Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/412

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452 NOTES AND QUERIES. [9»8.iv.D]!c.2>'99. P. 47. A newspaper paragraph is said to have asserted that Johnson was receiving lessons in dancing from Madame Vestris. The writer did not commit himself to the sex of the teacher. The preceptor in dancing at that date was Monsieur Vestris ; the star of the famous Madame did not shine in John- son's time with the brilliancy of her father's. I end, as I began, with the statement that, in spite of these defects, the paper of Mr. Gennadius is the best in the volume. It con- centrates into a small compass, and illustrates with much learning, the scattered anecdotes on Johnson's knowledge of Greek. C. Pall Mall. PARISH AND OTHER ACCOUNTS. (Continued from p. 415.) Noten and Queries. High Ercall, Salop. — Extracts from Church- wardens' Accounts, 1687-1768. Seven entries. Notes and Queries, 8th S. v. 49. Byton (Parish).—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, 1599-1641. Twenty entries. Ib., 8th S. v. 188. Bildestone, Suffolk. — Extracts from Church- wardens' Accounts, 1624-1645. Fifty entries. Ib., 2"'1 S. iv. 222. Saxilby, Line.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, 1651. Very full. Ib., 1st S. xii. 162. A London Parish.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts. Three entries, 1609, 1616, 1620. Ib., 4"' S. vi. 386. Coventry.—Churchwardens' Accounts. Extracts showing " letters of request," 1618-1629. 76., 5th S. x. 351. Torquay. — Extracts from Churchwardens' Ac- counts, 1525-1548. Four entries. Ib., 5th S. xi. 194. Bishop Stortford.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, 1514-1642. Thirteen entries. Ib., 5th S. xi. 106. Sundry Periodical*. Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Petrock's, Exeter, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Transaction.-! of the Devon. Association, xiv. 402. Ac. 1,200. Churchwardens' Accounts, Milton Abbot, Devon, 1588. Ib., ii. 213. Ac. 1,200. Bath, St. Michael's.—Churchwardens' Accounts, fourteenth to sixteenth century. Tranxactioni of the Royal Historical Society, vii. 309. Ac. 8,118. Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts in these counties scattered throughout the Eaut Anglian, Old Series, 4 vols. PP. 6.081 d. Ipswich Churchwardens' Accounts. — A few entries. Ktwt Anglian, New Series,!. 175. PP. 6,081 d. Suffolk.—Extracts from Little Cornard Parish Accounts, seventeenth century. Ib., i. 268. PP. 6,081 d. Suffolk.—Extracts from Church wardens'Accounts of various places in. Ib., ii. 180, 219, 241, 269, 208, 353, 382, 39& PP. 6,081 d. Toft Monks, Norfolk.—Churchwardens' Accounts, a few extracts, seventeenth century. Ib., iii. 23. PP. 6,081 d. Ipswich, St. Clement's. — Churchwardens' Ac- counts, 1594-1652. Ib., iii. 203, 303, 355; iv. 4. PP. 6,081 d. Henley, Suffolk. — Churcli wardens' Accounts, 1602, &c. Ib., iv. 92. PP. 6,081 d. Ipswich, St. Matthew's. — Churchwardens' Ac- counts, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ib.. iv. 102, 122, 134, 155, 172, 343. PP. 6.081 d. Beetham, Westmoreland.—Extracts from MS. Accounts, 1737 and 1777. Cumberland and West- moreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, i. 262. Ac. 5,630. Buck Crag, Cartmel.—Wills and Inventories, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 76., ii. 266. Ac. 5,630. Kendal Parish Registers. A few entries. Ib., iii. 58. Ac. 5,630. Highclose.—Wills and Inventories, seventeenth century. 76.. iii. 111. Ac. 5,630. HawKshead.—Parish Accounts. A few entries. 76., iv. 33. Ac. 5,630. Wharton Hall, Westmoreland.—Household Ex- penses of the third Lord Wharton, 1585-6. Archifo- loyia jEliana, ii. 224. Ac. 5,675. Dilston.—Some Account of Sir Francis Radclyffe. By W. H. D. Longstaffe. Contains numerous entries of wages and prices, 1681-2, 1302, m. 15. Reprinted from Archirmogia, jEliana, New Series, i. 104. Ac. 5,675. Richmond, Yorks. — Inventory of Goods, 1316. 7ft.. i. 196. Ac. 5,675. Dilston. — Extracts from Stewards' Accounts, 1686-7. 76., ii. 159. Ac. 5,675. Melton Mowbray.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, sixteenth century. Leicester Architec- tural and Archaeological Society, iii. 180. Ac. 5,661. Coston, Leicestershire. — An eighteenth-century account book, 1735-54. 76. vi. 307. Ac. 5,681. Leicester, St. Mary's.—Extracts from Church- wardens' Accounts, 1652-1729. 76., vi. 229, 353; vii. 39. Ac. 5,661. Sprowston.—Churchwardens' Accounts. A few extracts, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. ' Norfolk Archeology,' i. 39. Ac. 5,685. Loddon.—A few extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Ib., ii. 64. Creak Abbey, Norfolk.—A Cellarer's Account, 5 and 6 Edward HI. 76.. vi. 314. Ac. 5,685. Stockton. — Extracts from Churchwardens' Ac- counts, 1625-1712. Ib., j. 167. Ac. 5,685. Ludlow.—Churchwardens' Accounts, 9 Edw. IV., 1749. Shropshire Archseological Society, i. 235; U. 105; also iv. and v. Ac. 5,697. Kitchen Book of Mr. Talbot, tongford, Salop, 1577. Ib., i. 9. Ac. 5,697. Shrewsbury, Early Chronicles of. 1372-1603. Con- tains some information as to prices of food, Ac. Ib., iii. 239. Ac. 5,697. Cardington, Salop. —Churchwardens' Accounts, 1693, &c. Ib iv. 317. Ac. 5,697. Bath, St. Michael's.—Churchwardens' Accounts, fourteenth to sixteenth century. Somerset Archaeo- logical Society, xxiii. part 3 ; and xxiv. part 3 ; xxv. part 3 ; xxvi. part 3. Ac. 5,700. Mellis.—Extracts from Churchwardens' Accounts, seventeenth century. Bury and W. Suffolk Archtpo- logical Institute, i. 79. Ac. 5,710. Seal and Elstead, Surrey.—Extracts from Church- wardens' Accounts, sixteenth and seventeenth cen- turies. 'Surrey Archaeological Collections,' ii. 27. Ac. 5,715.