Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/546

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568 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. INDEX. Marbeuf: Napoleon, 188, 255, 317 Marchant (F. P.) on alphabetic apophthegms, 224 Creation of woman, 455 Hell of the poets, 296 Legend of St. Ivo, 129 Plato in Shakespeare, 402, 501 Priest : " to priest," 514 Russian word, 278 Selectmen in U.S. America, 238 Marie de France, her poetical works, 189 Marken on heraldic, 8 Marquee, date of adoption of the word, 499 Marriage and baptism superstitions, 618 Marriage customs and defaulting omens, 5, 112 Marriages of persons already married to each other, notices of, 9, 72, 135, 212 Mars Black, its meaning, 247, 316 Marshall (E.) on bishop Atterbury, 138 ' History of Oxfordshire,' 251 Legend of St. Ivo, 195 Mummy peas, 198 Newman (Cardinal), book by, 177 Transmogrify, 172 Usury, 235 Marshall (E.), his death, 289 Marshall (E. H.) on banking, 272 " Black Death," 286 Bottle-Conjurer, 91 Cattle as criminals, 151 Desemea, its etymology, 56 Dryden, sonnet on, 262 " God's first creature, which was light," 462 Hard, its meaning, 358 Holy Communion, 273 Leprosy of houses, 353 Lowell on ' Aurora Leigh,' 95 M.P. claiming payment of expenses, 16 Marshall (the late Kev. E.), 289 Newman (Cardinal) and 'N. & Q.,' 498 Petworth and the Percies, 35 Picket, 540 St. Kith, 443 Shelley at Oxford, 7 Tenure of university office, 74 " Terras filius," 137 Tips, origin of, 462 " Unearned increment," 236 Marshall (F. A.) on Hawker MSS., 168 Marshall (G.) on arrest for debt in Ireland, 195 Augustus (Prince), of Prussia, 463 Burleigh (Lord), his precepts, 151 Corset, sixth Earl of, 71 Godbrother, 236 ' Good Lines,' 53 " King of Bantam," 488 " Lex non scripta," 456 Louvre, 111 National nicknames, 213 ' Pickwickian Studies,' 492, 525 Pins, 358 Poets and the tender passion, 51 Prior's parentage, 32 " Spun butter," 484 Thames tunnel, 467 Windsor chairs, 12 Marshall (J.) on Bumble-puppy, 217 ' Dr. Johnson as a Grecian,' 545 'H.E.D.,'184 Tiffin, 346, 460 Tips, origin of, 862 Marsouin, its definition and etymology, 205, 257, 316, 352 Marston Moor and Towton, 127, 191 Martin (S.) on Bishop Atterbury, 138 Cricket between female teams, 625 Martin (T. A.) on Breton calvaries, 398 Trafalgar, 435 " Mary had a little lamb," date of publication, 499 Mason (C.) on Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, 388 Duel in 1698 (?), 497 Riming warning to book-borrowers, 484 Welsh gipsy story, 353 Massena (Marshal), bis pedigree, 354 Massy (John), his family, 17, 172 ' Master Thief,' a Welsh gipsy story, 161, 353 Masters (C.) on riming warning to book-borrowers, 316 Matfelon (St. Mary), 66, 116 Matinee, early theatrical, 67, 118 Matthews (J. H.) on bailey, its meaning, 32 Charles I., 93 Dead fold, its meaning, 92 Mawdesley (F. L.) on armorial, 522 Charles Stuart, 74, 444 Crest on a horn, 406 Devil's door, 178 Irish soldiers at the battle of the Boyne, 486 Medal for Navarino, 506 Towton and Marston Moor, 191 York (Cardinal), 289 Maxwell (Sir H.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 547 Morcom surname, 406 Napoleon : Marbeuf, 255 Peat, its etymology, 37 " To hele," 92 Vole, its etymology, 332 War medals, 536 Mayall (A.) on "A reel in a bottle," 232 Age of human bones, 72 Alien priories, 274 Augustus, Prince of Prussia, 463 Biblical quotations, 314 Burial of Sir John Moore, 336 " Ce canaille de D—," 524 Chodowiecky, 297 Churches washed away by the sea, 426 "Common or garden," 155 Flaming beryl, 428 "Gifts then seem most precious," 54 Hereditary odour, 151 Hordon family, 427 Judgment, 404 Lonk sheep, 386 Loon, its meaning, 425 Lurid, its meaning, 28 Maheu de Redman, 288 " Misegun beans," 462 Napoleon : Marbeuf, 256 National nicknames, 90 Newcombe of Leir, 258 Off for of, 171