Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/57

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  • & V.JAN. 20, i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Suffolk name is "golden bug." This illu trates what an old college friend of mine now an eminent surgeon in Bury St. Edmunds meant when he spoke in our Cambridge day of entomologists as " bug-hunters."

T. CANN HUGHES, M.A. Lancaster.

SIR EDWARD WIDRINGTON. In the church of the Capuchins at Bruges there was for merly a tomb to the memory of Sir Ed ware Widrington, Bart., who died in 1671. The inscription gives "Qui uxorem duxit Chris tianam Stuartam neptem Comitis de Both well ex prosapia lacooi quinti Regis Scoti?.' Who were the parents of his said wife Chris tiana? J. G. WALLACE-JAMES, M.B.

ai dington.

" PETIGREWE." Can any of your readers kindly tell me the meaning of the word "petigrewe"? In the churchwardens' ac- counts of the parish of Liskeard, Cornwall, for the year 1606, amongst the things received by the new churchwardens was a "petigrewe," and in 1608 the following entry occurs : " Paid Ambrose Lean for making* a frame for the petigrew, viii d ." WHETTLE.

[" Pettigrew " is sometimes used for pedigree.]

'THE PEN: A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE.' The initial number of this paper was issued as a weekly, at twopence, for Saturday, 22 May, 1880. At a later period it came out as a sixpenny monthly. The publishers were W. H. Moor & Co., 22. Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. I should like to know how long the publication con- tinued. No. 10 was issued in October, 1880. There was a previous periodical called the Pen, the first number of which was issued some time in 1867. J. P. B.

WILLIS AND PUCKRIDGE FAMILIES. Infor- mation wanted about the family and genea- logy of James Willis, of Ringwood, Hants, who died in 1755; also of the family of Puck- ridge, or Puckerege, of Romsey, Hants, of the time of 1690-1740. These two families were connected. A. GARWAY ATKINS.

Waxham Rectory, Hickling, Norwich.

ISLAND OF PROVIDENCE. In a letter, undated, written by Sir Ed. Moundeford to Sir Simonds D'Ewes, in answer apparently to some inquiry about the island, the writer states that, "the company" desiring to sell the island to the States of Holland, the Earl of Holland, the company's governor, had applied to his Majesty for leave to sell. Leave was refused, but promise was made of certain advantages e.g., freedom from cus-

toms duties for twenty-one years ; free letters of marque within ten degrees, and to have an admiralty of their own; freedom from the proclamation against going into the American plantations " so that we may send or carry whom we will." It was thought, the writer adds, that thenceforward much immigration would go to " this plantation instead of New England." Which island of Providence would this be 1 Query, that in the Bahamas (Nassau}, or an islet of the same name further soutn and nearer to Honduras and Nicaragua?


"OLD JAMAICA." What is the origin of this term as applied to the sun by sailors : and is its use confined to that class ? I heard it used by an officer on a ship when, after a dull day, a gleam of sunshine appeared towards evening. "Ah!" he said, "there's old Jamaica." I asked him what he meant, and he said "old Jamaica" was a name that sailors gave to the sun. O. S.

SOUTH AFRICAN NAMES. (9 th S. iv. 436, 519.)

A FEW names may be added to those already snumerated. Ladybrand, Ladygrey, and Ladyfrere are names of the same class as Ladysmith. Aliwal is a name transferred

  • rom India by Sir Harry Smith to com-

nemorate the victory that he had gained on >he Sutlej over the Sikhs in 1846. Delagoa Bay is a curiously jumbled version of the J ortuguese Bahia de Lagoa, "bay of the agoon"; and Lou renQo Marques bears the name )f a Portuguese trader who here established i factory for the barter of ivory with the latives. Further north, at the mouth of the D ungeve River, is Beira, whose Portuguese lame means a " spit of sand." The Orange

ree State lies between the Orange River and he Vaal. The well-known orange tree on he postage stamp of the state is a punning ognizance, the name of the river having >een given in compliment to the princes of

range -Nassau, Stadtholders of Holland, "he Transvaal Republic lies beyond the river ^aal, whose name means the " yellow " river Dutch vaal, " yellow " or " tawny "). It need lardly be said that Natal means Christmas n Portuguese, on which festival the coast vas discovered. Bechuanaland is the country f the Bechuanas, which means "those who re alike," or equal, from the Bantu word huana, " alike," " similar," or " equal," with he ethnic prefix. In 1670 Simon van der