Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/57

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. iv. JULY ,m] NOTES AND QUERIES. r.KOt.V BRITANNICA, a very great reduction in the price is accompanied by the further convenience of the monthly payment system. The CENTURY DICTIONARY is supplied by the TIMES at Kl. In the half-morocco binding, a reduction of 45 per cent, from the regular price. The work in three-quarter levant binding—recommended alike by Its beauty and durability—is 151., and the full morocco binding, adapted to the requirements of connoisseurs, IB sold for lit- THE MONTHLY PAYMENT SYSTEM. Under the system of serial payments, the eight volumes, in any of the three styles of binding, will be promptly delivered, all at one time, for a preliminary payment of only one guinea, the purchase to be completed by further monthly payments of one guinea. The price, under these conditions, is—according to the binding—thirteen, fifteen, or eighteen guineas in all—only 5 per cent, mote than the price for payment in cash. This remarkable combination of a very large reduction in price with the most convenient terms of payment is the result of a novel theory of bookselling. The foundation of all discount prices in the bookselling trade li cash payment, an inconvenience which the purchaser must suffer in order to get the advantage of the discount. The TIMES dispenses with cash pnvment, and yet gives a far larger discount tban Is generally allowed for cash payment. That is the new theory of bookselling. Perhaps it would be more exact to call it a new theory of advertising. Every early purchaser of a new work of reference is, unconsciously, advertising the book. If he is pleased he expresses hla pleasure. If he sees that he has made a good bargain he tells his friends about it. That Is the best advertising In the world. But a sacrifice must be made In order to obtain It. A limited edition of the new work must be sold at a very low price In order to attract a sufficient nnmber of early purchasers without losing time. This ia the procedure which Is now being followed In the case of the CENTURY DICTIONARY. As soon as the limited edition has been exhausted the price will be increased. When the TIMES first offered the ENCYCLOPEDIA BEITANNICA It was plainly stated tbatlhe price would be Increased. Yet half the people who bought the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA waited until they bad lost the benefit of the minimum price. Belated purchasers of the CENTURY DICTIONARY will incur a similar loss. Is It not better to buy the work now ? Only one guinea In cash need be paid at once. The second payment of one guinea Is not due until the volumes have been delivered. If the purchaser is leaving home for the summer, a copy of the CENTURY DICTIONARY will be reserved for him until be returns, and his second payment will thus be postponed. One guinea mutt, however, be paid now, In order to secure the benefit of the introductory price. SPECIMEN PACES.—A richly illustrated pamphlet containing specimen pages from THKOENTUUY DlCTlONAitT maybe had srutl* and post free, upon application to the Manager of THK TIUKS. FOR THE LIMITED EDITION OFFERED BY ?Ibc Ciincs. EIGHT SUMPTUOUS VOLUMES. 12 inches high, 9 Inches wide, 24 inches deep. HALF MOROCCO BINDING £13 In. Cash, or 13 Monthly Payments of ONE GUINE A. each. THREE-QUARTER LEVANT BINDING. (Which we recommend.) £15 in Cash, or 15 Monthly Payments or ONK OUINKA iiu-n. FULL MOROCCO BINDING „ £18 In Cash, or 18 Monthly Payments or ONE GUINEA men. NOTE.—If the Purchaser sends a cheque for the full amount at the cash price shown above, he will effect a saving or One Shilling in the Guinea, and no Order Puriu nerd he used. The Form which rollows la for the use or purchasert who prefer to make monthly payment*. All Cheques should be drawn to the order of H. E. HOOPER. MONTHLY PAYMENTS.-ORDER FORK. [Date] 1899. THE MANAGER, "THE TIMES," PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, LONDON. E.G. I enclose Ono Guinea. Please send me Tho Century DIotlonMy S ""Ja e^qua'r'ier'Lovarit?!"1"*!?' Guineas, J'Tira'o/"* '"'""d '"(Full Morocco, price 18 Guinea*. Jffce-e fiiif«. The balance of which Bum I agree to pay you. or any one you appoint, at the rate or One Guinea a month ; my next pnrment nn<,ii delivery i,t the complete » volumes, and my succeeding payments on the corresponding day or each month following. Until such payments HI- • complete, I enirige that the volumes, not being my property, shall not be disposed of by sale or otherwise. I further :ieri'i> tiril if owinit to unforeseen circumstances, of which you shall be thejudge, the volumes cannot b« delivered, the return of the deposit uf One Guinea to me Bhail cancel this agreement. NQ38 IMIn^II^'"!^^ The privilege of making monthly payments is accorded to residents in the United Kingdom only. Please address the package to f books are to be delivered beyond London postal district, the"! rchaser should add here the name of the railway company or I,. ppliitr agent in London to whom delivery is to he made. Beyond f i London postal district, carriage will be at purchaser's cost. J Detached order forms may be obtained from THK TIMES. Specimen Volumes may be seen, and orders booted, at Messrs. Uuappcll & Cu.'s. nanolorte Manufacturer.!, 50, New BouU .-1i-uci. or at Mewra. street It, Oo.'i, IIM, Piccadilly.