Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/173

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Talis equos alacer media inter proelia Turnus Fum antes sudore quatit, miserabile csesis Hostibus insultans. * yEneid,' xii. 337-9.

Fremit sequore toto

Insultans sonipes ' ^Eneid,' xi. 599, 600.

Say rushed the bold eagle exultingly forth From his home in the dark-rolling clouds of the north ?

Alarum verbera nosco,

Letalemque sonum ; nee fallunt jussa superba Magnanimi Jovis. ' JEneid,' xii. 876-8.

Littoreas agitabat aves, turban) que sonant-em Agminis aligeri. ' .ZEneid,' xii. 248-49.

Other little touches of Mantuan inspira- tion or reminiscence might be added to the above. Apart from such coincidences, how- ever, the correspondence, mutatis mutandis, of the Wizard and Lochiel to Alecto and Turnus seems to be sufficiently exact to suggest that Campbell's Virgilian studies counted for something in the conception and composition of his ' Lochiel's Warning.' A. C. MOUNSEY. Jedburgh.

THE MOUSE (!SAIAH LXVI. 17). The revisers have, in several places, altered and improved the zoological renderings of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament. It seems a pity that they did not at least suggest inamarginal note an alteration in this, for there can be but little doubt that theanimal intended ( "l"U3SJ ), which is forbidden to be eaten in Leviticus xi. 29, is the jerboa (some- times called jumping mouse), the flesh of which is eaten by the Arabs and Egyptians to this day, and is said to resemble that of the rabbit. It is also mentioned in the first hook of Samuel, chap, vi., and said to " mar the land," no doubt from the great destruc- tion of grain, &c., which would be caused by large numbers of them. W. T. LYNN.


THE 'LAW LIST.' Probably most people would take the English ' Law List 'to be a pretty safe evidence that the owner of any name included in it was alive. It is, how- ever, nothing of the sort as regards a very important portion, namely, barristers. JThere must be some hundreds of names of men who are dead included in it. Many names have been printed year after year for fifty years without address ! But one fact will be better than any amount of speculation ; that fact is that Andrew Steinmetz died in a miserable condition in University College Hospital in 1877, as I know from having seen the certificate of his death at Somerset House ; nevertheless, his name was in the 4 Law List 'for 1898, twenty-one years after his death. He brought on blindness by

excessive smoking. Though he was so well known in his day not a single paper noticed his death. RALPH THOMAS.

GIPSIES. The parish register of Didsbury, near Manchester, records the burial, on 18 August, 1579, of "John the sonne of Charles baptist egiptian." At Aberdeen, in 1540, Barbara Dya Baptista (also styled Barbara Baptista, "Dya being Romanes for " mother ") was charged with " wrangous waytaking of xxiiij malks money of Scotland fra Androw Chalmer in Westra Fyntra out of his kyst." She was "maid quyt of the clame." An accusation at Durham, in 1549, against Baptist Fawe, is well known to those interested in gipsiology, as also the committal at Devonshire Lent Assize, 1598, of Charles Baptist, with Oliver and Bartholomew Baptist, for wandering like Egyptians ; but the Dids- bury record is new. The Manchester Con- stable's Accounts, in 1618-19, contain a payment of ijs. viijd for "whippinge of eight counterfeit jpsies that were taken with a privie search." H. T. CROFTON.

A CHAINED CURATE. Chained books, such as those at Guildford (eightv-five in number, and now being rearranged), at Wimborne, Hereford, or other places, are familiar to many of your readers. A chained man, however, in recent times, in a Cornish

hurch, is perhaps sufficiently unusual to merit record in the pages of 'N. & Q.' Shortly after Dr. Benson's appointment to

he bishopric of Truro he made an explora-

tion of the diocese, described in his recently published life :

"Atone place, several years before, the Curate-

n-charge had been chained to the altar-rails while

le read the Service, as he had a harmless mania

which made him suddenly flee from the church, if

ris own activities were for an instant suspended

as, for example, by a response. The churchwarden,

i, farmer, kept the padlock key in his pocket until

he service was safely over." 1 Life of Archbishop

Benson,' vol. i. p. 429.

R. B.


MACKY'S l COURT CHARACTERS.' In the Tixall library sale at Sotheby's on 6 Novem- >er, 1899, lot 189, was a MS. volume described n the catalogue as follows :

" Davis. The Characters of all the Nobility and Gentry of England and Scotland, serving in and

in English Gentleman at Venice, and carried to the Elector of Hanover, afterwards K. George 1.' MS. lote on'fly-leaf."

Thinking from this description that the nanuscript might be of considerable historical