Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/544

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566 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20, 1900. INDEX. Jonson (Ben), his 'Bartholomew Fair,' IV. i., 'The Devil is an Ass,' I. iii., 347, 423 ; titles of his works, 29, 113; two quartos of, 87, 152, 196; unclaimed poem by, 491 Josselyn (J. H.) on portrait of Speaker Sir E. Tumour, 249, 465 Jouillin surname, 308 Jubilee of ' N. & Q.,' history, 361, 391; Greeting, 391 ; Ballade of the, 392 Judges, Welsh, 50, 132, 171 Judgment, its spelling, 288, 404 Jumble=half-gallon bottle, 539 Junius, his identification, 201 K. on bull races, 292 Granite tramway, 263 K. (H.) on wind indicator at Peckham, 17 K. (L. E. E.) on sword worn at the right side, 285 Karoo, its etymology and pronunciation, 105, 156, 236, 330 Kealy (A. G.) on Rev. Richard Walter, 479 Keats (John), hia 'Eve of St. Agnes,' 26; skull writing, 25, 75 Keble (J.) and Thomas a Kempis, 455 Kempis (Thomas a), and Keble, 455 ; heading to a chapter of his ' De Imitatione Christi,' 538 Kenrick (William), his biography, 171 Kenyon (G. T.) on William Owen, 324 Kerr family, 8 Khaki, its use and spelling, 86, 535 Killigrew on carriage of a sword-belt, 286 " Ce canaille de D ," 398, 446 Charade, its solution, 75 Charles I., relics of, 55 Horns, bearing of, 264 " In petto," 508 Jubilee of ' N. 4 Q.,' 392 Lance-corporal, its derivation, 273 " Strenua nos exercet inertia," 291 King (A. J.) on " As sure as there is a hip on a goat," 461 Horse-bread, 333 Newcombe of Leir, 258 Off for of, 171 Scott and Washington Irving, 108 Kipling (Rudyard), his 'For Remembrance,' 229 ; ' Lucia,' 285, 446 Kirk (H. T.) on Welsh Nonjuring bishop, 268 Kirkee, corrupted form of khaki, 86 Kisses in cups, 475 Knight (Joseph) on ' N. & Q.,' Jubilee of, 361 Knights, list of, 279, 467 Knuckle, his identification, 209 Krebs (H.) on Chodowiecky, 297 Goethe, 52 Goethe on Dante, 45 Polder, its etymology, 462 Russian language, 356 Kuhn (M.) on Montreux churchyard inscription, 444 L. (B. H.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 45 Bntterworths, law publishers, 146 Sunken lanes, 291 Surnames, commonest, 226 Sword-belt, carriage of a, 447 L. (B. H.) on ancient tin trade of Britain, 516 Tips, origin of, 308 L. (M. C.) on scabious or Devil's-bit, 28 L. (R. W.) on Leigh Hunt and Uartlett Court, 418 La Brnyere and Thomas Hood, 534 Ladbroke family, 328 Ladle, ancient silver, 96 Lancashire, holy wells in, 896, 464 Lance-corporal, its derivation, 189, 273 Landes, bull races at, 208, 292 Landrail = corn-crake, 57 Lane (Lionel), one of Admiral Blake's flag-captains, 249, 315 Lanes, sunken, their origin, 207, 289, 336, 404 Langtoft (Pierre de), his 'Chronicle,' 147, 236 Lang worth (Thomas), his biography, 188 Latin quotations, 327 Laud (Archbishop) and John Hales of Eton, 106 Lavinia, origin of the name, 74, 153 Law and his Mississippi scheme, 84, 317 Law sittings and Corpus Christi Day, 17 Lawrence (Sir Thomas), his portrait of Warren Hastings, 263 Lawrence (W. J.) on orsidue, its derivation, 248 Lawson (R.) on 'An Apology for Cathedral Service,1 419 Birkenhead (Jack), 297 Coal folk-lore, 326 Entwisle family, 523 Gates on commons, 405 Saladin and the Crusader's wife, 538 Leach (R. E.) on Swift family, 108 Learned, the, mistakes of, 393 Lee (Hannah), in fairy story, 477 Leeper (A.) on " Cum talis sis, utinam noster esses," 184 "Judams Apella," 250 Peculiar use of the term British, 29 Leet Court, or court of homage, survival of, 542 Leffmann (H.) on last of the war bow, 424 Leprosy of houses, 442 Lega-Weekes(E.)on brick dated 1393, 46,156,275,353 Chimneys in ancient houses, 64 Cyclopedia of British Domestic Archaeology, 206 English room-panelling, 71 •—H Hele: to hele, 408 -«* Minshull, Tarbock, and Caldwell genealogies, 266 Nimmet, its etymology, 438 Postal concession, proposed international, 246 Leigh (Helen), poetess of Middlewich, 308 Leighton (J.) on Van Dyck, 189 Leo of Modena's Hebrew-Italian Bonnets, 183, 273, 837 Leprosy of houses, 353, 442 Lever (Charles), his death and burial, 245 ; his ' Gerald Fitzgerald,' 148 Lewin (P. E.) on Reid of Hailles, 348 " Lex non scripta," incident in Jersey city, 456 Liddell and Scott's * Greek Lexicon,' epigram on, 56 Lief-hebber, its meaning, 437 Lightfoot (Hannah), her marriage, 54 Lincoln, Jewish antiquities at, 24 Lincoln's Inn Fields, scheme for improvement of, in 1698, 512 Lincolnshire sayings, 478