Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/542

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.

Anonymous Works:

' Adventures in the Moon,' 128, 254

'Expostulation' (1645), 127, 235, 293

'Fisherman of Lake Semapee,' 415

' Home Life of English Ladies in the Seventeenth Century,' 7

'New Critical Review of Public Buildings, &c., in London,' 114, 190

"Another to," use of the expression, 124, 256

Anti-Jewish survival in Barcelona, 315 Any, use of the word, 333 Appearance =electoral nomination, 11 Apperson (G. L.) on bed- waggons, 462

Pavement, iron, in London, 52

Pigeon cure, the, 343

Waterproof clothing, 294 April Fools' Day, 247

Archidiaconal visitations in the sixteenth century, 496 Argh as termination of place-names in Lancashire and

Westmorland, 48, 97, 212, 346 Argine on ' Diary of Lady Frances Pennoyer,' 494

French stanza, 407

Poe (E. A.), his ' Hop-Frog,' 235

Renfred as a Christian name, 375 Armiger on the oldest mayoress, 247 Armstrong (R. B. ) on wire-strung Irish harp, 269 Armstrong (T. P.) on derivation of Chaussey, 442

French society in the last century, 233

Life in South American republics, 481

Miquelon, 421

Nefs, model ships, 36

Plocks, the, its meaning, 382

Poet's immortality predicted by himself, 481

Statue in Bergen, Norway, 57

The" Beurri, 9, 290

Town gates outside London, 363

Virtues and vices, 444

Army, Field-Marshals during second half of eighteenth century, 44, 90 ; rank of colonels and lieutenant- colonels, 47, 1 90. See also Regimental. Arnott (S.) on choys, its meaning, 356

Corney House, Chiswick, 137 Artists' mistakes, 32, 317, 400 Ashcroft (H. J.) on life in South America, 396 Aske (Samuel), his ancestry, 269 Assembly rules, account of, by Charles Dickens, 415 Astarte on Elizabeth Alkin's biography, 355

Embroidery, antique escutcheon, 245

Whiskers, 197

Yorkshire dialect, 33 Astrolabe clock, 148

Atkins (A. G.) on Willis and Puckridge families, 49 "Attorney, Mr. ," earliest use of the term as signifying

Attorney-General, 474 Attwell (H.) on hot-cross buns, 334 Aubrey ( J.), his ' Brief Lives,' 45 Austin (Alfred), Poet Laureate, his 'To Arms !' 6, 277 Austwick, Yorkshire, people called Hoastik carles, 16,72 Avis, the Order of, 457 Axon (W. E. A.) on Charlotte Bronte, 449

Caxton, his good priest, 310

Charlotte (Queen) as an author, 373

Cowper, his letters, 478

Discoverer of photography, 464

Forshaw (Rev. Charles), 421

George II., a son of, 106

Axon (W. E. A.) on Gipsies in England in the thirteenth century, 186

KhayyjCm (Omar), 6

Lafontaine, his ' Oies de Frere Phillippe,' 512

Lando, monograph on, 385

Regimental mottoes of the British army, 389

Regimental nicknames of the British army, 161, 224, 263

Smith (J. F.), his biography, 459

Whately and J. B. Pe>es, 441 Ayeahr on Sir H. Carey's biography, 234

"Devil walking through Athlone," 464

Pennyworth : A good pennyworth, 73

Tobacco, 486

Tom-all- Alone's, 246 Azazel, interpretation of, 511 B. on ladies and Leap Year, 478 B. (B.) on coins in foundation stones, 197

Up, use of the word, 325 B. (C. C.) on "As busy as Throp's wife," 526

' Book of Praise,' 28

Browning (Robert), passage in ' Luria,' 55

Byroniana, 460

Childerpox, 235, 424

Crabs' eyes as medicine, 486

Editors, the evolution of, 166, 425

Erlik Khan, 486

February fill-dyke, 277

Field-names, 396

Frail, its meaning, 51

Ghosts and suicides, 288

"Green-eyed monster," 295

Indicible, use of the word, 477

Jullaber, Kentish hill, 403

Ladies and Leap Year, 479

" Les Graces," game, 459

Marriage gift, 112

Melek Taus, 482

Men wearing earrings, 191

Pigeon cure, 343

Rogers's 'Ginevra,' 92, 154

Runagate, its etymology, 513

St. Thomas's day custom, 497

Slim, its use and meaning, 236

Sock = to thrash, 97

" Soft as a toad," 54

Tennyson query, 502

Traeth Mawr, reclamation of, 324

Up, use of the word, 195

Vine = a flexible shoot, 194

Whiskers, 197

Witchelt= wet- shod, 58

Word corruption, 217

Wound for winded, 4, 177, 505 B. (D. L.) on Richard Whitcombe, 314 B. (E.) on " I '11 hang my harp on a willow tree," 375 B. (E. B.) on coloured cow of Hamburg, 466 B. (F.) on roods and rood-lofts, 477 B. (G.) on several, uses of the word, 504 B. (G. F. R.) on biography of F. E. Accum, 267

Ackland or Acland (Charles), 228

Adderley (George and Richard), 228

Box (John Wilkins), his biography, 476

Buller (Edward and Henry), their biographies, 208

Burdett (R.), his biography, 267

Byng (B. J. S.), his biography, 208