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NOTES AND QUERIES. [b»8.iv.d«.2,,» SWAN SONNtiNSCHEIN & GO. DALBIAC'S DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. Small 8vo. Is. 6c?. each. ENGLISH QUOTATIONS. MY CoL P. H. DALBIAC, M.P. Pp. 514. [Sectmd Edition. CLASSICAL QUOTATIONS. (Texts and Translations.) BY T. B. HARBOTTLE. Pp. 610. This work has at once stepped into the front rank of Quotation Books. It supplies a vast body of references in the Classical Volume giving the Original Texts, with translations from the best sources, or where not already well translated, by Mr. Harbottle himself. Both books are fully indexed (pp. 152 and 100 respectively), under (a) Authors, (A) Subjects, (c) Catch Words. In all cases precise reference to " chapter and verse " of the best Editions is given. The Third Volume, dealing with FOREIGN QUOTATIONS, is in the press. Tne FRANCO-GERMAN WAR, 1870-71. By Generals and other Officers who took part in the Campaign. Translated and Edited bv Major- General MAUIUUE, C B. K.A., Capt. WILFRED J. LONG, and A. SONNENSCHKIN. With hundreds of Plates, Illustrations, Portraits, Maps, and Plans. Imperial Svo. 21s. With a solitary exception, there is a consensus of favourable criticism of Mr. BUDGBTT MEAKIN'8 Mew Volume, entitled The MOORISH EMPIRE, with 115 fine Illustrations, 3 Maps, 2 Charts, aud a Copious Index, at 16». The Daily A'eius regards it as " just the sort ot book wrlterB aud readers on the Moorish Question will like to have at hand "; and the Daily Ckronule says that " no student of Morocco can afford to be without" this " most valuable " book. Smttli Africa says:—" This admirable history may be heartily commeuded to all who have the cause of British Imperial expansion at heart. Its value Is immensely enhanced by maps and excellent photographs aud drawings." According to the Tima, Mr. B. H. BADEN POWELL'S VILLAGE* COMMUNITIES in INDIA: their Origin and Growth (2s. 6d.), is " by far the best popular exposition of the Indian commune that has ever been written or is likely to be written in our day." The VICTORIA NYANZA: the Land, the Races, and their Customs, by P. KOLLMANN, Lieut. Koyal Saxon Begt., is juBt ready. It is fully illustrated from the Author's own Collections (now in the Berlin Museum). 7s. tsd. TheSTORYof AUSTRALIAN BOSH- RANGING •' enables us to study one of the strangest episodes in the history of crime," says the Spectator of Mr. G. E. BOXALL'S New Book, which is published at 6s. The Daily Telegraph thinks it " will appeal strongly to those who take an interest in the annals of crime aud the daring of celebrated criminals." The Hall Mall Gazette asserts that " it could not well be more com- plete," and thinks " it is uncommonly well done," pro- viding " 335 pages of attractive reading." The LETTERS of LADY JANE COKE, which Mrs. AMBROSE RATHBORNB has just edited, the Standard opens Its review by saying, •■ affords one of the most amusing and interesting accounts of ' high life' in the last ceni ury which have recently been published." The book is illustrated with Portraits and Facsimiles, and its price is 7s. 6<f. INTRODUCTION to PHONETICS. By the late L. BOAMES. New Edition, by Prof. W. VlBTOR. 6s. The SCIENTIFIC BASIS of MORALITY. By G. GORE, LL.D. F.B.S., Author of 'The Art of Scientific Discovery,' 4c 592 pp. 10s. 6d. net. The PHENOMENA of NATURE as SEEN from the WORKSHOP, the FACTORY, and the FIELD. By JAMBS WALKER. 2 Parts, each 2s. ad. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., Ltd., London. Printed or JOHN EDWARD FKAHCIS, Athenaeum Press, Bieam's Bulldbws, Chancery l*ne. B.0 i and Published br r a °' JOHN <J* FRANCIS u Breams Buildlnjrs, Chancery l»ne, R-C.-SMunlay, December a, WW.