Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/558

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580 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. INDEX. White night or sleepless night, 439, 508 Wind indicators at Peckham and Chelcea Barracks, Whitwell (K. J.) on " a greased eel," 189 17 ' Alphita,' medico-botanical glossary, 403 WindBail=cooIsail, 65 Book by Newman, 178 Windsor chairs, 12, 57 Cottier, its meaning, 67 Windsor-Fry (H.) on Merivale's ' Essays on Land- ' Customs Rolls of the Pipe,' 88 scapes,' 249 D.S.P.F.C., 192 Winstone (B.) on shagreen, 352 Folk-lore : Drowned bodies recovered, 343 Wolfe (C), 'The Burial of Sir John Moore,' alternative Girst, its meaning, 91 readings of poem, 21, 177, 336 G risky : Grissy, 353 Wolferstan (E. P.) on corncrake, 58 Bandwarcelle, 418 "Gentlemen and ladies," 528 Hard, 228 Pewter and its marks, 506 Hemlock tret-, 309 Weather-lore, 437 Henchman, 455 Woman, creation of, Bulgarian legend, 455 ' Homish Apothecary,' 68 Woolford (H.) on bastardy, 108 House of Lords' Papers, 166 Worcestershire dialect, its grammar, 476 Humdrum, 378 Wordsworthiana, 821, 342, 439 " Imperium in imperio," 185 Wright (Sir Edmund), Lord Mayor of London, 1640-1, Initial for forename in serious Terse, 184 247, 335, 404 Langtoft's 'Chronicle,' 147 Wyndham-Quin (W. H.) on Admiral Sir Charles Luton Trinity Gild, 307 Tyler, 7 Maheu de kedman, 352 Wynne (M. B.) on Arabic numerals dated 1369, 134 Newspaper, early, 148 Mummy peas, 198 Oath: " The Great Oath," 438 Peat, 448 X. (X. Y.) on O'Conor, 418 Pinaseed, its meaning, 205, 335 Quotation marks, 86 Tapp binding, origin of the term, 169, 256 " Six-shilling beer," 128 Yardley (E.) on remarks on JEsop, 85, 285 "Take tostey," 107 Bull (John) of French origin, 66 Topographical collections for counties, 402 HeU of the poets, 126, 217, 296, 336, 423 Wardrobe Book, 208 Hereditary odour, 94 Windsor chairs, 67 Hugo (Victor) : " The Flying Dutchman," 164 Wicked Bible, 220 Obituary notices of contributors, 412 Widow's peak, 459 Rolling-pins as charms, 155, 354 Wife's sister, deceased, Manx law relating to, 226 St. Pol (Earls of), 293, 386, 444 Wigmore family, 380, 540 Shakeepeariana, 141, 221 Willcock (J.) on Devil and St. Dominic, 524 That, elliptical, 255, 850 Vulgar, 288 Waller (Edmund), 57, 97 Williams (T.) on Cogan : Barry : Boche, 132 Yeatman (P.) on Welsh manuscript pedigrees, 412 St. Jordan, 76 Yeowell (James) and ' N. & Q.,' 368 Wilson (D.) on " Infant's Library," 129 Ygiec on Devil's door, 218 Wilson (J. M.) on ' Padre Francisco,' 147 " Melius superius indumentum," 7 Wilson (T.) on Christian basilicas, 73 York (Cardinal), 289 Devil's door, 256 York, Dings in, 181, 270 York, St Crux, 517 Magnetic Pole, 272 Mummy peas, 252 Young (Dr. Edward) and Coleridge, 42 Orientation, 261 > That, elliptical, 255 Zangwill surname, its origin and meaning, 246 Wiltes (Earldom of), extinct title, 184, 231 "Zimmerm. Icon.," 881 Winchester as a bishopric, 418 Zodiacs, modern, 124, 202 >> LONDON: PRINTED BT JOHN BDWABD FRANCIS, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, CHANCERY LANS.