Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/424

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. v. MAY a, 1900.

Derby ; and beg to ask where the notes may be found. WILLIAM ANDREWS.

Royal Institution, Hull.


The Monk Surpriz'd. The pious mother seeks the hermit's aid, And to his prayers commends the lovely maid. Struck by her charms, the monk forgets his vow, And needs himself the grace he would bestow.

Author and title of the above desired.

E. M. W.

CUMBERLAND'S ' JEW.' Having regard to the fact that Richard Cumberland was the great-grandson of Bishop Cumberland, who was the precursor of Utilitarianism, and strongly opposed Hobbes's doctrine of "in- dividual good " as the foundation of ethics, I shall be glad to learn from some student learned in theatrical lore what were the out- lines of Cumberland's play 'The Jew,' pro- duced in 1794, and what political effects it may be assumed to have had upon public opinion in that age. I should also like to know when it was last acted on any stage, and where I can procure a copy of this inter- esting and comparatively unknown play. M. L. R. BRESLAR.

[The last performance of this recorded in Genest's

  • Account of the English Stage ' took place at Covent

Garden 7 May, 1814. It was said that the author was the recipient of many acknowledgments and testi- monials from wealthy Jews. Cumberland denied that he had received a word from the lips or a line from the pen of any Jew, and expressed his regret to have met with no acknowledgment whatever as a tri- bute to his philanthropy. See Genest, yii. 151. The play deals with the behaviour of a charitable and an honourable Jew. See the ' Biographia Dramatica ' of Baker, Reed, and Jones, and under 'Cumberland' in the 'Diet. Nat. Biog.']

MALACHYDUDENY. At the British Museum, among the Lauderdale papers (bequeathed, I believe, by Sir W. Burrell), I find 'Malachy Dudeny's Letters to Lord Lauderdale, 1658- 1660 ' (23,113, ff. 63, 101). One of the letters is dated Exon, April, 1658. I shall feel greatly obliged if some reader will enlighten me as to this individual. HENRY L. DUDENEY.

Horsell, Surrey.

POPES JOHN XII. AND BENEDICT IX. Where can I find the best accounts of Popes John XII. (A.D. 956-63) and Benedict IX. (A.D. 1033-54) ? CHARLES R. DAWES.

" VIRIDICAL." A leading article on the late Duke of Argyll which appeared in the Times of 25 April said that, whether right or wrong, he always " stood upon his own feet, enun- ciated original and viridical views, and de- fended them with vigorous logic." What

authority is there for the use of this word ? And what are its meaning and derivation 1

D. C. I.

JAMES SAW YER. Can any reader of * N. & Q. inform me of the place of birth of James Sawyer, whose first wife was Deborah, and whose children were all born at Martlesham, near Wood bridge, in Suffolk 1 The eldest son John was born in 1795. James Sawyer's second wife was one Elizabeth Parssons.


Christ Church, Oxford.

TURTLIFF FAMILY. To what part of Eng- land does this name belong 1 About the year 1726 Sarah Turtliff, whose father, I believe, was Foscarinus Turtliff, married Richard Boger, of St. Germans, Cornwall. Any in- formation as to the origin of the name Fos- carinus will be gratefully acknowledged. As a Christian name the latter occurs more than once in the register of St. Germans.


98, Constantino Road, Hampstead, N.W.

PEDIGREE OF LORDS OF CARDIGAN. Can anv student of British antiquity oblige me with the exact descent, from Gwyddno Garanhir downward, of Gwaethvoed ap Eunydd ap Cadivor ap Peredwr Peiswyrrd, Lord of Cardigan in the eleventh century 1


Hampden Club, Phoenix Street, N.W.

SANDERSON FAMILY OF LEIGH, co. LAN- CASHIRE. The writer would be greatly obliged for any information regarding the above family. The Sandersons resided in the townships of Nennington, Bedford, West- leigh, Tyldesley, Atherton, and Astly, the last three being now separate parishes. The registers of Leigh Parish Church for the first sixty-seven years (they commence in 1558) have been published by the Rev. J. H. Stanning. I should also like to know the parentage and ancestry of the late Thomas Withington Bromley Sanderson, J.P., of Laburnham House, Atherton. His only son, Richard W. B. Sanderson, of Cheetham and Manchester, had arms granted him in 1869, viz., Paly of six or and gu., a bend engrailed vair; on a chief of the second, a lion statant between two annulets of the first. In ' A History of Lancashire,' published in 1842, a list of Commissioners of the Peace is given, in which occurs "T. Bromily W. Sanderson, Esq." Any particulars would be most acceptable, and the undersigned would be pleased to reciprocate if possible.


Nightingale Lane, Wanstead.