Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/547

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.



Cardigan, pedigree of Lords of, 416

Card-match, 88

Cards, playing, stamped with the Great Mogul, 292

Carey (Edward), M.P. for Westminster in 1656-58,

his biography, 47, 154, 235 Carey (Sir Henry), M.P. 1601-22, 87, 234 Carey (W.) on Leith halfpenny, 377 Carey and Charleton families, 496 Carless or Carlos family, 69

Carlyle (Thomas) and " Rotatory calabash," 186, 381 Carmichael-Smyth (Dr. James), one of Les De'tenus,

97, 197

Carriage of a sword-belt, 237 Carrington (H.) on French stanza, 357 Cartaret (Sir Charles), Knt., M.P. 1690-1700, his

biography, 187, 292, 385 Carving, miserere, 433 Cashier on Emmas at fairs, 278

Mistakes, artists', 33

Catalogues of English book sales, 429, 490 Cathedrals, laymen reading the lessons in, 376, 466 Cat's-meat Square, 148 Cattle, infectious disease among, 1748-9, 335 ; white,

prophecy concerning, 147, 234 Cave (Sir Richard), M.P. for Lichfield 1641-2, 209 Cavendish (Henry), celebrated chemist, 4, 94 Caxton (William), his story of the good priest, 310 Cecil (William), Lord Burleigh, biographical details

of, 28, 137

Centorie lands, derivation of the word, 332 Centum, use of the word, 433 Centuries, the beginnings and the ends of, 84 Century, twentieth, its advent, 1, 41 ; lines on, 84 Cerebos, Limited, on Cerebos salt, 440 Cerebos salt, meaning of the term, 356, 440 Cetu, a ghost- word, 412 Chacma, zoological term, 394 Chadwell (W.), M.P. St. Michael, Cornwall, 1640-4,

his biography, 247

Chadwick (Sir E.) on open spaces, 286 Chaffers (William), his ' Marks and Monograms on

European and Oriental Pottery,' 12 Challinor (John), Recorder of London 1508-10, 267 Chapels, episcopal, in London, 452 4 Character of Drunkennesse,' by John Locke, circa

1650, 267

Charleton and Carey families, 496 Charlotte (Queen) as an author, 373 'Charlotte Temple : a Tale of Truth,' by Mrs. Susanna

Rowson, 89, 218

Charterhouse scholars, their dress, 27 Chaucer family, 146

Chaucer (Thomas), 1366-7-1434, his biography, 146 Chaussey, derivation of the name, 442 Cheque, its counterfoil, 336, 443 Cheshire, place-names in, 93 Chess poem, 408

Chessmen, supposed Egyptian, 28, 111, 273, 341 Chest, old wooden, 88, 196, 275 Chettel (Francis), M.P. for Corfe Castle 1646-8, 314 Chevril, horse essence, 246

Chevron on James Douglas Stoddart Douglas, 52 Fonblanque (John Anthony), 500 Heraldic, 92

"La fe endrycza al sobieran ben," 187, 481 Chiaus, origin of the word, 25

Childerpox, children's disease, 128, 235, 297, 424

Children, mark on the spine of Chinese, 209, 344

Children on brasses, 268

Child's book, 36

China, date of introduction of gunpowder in, 516

China, Lowestoft, 12, 73, 157

China, price paid for, by Augustus II., King of Poland,

249, 344

Chinese children, mark on the spine of, 209, 344 Chinese secret society, the Boxers, 512 Chingford, Essex, old church at, its history, 57, 113 Chink=the pattern of woods when sawn, 432, 498 Choirs, modern instrumental, 35 Cholmley (John and Lewin), their biographies, 335 Cholmondeley (Viscount), his Scotch MSS., 8 Choys for choice, its spelling, 356, 443 "Christian Knight " = Sir Sydney Smith, 93 Christian names : Doctor, 53, 194, 324 ; titles as, 53, 194, 324 ; brothers bearing same, 54, 322 ; Volant, its origm, 229, 293, 401 ; St. Jordan, 256 ; Ren- fred, 375, 460 ; Biblical, 413

Chronology, old and new style of, 268, 344, 401, 461 Church, Danish, Wellclose Square, 492 Church, in Canterbury older than St. Martin's, 26, 94, 178, 319 ; barrel-organ used in, 35 ; at Chingford, Essex, 57, 113

Church (John), the " Obelisk preacher," 52 Church bells at Walthamstow, 89 Church property, the sale of, 395 Church registers, London, 89, 191 Churches, built of unhewn stone, 68, 154, 215 ; orientation of the fabrics of, in England, 104, 333 ; stone sedilia in mediaeval, 457 Gibber's daughter, her autobiography, 168 Cicero and Shakespeare, 288, 462 Cinderella and her glass slipper, 86, 177 " City of Lushington," London club, 103 Civic knighthoods, 409 Clark (C. E.) on " Hopping the wag," 154

" To jipper a joint," 295 Clark (P.) on Light family of Baglake, Dorset, 356 Clark (P. E.) on London church registers, 89

Lytes of Lytes Gary, 107

Trinity Chapel, Conduit Street, its registers,

187 Clark (R.) on artists' mistakes, 400

Anchylostomiasis, disease, 92

Spotted negro boy, 456

Walthamstow Church bells, 89 Clarke (C.) on Bar-At-Gin & Co., the name, 297

Bummel, its meaning, 524

Byron's birthplace, 412

' Charlotte Temple : a Tale of Truth,' 89

London, vanishing, 354

Out of print, 124 Clarke (E.) on Yeomanry Cavalry, 1 Clarke (Sir Edward), his biography, 515 Clarke (Samuel), M.P. for Exeter 1646-8, 496 Classical reference, 109 Clayton (H. B.) on American worthies, 340

Baronets, their number in each reign, 157

Bohun and Plugenet families, 400

China, Lowestoft, 12

Church registers, London, 191

De Benstede or Bensted family, 115

Dr. Syntax,' 270