Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/361

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9th S. IV. Nov. 18, '99.] 411 NOTES AND QUERIES. LONDON, SATURDAr, NOVEMBER 18. 1893. CONTENTS.-No. 99. NOTES:-Obituary Notices of Contributors, 411—Welsh MS. Pedigrees, 412—Parish and other Accounts, 411— Surname Jekyll, 415—Hoxton and its Madhouses—Tea- cocks' Eggs—"In petto"—Thackerayana, 416—Surname Sherewynd—"Mutual Admiration Society "-Grooves on Walls of Churches, 417. QUERIES :—" Infra dig." — "Heer-hreeails " — Delaval — Juan Manuel Rosas, 417—Cybel as Christian Name—Devil and St. Dominic—John Boyer—" Handwarcelle "—Leigh Hunt—" People of the Red-letter "—Winchester—Portrait of John Crouch—O'Conor—" Fetch," 418—'The Lady or the Tiger ?'—" Spun butter"—Lieut.-General Sir E. Barnes —" Harat«en "—" Barnyard" for " Farmyard "—Thames Tunnel—Thompson Family— Sirtdons—" King of Bantam " — "Pineapple —'Apology for Cathedral Service' — Verses by Lord Grandison, 419. REPLIES :-Words of Song i 'A Trap for a Scold,' 420- Walter Scott's Scottish Dialect, 421—Ben Jonson—" Bold Infidelity, turn pale and die "—Russian Word-Ailantus —Hell of the Poets, 423—Last of the War Bow—Shep- herdess Walk, 424—"Loon"—"Tiffin"—First Halfpenny Newspaper — Granite Tramway—Major W. Gordon—Les Detenus, 425—Shagreen—Churches washed away by the Sea—Authorship of'Red, White, and Blue,' 428—Epitaph in Prittlewell Churchyard—Sepia Etchings—'The Tele- graph'—Lord Mayor Pennington—Lord Nelson's Diary— Compensation to Lord Fairfax, 427—Rosmer—Family of Frowyk — " Rights and royalties of the sea" —Roman Numerals : 1900-A Flaming Beryl, 428. NOTKS ON BOOKS :—Butler's • Shakespeare's Sonnets '— Axon's 'Echoes of Old Lancashire'—Leland's 'Aradia'— Oman's 'Reign of George VI.'—Feuerheerd's 'Gentle- man's Cellar and Butlers Guide' — Beaven's ' Bristol Lists '—' Quarterly Review '_' Antiquary.' goto. OBITUARY NOTICES OF CONTRIBUTORS, 1849-1899. (See ante, p. 373.) IT was a mournful task to read the list published under this heading in the Jubilee Number of ' N. & Q.' Like MR. FRANCIS, 1 had had some idea of preparing a similar list myself, and I am glad that my habitual lazi- ness has allowed ME. THORNTON to forestall me. As that gentleman does not profess to give an exhaustive list of contributors who nave passed to the majority, I may perhaps be permitted to supplement it by a few other names which recur to my memory. Foremost among them I may mention the great per- sonalities of William Ewart Gladstone; of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, whose article on Ebenezer Jones, the author of 'Studies of Sensation and Event,' was included by Mr. W. M. Rossetti in his edition of his brother's 'Collected Works'; and of Edward Fitz- Gerald, who contributed several articles to the Second Series over the signature of " Parathina." Among lesser luminaries may be enumerated Mr. Clarence Hopper, a great authority on genealogy and record work; Mr. G. Steinman-Stemman, author of the best 'History of Croydon,' and of several privately printed opuseula on the beauties of the Restoration ; Mr. H. G. Davis, author of ' Memorials of Knightsbridge'; the learned and genial Roman Catholic priest Dr. F. C. Husenbeth, whose book on ' The Emblems of Saints' is a standard work on the subject; Dr. E. F. Rimbault, the eminent musician, whose knowledge of the by-ways of literature was unsurpassed ; the nonagenarian Mr. Edmund Lenthall Swifte. whose well-stored memory reached beyond the French Re- volution ; Mr. George C. Boase, one of the co-editors of that monumental work the ' Bibliotheca Cornubiensis'; the Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker : and last, but by no means least, one whose loss we had to lament only the other day, Col. Francis Grant, who united in himself the seventeenth-century love of arms and letters. One cannot expect that the list of noms de guerre adopted by contributors should be complete, but to those given by MR. THORNTON may be enumerated a few others familiar to the " Old Guard ": such as Mr. Blacker's " Abhba," Dr. Ingleby's "Jabez," and the " Bibliothecar. Chetham." of that most learned of librarians, Mr. Thomas Jones. Many of Sir George Cornewall Lewis's erudite articles were signed simply with his initial "L." The perusal of these names leads me to inquire whether any contributor can supply a complete list of the interesting booklets reprinted from ' N. & Q-,'of which there must be a large number. Some of Mr. Thoms's reprints were published to the world; others, such as his ' Curll Papers' and his little monograph on Oldys, were only printed in small numbers. A very interesting reprint is the 'Bibliography of "Dame Europa's School,"' by a writer whose pseudonym of " Fama " has disappeared of late years from the columns of ' N. & Q.' to the loss of those who valued his wide and accurate knowledge. I am sure MR. PICKFORD and other well-informed contributors could complete the list. W. F. PRIDEAUX. This supplementary list, including many honoured names, will serve towards the com- pleteness of the record. The signatures adopted by the correspondents are^placed in parentheses after the names. Where no reference is given the entry is in correction of the former list. It should be borne in and the Rev. G. L. Fenton, who died about the same time:— Arthur Ashpitel (A. A., Poets' Corner) W. J. Birch, add 300 B. H. Blacker (Abhba)