Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/249

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CONTENTS. -No. 118.

NOTES : A Bibliography of Edward FitzGerald, 241 "No class," 244 Date of Building of Koine La Belle Sauvage Antique Escutcheon Embroidery, 245 "Seriff " Tom- all-Alone's "Chevril" " Woad/' 246 Oldest Mayoress April 1st, 247.

QUERIES :-Arms of Sir Thomas More-Chadwell, M.P.- De Cardonnel Ponblanque Shield of Brawn, 247 Py- thagoras and Christianity " Amphigouris " Mawdesley Family Assassin of William the Silent Cross near Wycoller Hall "Putrem" in Virgil Goat in Folk-lore, 248 Price paid for China Crown Office Bar-at-Gin & Co. " Warglass" " Be the day weary," &c. Mr. Ongley Sir N. Rich-H. de Burgh, 249.

REPLIES: The Place-name Oxford, 249 Vice- Admiral ' ' I gnagin g, " 252 Wooden Horse ' ' Tankage, " 253 Cremitt Money ' Adventures in the Moon Johnson as a Grecian' "Widow's man" "In Gordano," 254 Pictures in Handwriting, 255" Heel-ball " or "Cobblers'

Wax" "The Roman wash" St. Jordan "Another

to" " Hudger" "Mayfair marriages," 256 Reclama- tion of Traeth Mawr List of Fighters at Flodden Adel- bright of Norfolk, 257" Polder ": "Loophole "Heraldic Supporters of English Sovereigns "Hoodock"" La fe endrycza al sobieran ben," 258.

NOTES ON BOOKS: Nevill's 'Memoirs of Monsieur d'Artagnan ' Prevost's ' Glossary of the Dialect of Cum- berland' Eley's 'Carlisle: its Cathedral and See' Douglas's ' Cromwell's Scotch Campaigns The Library ' Dix's ' Books printed in Dublin.'

Notices to Correspondents.


(Concluded from p. 224.)

[Uncertain Date.]

The Two Generals. I. Lucius ^Emilius Paullus. II. Sir Charles Napier.

Collation : Small quarto : pp. 8 (last two blank and unnumbered).

These two poems were printed privately on a single sheet of paper, paged from 1 to 6. They had apparently been offered to Mac- millan's Magazine and declined. In a letter to Prof. E. B. Co well, dated 28 May, 1868, FitzGerald wrote :

"I am sorry to trouble you about Macmillan : I should not have done so had I kept my Copy with your corrections as well as my own. As Lamb said of himself, so I say; that I never had any Luck with printing : I certainly don't mean that I have had much cause to complain : but, for instance, I know that Livy and Napier, put into good Verse, are just worth a corner in one of the swarm of Shilling Monthlies."' Letters,' ii. 105.

On 25 July, 1868, he wrote to the same corre- spondent :

"I only wanted Macmillan to return the Verses if he wouldn't use them, because of my having no corrected Copy of them.

Probably they had been written several years before, as Mr. Francis Hindes Groome found a copy of * Lucius ^Emilius Paullus ' in a MS. note-book belonging to his father, Arch-

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deacon Groome, which he has reprinted in his delightful book 'Two Suffolk Friends.' This version differs considerably from that given by Dr. Aldis Wright in the ' Letters and Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald/ ii. 483, which is a reprint of the privately printed sheet.


Letters | and | Literary Remains | of I Edward FitzGerald | Edited by I William Aldis Writ In Three Volumes. | Vol. I. [II., III.] Macmillan and Co. | and New York. | 1889. Rights Reserved.]

Collation : Crown octavo : Vol. I. pp. xii and 502 and 2 pp. advertisements, consisting or : Half-title, pp. [i, ii, monogram on verso]; Portrait of Fitz- Gerald; Title-page as above, pp. [iii, iv, verso blank]; Contents, pp. [v, vi, verso blank] ; Preface, pp. vii- xii ; Text, pp. 1-50/2. Vol. II. vi and 488, consisting of: Half-title, pp. [i, ii, monogram on verso] ; Frontis- piece ; Title-page as above, pp. [iii, iv, Imprint on verso] ; Contents, pp. [v, vi, verso blank] ; Text, pp. 1-488. Vol. IIL vi and 492, consisting of : Half- title, pp. [i, ii, monogram on verso] ; Frontispiece ; Title-page as above, pp. [iii, iv, Imprint on verso] j Contents, pp. [v, vi, verso blank] ; Text, pp. 1-492.

The following pieces were printed for the first time in this collection from MSS. left by Edward FitzGerald :

' The Bird Parliament,' ii. 431. (From the Persian of 'Attar's ' Mantik-ut-Tair.') ' Bredfield Hall,' iii. 458. ' Translation from Petrarch,' iii. 466. ' Written by Petrarch in his Virgil,' iii. 492.

Dr. Aldis Wright says, with reference to ' Bredfield Hall,' that " these verses on his old home were written originally by FitzGerald as early as 1839, and communicated by him to Bernard Barton." In a letter to Barton, dated 20 Oct., 1839, FitzGerald says :

" Thank you for the picture of my dear old Bred- field which you have secured for me: it is most welcome. Poor Nursey once made me a very pretty oil sketch of it : but I gave it to Mr. Jenney. By all means have it engraved for the pocket book : it is well worthy." 'Letters,' i. 63.

The " pocket book " of which mention is here made was doubtless Fulcher's 'Sudbury Pocket Book,' to which Barton was a constant contributor, and the question suggests itself whether FitzGerald's verses may not have appeared in that periodical, as an accom- paniment to the picture of the house.


Hone's Year -Book, 1832. 'The Meadows in Spring,' signed " Epsilon," col. 510, under date 30 April, 1831.

These verses have been republished by Dr. Aldis Wright in the 'Letters and Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald,' i. 6, and in the 'Letters,' i. 7, with a short account of their production, from which it appears that,