Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/525

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together, the son suddenly stopped short, and, pointing to three approaching objects, inquired :

  • Father, what are these things ? Look ! look ! what

are they?' The father hastily answered: 'Turn away your head. They are devils.' The son, in some alarm, instantly turned away from things so bad, and which were gazing at his motions with surprise from under their fans. He walked to the mountain top in silence, ate no supper, and from that day lost his appetite and was afflicted with melancholy. For some time his anxious and rmzzled parent could get no satisfactory answer to his inquiries ; but at length the poor young man burst out. almost crying from an inexplicable pain : 'Oh, father, that tallest devil! that tallest devil, father!'"

This Mr. Morrison quotes from Meadows's 1 Essay on Civilization in China,' with which I am unacquainted, but the story is evidently identical with that of 'Les dies de Frere Phillippe,' which Lafontaine took from Boc- caccio (Giprn. iv. n.). Dunlop, in his 'His- tory of Fiction' (new edition, vol. ii. p. 91), gives a list of parallel stories, Italian, Ger- man, and Latin. The tale is also found in India. No mention, however, is made of this Chinese parallel. WILLIAM E. A. AXON.

Moss Side, Manchester.

" KUNAGATE." The confusion of this word with " runaway," though of somewhat ancient date, is not, I understand, warranted by its actual etymology. It still survives, however, in popular speech. A few days since a woman, wishing me to understand that she always dealt regularly with any tradesman who acted fairly by her, said : "I'm not one for runaqatinq from shop to shop, as some do."

C. C. B.

Ep worth.

A THEATRICAL " RUN." The 'H.E.D.' is still some distance from the letter R, and an early use of the above term may therefore deserve a note. W. R. Chetwood, in 'A General History of the Stage,' 1749, p. 19, says of Hey wood's 'King Edward the Fourth':

"The late Mr. Bowman informed me, he was very well assured by Mr. Cleveland, a Poet of the last age, this double Play was performed on two succeeding Nights, and had a very great Run (a Theatrical Term)."


"To BE ALEX ANDERED"-= HANDED. This expression arosp (according to the Rev. Charles Rogers. LL.D., see ' Royal Hist. Soc.,' vol. viii., 1880) from the harsh and merciless manner in which Sir Jerome Alexander, an Irish judge and founder of the Alexander Library at Trinity College, Dublin, carried out the duties of his office. RICHARD LAWSON.

PUNCH AND JUDY. There is an article by Mr. Walter Herries Pollock on 'Punch and

Judy' in the Saturday Review, 19 May (pp. 612-3), containing some specimens of Punch-and-Judy performers' slang or bastard Romany, communicated to the author by a swatchel cove, i.e., a Punch-and-Judy man.

JOHN HEBB. Canonbury Mansions, N.

PARISH AND OTHER ACCOUNTS. (See 9 th S. iv. 301, 414, 452 ; v. 63, 207.) See also ' City of Edinburgh Old Accounts,' 2 vols., Edin. Vol. i. contains Bailies' Accounts, 1544-66, and Town Treasurer's Accounts, 1552-67 ; vol. ii. contains Dean of Guild's Accounts, 1552-67. P. J. ANDERSON.

" THAT FADETH NOT AWA.Y " (1 Peter i. 4 ; v. 4). The Greek word used in these two places is not the same, being in the former a/napavTov, and in the latter a^apavnvov. Dean Alford considered, therefore, that a different word should be used in English, and the Greek expression in the second text translated "of amaranth," the allusion being to the crowns awarded in the Grecian games, which soon faded away, whilst the Christian crown was "as of amaranth " and did not so fade. The revisers have, however, retained the rendering of the Authorized Version, probably because the moral intended to be conveyed by the two Greek words is the same. But one does not see why in such cases the niceties of the original should not be brought out ; and I should like here to point out that Keble seems to have been of the same oninion, for in the poem in the ' Christian Year ' for the day of St. Barnabas (on which this note is written) we have the lines :

What though long since in Heaven your brows began

The genial amarant wreath to wear.



THE WENLOCK OLYMPIAN GAMES. It may be interesting to record in 'N. & Q.' the jubilee of the Olympian Games at Much Wenlock, Shropshire. The Wenlock Olym- pian Society was founded half a century ago by Dr. William Brookes, who played a most conspicuous part in the history of the ancient borough. To him we owe the preservation of the old town hall, a fine half-timbered build- ing, which still contains its original elaborate fittings. He cut the first sod of the railway to Wenlock, and was instrumental in obtain- ing a corn exchange and agricultural library for the place. His great hobby, however, was physical training, and its outcome is_ the flourishing society which celebrated its jubi-