Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/182

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NOTES AND QUE1IIES. [9 th S. V. MAKCH 3, 1900.

answer, might easily lead to virtue being attributed to the poker when it really be- longed only to the air that the poker let in.

J. T. F. Bp. Hatfield's Hall, Durham.

EMERY (9 th S. v. 27, 115). There is not a pedigree of the Emery family in the Visita- tions of Bedfordshire, but at p. 206 of vol. xix. of the Harleian Society is a list of gentry, taken 1667-8, who are said to have sold their estates and left the county during the past forty years. This contains Emery of Arlesey. At p. 91 it states that Anne, daughter and coheir of Thomas Emery, of Arlesey, married Thomas Carter, of Barford.


"IRISH FEARAGURTHOK " (9 th S. v. 108). From Irish feur (grass) and gortach (hungry, greedy, starving). The phrase is well known in Ulster ; and only in October of last year, in the Century Magazine, Seumas MacManus used it in one of his Donegal stories. The feur-gortach is a sudden hunger-weakness, which attacks people when they have been so unlucky as to walk upon particular spots of grass. It is, of course, metaphorical in the quotation from the Times.


LYTES OF LYTES GARY (9 th S. v. 107). See (1) 'Pedigree of Lyte,' by H. M. Lyte, 1867, 8vo., sheet ; (2) 'Visitation of Somersetshire,' 1623, with additions from earlier Visitations by II. Mundy, 1 838, privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. (p. 115); (3) 'Lytes Gary Manor House; with Notices of the Lyte Family,' by William George, Bristol, 1879, 8vo. HERBERT B. CLAYTON.

39, Renfrew Road, Lower Kennington Lane.

DEPRECIATION OF COINAGE (9 th S. v. 87). Perhaps Edward I. learnt this shameful trick from his great rival Philip the Fair, with whom he established a very close alliance. Philip's depreciations were, of course, the result of a perpetually empty and needy exchequer. Naturally they were odious, and' gained him the sobriquet of " Faux-Monnayeur." Philip, like Edward, used many ill means as the sok way to great and far-reaching ends.


Soft/on Park, Liverpool.

THE BOTTLED ALE OF BURTON (9 th S. v 67). Referring to the advertisement that your correspondent A. F. R. supplies from th< London Daily Post and General Advertiser o 25 May, 1738, the following may be of interest to him or to some of your readers. I gathe from W. T. MarchauL's 'In Praise of Ale,

Condon, Geo. Red way, York Street, Co vent Garden, 1888, p. 526, that the ales of Burton,

he hub of the brewing world, were com-

paratively little known until the commence- ment of the seventeenth century, by reason >f the then cost of inland transit, which was sarried on by means of the old common stage vaggon, and was, of course, ruinous. It was lot till the passing of the Trent Navigation Act, 1698, that the trade began to assume any importance among the Staffordshire "ndustries. Brindiey followed later on with lis network of canals and inland navigation, md then the town came to the front, and the Midland Railway afterwards placed the crown of prosperity on it.

The Rev. Richard Warner, writing in 1804, said Burtori-on-Trent employs seven breweries 'in making that rich and glutinous beverage named alter the town and well known in the neighbourhood of Gray's Inn Lane, ' balm of the cares, sweet solace of the toils,' of many an exhausted Limb of the Law who at the renowned Peacock reinvigorates the powers with a nipperkin of Burton ale and a whiff of the Indian weed."

According to the census of 1821 there were only 867 men and 61 boys engaged in all the breweries then in work at Burton.

Dr. Shaw in his ' History and Antiquities of Staffordshire,' 1798, in speaking of the brewing trade of Burton, says :

" The first origin of this business here was about 90 Years ago, and simply commenced with a few Public houses, and one Benjamin Poison [a misprint for Wilson] was the first who began in a small way the business of a common brewer. This Benjamin Wilson was either the Father of the first great Brewer of Burton Ales or it may have been himself, for his letters (still extant) show that he had estab- lished a fine nourishing foreign trade in Burton Ales in 1748."

The before-mentioned Benjamin Wilson was succeeded by Samuel Allsopp.

Marchant in pp. 528 and 529 goes on to quote from a work on ' Burton and its Beer,' written by Dr. Bushnan in 1852, and to take up the thread of the narrative where Dr. Shaw leaves off, and animadverts on the virtues and character of good "old Benjamin Wilson," and goes on to corroborate :

"In those early days the cost of transit by the common stage waggon was such as to prohibit Burton Beer in London except to the very wealthy and exclusive classes, and it is strange to read that Benjamin Wilson's Burton Beer was better known in Russia, where he did a large trade, than it was in the metropolis. The Empress Catherine and the Czar Peter freely drank the Beer at their respective Courts before it became popular at St. James under the Four Georges."

Baron Hindlip, better known perhaps as Sir Hy. Allsopp, who died in 1887, full of years as ho was of honours, was a son of the before-