Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/529

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. INDEX. NINTH SERIES.—VOL. IV. [For classified articles, see Anonymous Works, Bibliography, Books rrckntly published, Epigram, Epitaphs, Folk-lore, Heraldry, Proverbs and Phrases, Quotations, Shakkspeariaka, and Songs and Ballads.] A. on Taverner family, 9 A. (A.) on long tenure of office, 55 A. (E, C.) on Newcombe of Leir, 129 A. (G. E. P.) on Sir Hugh Evans, 57 Shakespeariana, 82 A. (M.) on King Charles I., 56 Abbey, old, at Arley, Lancashire, 130 Abingdon Abbey, chimney at, 502 Abstinence, extraordinary, 107 Ackerley (F. G.) on gipsies, 108 Judgment, its spelling, 288 Addy (S. O.) on " As mean as tongs," 206 Boundary stones, 476 Dings in York, 270 Driving the commons in 1574, 224 English coinage, its origin, 481 Gallows birds and others, 283 Hexham and the Augustales, 116 Ingate, its meaning, 488 Lanes, sunken, 289 Sherewynd surname, 417 /Eaop, remarks on, 85, 285 African names, 436, 519 A ilantus = tree of heaven, 347, 423 Albert Gate, Knightsbridge, 204, 296, 357, 502 Alcock (Bishop John), his birthplace and family, 241 Aldenham (Lord) on missing picture by Romney, 167 Aldgate and Whitechapel, 168, 269, 385, 441 Alexander (John), his biography, 269 Alfred (King), date of his death, 435 Allervale pottery, its mottoes, 128, 193 Alphabetic apophthegms, 224, 468 Alphita, medico-botanical glossary, 226, 274, 310,403 Altars at Glastonbury, 498 Amen Court, origin of the name, 27, 184, 190, 272 America, South, British suzerainty in, 328, 357 Amours (F. J.) on Capados, its derivation, 308 Anderson (J. L.) ou peat, 75 Anderson (P. J.) on William Duff, 401 Graduates of Scottish Universities, 135 Andrews (H.) on bellringers' rimes, 447 Bell-ringing custom, 394 Cordwainer, survival of the word, 436 Doctor, Christian name, 518 Lincolnshire sayings, 478 Andrews (W.) on first halfpenny newspaper, 425 Right of sanctuary, 437 Anglicisms, or provincial phrases, 8 Anglo-Saxon speech, 45, 94, 137, 218, 296, 466, 547 Angus (G.) on Cardinal Beaton's reputed marriage, 33 Peers, double-name signatures for, 487 " Table de Communion," 73 Thackeray, his death, 47 Anker-holds, or anchorites' cells, 519 Anne (Queen), ode on the death of, 282 Annotto, a dye, its etymology, 125, 195 Anonymous Works:— ' Goody Goosecap,' 67 • King and the Turnip,' 229 'New Critical Review of Public Buildings in London,' 537 'Till Eulenspiegel,' 169 Aphikoumon, its origin, 53 Appearance = electoral nomination, 496 Apperson (G. L.) on Boccaccio, 813 "Elixir Vine " in fiction, 257 Arabic numerals dated 1369, 184 Archaeological rarity, six-pointed star, 69, 134, 214 Archeology, British domestic, proposed cyclopaedia of, 206, 292, 331, 353 Ardagh, arms of, 307, 356 Arden : More: Middleton : Kyllinbeck, 87 Arley, Lancashire, old abbey at, 130 Armagh, Bishop of, poem by, 538; martyr bishops, 52 Armstrong (Sir Thomas and General John), their regimental associations, 28, 93 Armstrong (T. P.) on Jean Bart's descent on North- umberland, 152 Error in Reclus, 186 Hugo (Victor): "The Flying Dutchman," 194 L'Ordre du Devoir, 96 Mays, 233 Nicknames, national, 90 Poet's immortality predicted by himself, 172 Public schools with branch establishments, 18 South African names, 520 Army, queues worn in the, in 1798, 223 Arnold (Matthew), as theatrical critic, 249, 315 ; his preface to ' Essays in Criticism,' 54, 97 Arnott (S.) on howl, 132 Island of the innocent, 277 Artists' mistakes, 107, 164, 237, 293 Ashley-Cooper (F. S.) on Venn: Mountford, 497 S