. & Co. are at all times prepared either to VALUE for PROBATE or to PUBCHASK Ij in; A in r:s or smaller Collections of Books in Town or Country, for their full value in Cash. They also advise on the arrangement, improvement, and cataloguing of existing Libraries. 140, STRAND, W.C. (near Waterloo Bridge); 37, PICCADILLY, W. (opposite St. James's Church). Telegraphic Address: BOOKMEN, LONDON. Codes: UNICODE and ABC.