Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/360

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s. v. MAY 5, im

than before. The Pontiff silenced both parties, conjecture that this belonged to the Wein- The influence of these futile contests concern- garten relic mentioned above, and therefore ing the Blood was, no doubt, felt by the likewise traced to the Emperor Henry III. various congregations who possessed relics and his visit to Mantua, we might conclude like that of Hailes. Still, I have already re- that all the portions of the holy Blood trace- marked that John XXIII., Eugenius IV., able to the Counts of Flanders derive in and Calixtus III. all assisted Hailes in its reality from the said Imperial visit to Mantua, long troubles by throwing favour on the As the " Blood of Hailes " came from a later side of the relic and granting indulgences to Count of Flanders, Florenz V., into England, its venerators. I shall hope to prove their we might adjudge it also to the same help more decisively later on. source, and regard it as having been a

But to return to earlier days, Charlemagne subdivision of that Imperial portion. We was not the sole monarch who appropriated have already seen that Edmund, Earl of a portion of the Blood at Mantua. That Cornwall, himself subdivided his own portion venerated treasure, for some reasons not an j} S ave some to Ashridge. precisely ascertainable now, became so effec- But > imperfect as my information yet is, I tually hidden in Mantua, that its whereabouts an i bound to sa ? that lfc P omfcs fco l uite a was lost. Certain it is that it was visited there dl #erent conclusion. The Bruges relic pur- by Charles the Fat in A.D. 883 (cf. 'Annali Parted to have been brought direct from di Mantova,' lib. vii. c. iv.). Anyhow, in 1048 falestme by Count Thierry, and to have it was once more found, owing to a revelation belonged to the Blood saved by Joseph of vouchsafed to one Adalbert. Five years Arimathea. It is therefore probable that, later we find the Emperor Henry III. already possessing this highly venerated drawn to Mantua by the fame of the re- treasure in the royal chapel, Florenz V. discovered relic. In his ' Breve Chronicon ' became willing to part with a much later the Benedictine Antonio Nerli (1400?) cf acquisition, which became by subdivision Muratori, vol. xxiv., ' K.I.Sc.' relates that | JJ? e , H , a i les , relic and the Ashridge relic, this him.

daughter caused ~itTtoT>e "placed* with The I obfcaine d from Urban IV., perhaps when that Benedictines at Altdorf, Wiirtemberg, where \ n f*? was Patriarch of Jerusalem and they owned a convent still known as Wein- Archdeacon of Liege, garten. ST. CLAIR BADDELEY.

Here, then, we have evidence of the holy (To be continued.)

Blood travelling northward in Europe.

Moreover, it has not only travelled into WILL PROVED IN THE ARCHDEACONRY OF Germany but into Flanders; and this makes LONDON, REGISTER 1, FO. 35.-The following us recollect that Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, will deserves notice on account of the name received his precious prize from Florenz V, and trade of the testator, and the date at also Coimt of Flanders which fch occur in a London document.

A monk of Wemgarten called Sasso, by "Vhyk" is evidently a phonetic attempt to order of his superiors, wrote a treatise on 8pell Wyk and it probable that this Alan the sacred relic about the year 1280 ; one Vhyk was of the same family as the famous copy of this at least >, still exists in MS. This, Henry de Wyk. The document is given however, is largely borrowed from an earlier verbatim

work. It is worth noting ( cf. ' Monu- A j> > >

^o n ,^;v> XT- +. > t> i. i 1 dei nomine Amen Anno d'ni m'ccc' nona-

menta Germanise Historica, Pertz, vol. xv. ge8 i nio Sexto mens^ Septembr' die vicesimo sc'do pt. 11. p. 921) that this dates some years later in domo hita'cois mess in Fleetstret in suburbio than the time when Edmund or Cornwall London. Ego Alanus Vhyk clocmaker compos had acquired his portion. We may I mentis condo test'm meu' in hunc modu' In p'mis think, partly conjecture the motive w'h'ich t go a ' iani me , a '<? eo & b't mari virgini gloriosre ^rlZ^LrTu^ n i f T?I j -Vi & corpus meu' ad sepehend' in eccl'ia s'ti Dunstam

mdttoed the Count of Flanders to part with p > dict } M It > do et (ego om'ia bona mea & catalla It. It IS certain that Glanders possessed tarn viva q a m mortua in cuiuscu'q3 seu quor'cu'q} more of it than he parted with ; for the I maim seu manib3 existent' Petronilhe uxori rneaj royal chapel of S. Basil at Bruges had n , en .'du' & p'cipiend' ad usum eiusd'm Petronillre already enshrined a similar relic of the 1 tfP ium & pro libito au voluntat' lib'te disponend' sacred Blood which it had received . f rorr J ^o^fe

Ihierrv VI., Count of t landers and King of execut'ce' mea' In cui' rei testio'm p'sent' sigillu' Jerusalem, in A.P. 1148. If it were safe to meu' apposui dat' die ^ anno sup tt dictis p'sentib}