Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/152

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. v. FEB. 24 , 1900.

P. 65. Blanco White corresponded with Hannah More in 1827, Roberts, iv. 320.

P. 73. Robert White, engraver. See ' Old- ham,' by Bell, 1854, p. 230.

Pp. 78-9. Thomas White, Sion College. Was he the Dr. White who assisted at the examination of Barrow 1 Wordsworth, ' Eccl. Biog.,' iv. 361.

P. 79 a. For " Langdon " read Laindon.

Pp. 79-81. Thomas White, Albius. Barrow's opinion of his tract ' Chrysaspis,' on quadra- ture, ' Works,' 1842, i. p. xli ; his ' Rush worth's Dialogues,' see the preface to 'Tillotson's Sermons,' 1720 ; see Digby's * Letters on Reli- gion,' 1651, p. 85, and cp. 'D.N.B.,' x. 254

P. 91 b. It seems misleading and unneces- sary to date a book 1900 that was published on 23 December, 1899. Some confusion may arise hereafter, as may be seen on turning to xxxvii. 282, 'N. & O.,' 8 th S. v. 285.

Pp. 92-3. Caleb Whitefoord. Mathias notices the readiness of his punning power, ' P. of L.,' 359, 360.

P. 93 b. "a F.R.S.," "a F.S.A."; omit the a (cp. 260 a, b).

P. 96. Charles Whitehead. See 'N. & Q.,' 3 rd S. xii. 99 ; 6 th S. vii. viii.

P. 103 a, line 13. 'Written Gospel,' 1764; the real date is 1704.

P. 107. W. Whitehead. Gray's praise of him, ' Gray,' by Mason, 1827, p. 345 ; Junius's character of him, 'Letters,' 9 July, 1771.

Pp. 129-137. Abp. Whitgift. Hooker, Sir E. Sandys, and Andrew Willet all dedicated books to him ; see his character in Hooker, ed. by Church and Paget, 1888, ii. 598; on the Lambeth articles, see J. Ellis, 1710.

Pp. 139-140. Richard Whiting. See Hearne's 'Langtoft/ii. 343.

P. 141 b, line 24. For "Collection" read Collections.

P. 142 a. For "Popers" read Papers.

Pp. 150-3. Dean Whittingham. See ' Hooker,' by Church and Paget, iii. 554 ; Walbran's 'Fountains Abbey,' Surt. Soc., ii. 254.

P. 158 a. Robert Whittington's 'Vulgaria' was printed in 1525, according to Ainsworth's 'Latin Dictionary,' 1746, preface.

Pp. 172-3. Tho. Whytehead's poem on death of Duke of Gloucester is in ' Prolusiones Academics,' Cantab., 1835; see Miller, ' Singers and Songs,' 1869, p. 527 ; Markland's 'Prayers and Life of Bp. Ken,' ed. 2, 1849, pp. 105-6 ; Church, ' Oxford Movement,' 1892, p. 407 ; 'N. & Q.,' 4 th S. viii. 241.

P. 180. Ralph Widdrington's appointment as Professor of Greek, see Life of Barrow, prefixed to Barrow's ' Works.'

P. 185. In 1718 Sir Robert Chaplin, Director

of the South Sea Company, bought the estate of the "late Lord Widdrington"(at Blankney) in Lincolnshire, worth 1,400. a year, for 32,400^., Free Thinker, i. 249.

P. 197 a. " Hambury "; ? Hanbury (379 a).

P. 198 a, b. Walt-ham?

P. 200 b. " The university debating society, called the Union," is a very remote descrip- tion.

P. 203 a, b. Kirwan Brown ; read Browne, as 201 a.

P. 218 b. Joseph Wilcocks was elected demy of Magdalen with Addison and Abp. Boulter, known as the "golden election," Wilson, 'Merchant Taylors'.'

P. 223. Jonathan Wild. See Amhurst, ' Terra? Filius,' 1726, i. 48.

P. 225. Robert Wild. See Hickeringill, 'Gregory, Father Greybeard,' 1673, pp. 204, 218, 268, 304.

P. 227. John Wilde. See Wordsworth, 'Eccl. Biog.,' v. 322, 328.

P. 236. There are four poems on the death of Sir James Wilford in Tottel's ' Miscellany,' 1557, ed. Arber, 112, 141, 153, giving particu- lars of his soldiering.

P. 242. Wilfrid. Add 'Memorials of Ripon' and 'Ripon Chapter Acts,' Surt. Soc.; Yorksh. Archceol. J., ii. iii.

PD. 244-5. John Wilkes and '"45," see Life of Cruden, by Chalmers, prefixed to 'Con- cordance'; some memoranda in E. H. Barker's ' Literary Anecdotes.'

Pp. 266-7. Wilkins's 'New World,' ed. 4, 1684; 'Mercury,' 1694; ' Mathem. Magic,' 1680, 1691; 'Prayer and Preaching,' 1667. Wilkins was a friend of John Ray, 'Creation,' 299, and a friend and patron of Barrow, Life prefixed to B.'s 'Works'; on his 'Real Character,' see Leibnitz, 'Theodicee,' 1760, i. 112. No. 9, 'Natural Religion,' with funeral sermon by Bp. Lloyd, 8vo., 1675, 1704, 1710, 1734; 'Sermons before the King,' ed. 2, with 6th ed. of No. 6, 1680.

P. 267 b. For " Oxberton " read Osberton.

Pp. 271 a, 315, and often. For"Kennet" read Kennett.

P. 272 a. Die-kens ?

P. 278. Tate Wilkinson. Local tracts upon his performances, by Nicholas Manners, York, 1790, W. Burton and Geo. Wilson, Leeds, 1801.

Pp. 280-3. Robert Wilks. Pope's account of him in Curll's 'Miscellanea,' 1727, i. 65; ' Gray,' by Mason, 1827, p. 46 ; spoke prologue in 'Phaedra and Hippolytus,' Addison's 'Works,' 1726, i. 254.

P. 287 a. For " Ickington " read Itchington. P. 291 b. Andrew Willet. There is some error about his 'Genesis'; the ed. Cambr.,