Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/558

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.

Marshall (G.) on "grave of great reputations," 156 Henry II., his coronation, 365 "Hopping the wag," 346 Horse equipment, 360 King of Bantam, 18 Maitland (Sir Peregrine), 525 Maundeville (Sir John) on orange peel, 321 Nefs, model ships, 36 1 Pickwickian Studies,' 57 " Rackstrow's old man," 485 Sandwich (Lady) and Lord Rochester, 442 Stuart (Sir Robert and bir William), 402 Thames Tunnel, 75, 291 Wooden horse, military punishment, 253 Woore, in Salop, 236 Wroth silver, 4 York (Cardinal), 52

Marshall (J.) on Griggs and Gregorians, 236 Johnson (Dr.) as a Grecian, 71, 254 Tiffin, its origin, 13

Marston (R. B.) on platform, political word, 395 Martin (S.) on Abp. Benson's Latin verses, 209 Epigram on an epigram, 287 " .Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring," 290 Martin (T. A.) on discoveries of Capt. Edge, 343 Miserere carving, 433 Tomb in Berkeley Church, 483 Virtues and vices, representations of, 289 Martin (T. C.) on lyddite, 384

Martinmas, curious custom in Warwickshire, 4, 112 " Mary had a little lamb," its history, 35, 297 Mary I. (Queen), her portrait at Berkeley Castle, 455 Marylebone Churchyard public vault, 8 Mason (C.) on English ambassadors to France, 56 Pictures composed of handwriting, 255 Uvedale (Dr. Robert), his biography, 188 Viner (Alderman), his house, 127 Wilkes (John), M.P. for Aylesbury, 315 Masters (M. T.) on Kingston coronation stone, 481 Maundeville (Sir John) on orange peel, 188, 321 Mawdesley family, 248, 325 Mawdesley (F. L.) on brothers bearing same Christian

name, 54

Mawdesley family, 325 Nelson (Lord), his bouse at Merton, 296 Mawkin, its meaning, 293, 394 Maxwell (Sir H.) on Boer, its meaning, 3 Field- Marshals in the British army, 90 Norman gizer, 384

Maxwell (P.) on " No deaf nuts," 399 Maxwell (W. H.) on " Out of print," 343 Mayall (A.) on collection of Biblical quotations, 484 Dedication by author to himself, 237 Dominican order, 346 Future of books and bookmen, 295 Grolier bindings, 18 Hogarth's * Sigismunda,' 74 Iccle=icicle, 453 Kindlily, the word, 286 Larksilver, 483 Myall-wood, 396 Nimmet, its meaning, 362 Pastille-burner, 4 Pockethandkerchief, fateful, 295 Shares in merchant ships, 321 Step : Stepmother, stepfather, 273

fayall (A.) on Sweepstakes, its meaning, 465 Swound=fainting-fit, 464 Tennyson query, 503 Thebal, 479 Viridical, 504

Warglass, its etymology, 249 Worst, its use as a verb, 321 /[ayfair marriages, performed in Curzon Chapel, 65,

137, 227, 256, 398 Mayhew (A. L.) on "An end," 137

Bird-eyed, its meaning, 235

ChevrU, horse essence, 246

Crowdy-rnutton, 461

Delabrate, use of word, 375

Dozzil or dossil, 234

Hippin, its meaning, 47

Hirst, its meaning, 107

Hognayle, derivation of the word, 287

Hudger, Surrey word for bachelor, 67

Hun-barrow, its etymology, 87

Hurgin, its etymology, 87

Hurry=etaith, 107

Ignagning, morris dance, 147

Ill-muggent, its meaning, 147

In Gordano, its meaning, 126, 254

Inkle =tape, 167

Irish Fearagurthok, 234

" Jipper a joint," 208

Jullaber, Kentish hill, 228

Jury in nautical terms, 267

Lakoo, plant-name, 435

Lata, its etymology, 455

Nesquaw, Monmouthshire term, 395

Renfred, Christian name, 460

Reredos : Lardose, 455 Mayor, Guild, of Preston, Lancashire, 96 Mayoress, the oldest, 247 Mays, use of the word, 56 Mazes cut in turf, 315, 445, 504 Mein (E.) on "Every bullet has its billet," 88

Nursery rimes, 93 Melek Taus, Assyrian sacred symbol, 336, 482 Memorize, use of the word in America, 56 Men wearing earrings, 88, 191, 321, 386 Mercer (Francis), his biography, 47 Merchant Adventurers, 487 Merrett (Christopher), his biography, 436, 503 Merry weather (F. Soinner), London bookseller, 477 Merton, Lord Nelson's house at, 230, 296 Messuage, origin of the word, 411, 520 Metcalfe (C.) on Forshaw family, 294 Meteyard (Eliza), her ' Dora and her Papa,' 103 ' Methodist Plea to a Churchman,' 7 Mew (J.) on Des Cartes's * System of Demonology,' 335 Miall (S.) on Northern fighters at Flodden, 257 Middlin', use of the word, 17, 72, 218 Midwife, installation of a, 475 Midwives' epitaphs in Norwich, 453 Miland (E.) on contributors to vol. i. ' N. & Q.,' 90 Mile, the English, its definition, 1 33, 498 Military despatches, the publication of, 434 Military punishments: The wooden horse, 82,253 ; the gantelope, 204 ; the strappado and neck and heels,. 369, 504 ; the log, 511

Millett (M. ) on Basque version of Genesis, 396 Maitland (Sir Peregrine), 375