Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/105

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g» s. VL A™. 4, i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 83 sermon, and would not advise its being printed unless much clamoured against," &c. Mason replies to this advice in a letter of 13 March, 1778 ('Correspondence,' vol. i. p. 353) :— "Now to show you how much I hold your critiques in devout memorial, I give you to know that I have locked up my sermon in my bureau till that goodly time shortly comes when we shall all be absolutely ruined," &c. It appears that Horace Walpole received and returned the sermon between 4 March and 13 March, 1778. He must, therefore, have written the letter under discussion between those dates. It may, consequently, be placed between No. 1,709 (5 March, 1778) and No. 1,710 (16 March, 1778) in vol. vii. of Cunningham's ed. HELEN TOYNBEE. CATALOGUES OF ENGLISH BOOK SALES. (Continued from p. £-#.} Macclesfield, Earl of, 1765, Jan. 14 and 5 days. S. Mackintosh, Sir James, 1832, Nov. 6 and 8 days. E. Madden, Sir Fred., 1867, June 29. 8. Madden, Sir Geo., 1829, Aug. 3-4. 8. Maddison, John, 1809, March 6 and 21 days. King & Lochee. Maitland, Rev. S. R., 1850, April 29-May 2. P. Maittaire, Michael, Part I., 1748, Nov. 21 and 19 days. Cock & Langford. Malkin, Benj. H., 1828, March 22 and 6 days. E. Malone, Edmond, 1818, Nov. 26 and 7 days. S. Manners, Geo. (MSB.), 1870, June 14 and 3 days. S. Manuscripts and Hist. Documents, 1825, May 20 and 6 days. S.—(Richly illuminated), 1845, June 25. P.—(Wardrobe Books), 1848, June 23. P.-1859, July 16. P.—(Patristic), 1864, June 1. P.—(On vellum), 1857, May 1. S. Manuscript* and Books,* 1842, April 21 and 3 days. P. Marchetti, M. leChev. J., 1876, Nov. 27 and 4 days. Markham, Archdeacon, 1838, Feb. 26 and 5 days. E. Markland, J. Heywood, 1865, May 29 and 5 days. S. Marsh, Rev. H., 1853, Jan. 11-15. S. Marsh, J. F., 1882, May 12 and 11 days. S. Martineau, Joseph, 1864, Jan. 18. S. Maskell, W.,and others, 1854, May 19and 4 days. S. [Maskell, William],t 1857, April 2-6. S.

  • This anonymous sale was probably made up of

many properties ; it is here included because of the importance of some of the illuminated MSS. which it contained, and several of which are described by Dibdin in his ' Bibliographical Decameron,' where a few of the illuminations are copied (pp. clxix et #eq.). When this book was published in 1817 one of these MSS. was in Bliss's collection, and another belonged to Douce, but the owner of the most important of all, a Roman missal of the fifteenth century (purchased by Rodd for 225/.), is not stated. t Maskell's name is not inscribed on the binding of the volume in the B.M., but there can be no doubt that this extraordinary assemblage of early Mason, G. E.,* Part I., 1860, Nov. 13-16. P.—Part II. (Americana), 1860, Nov. 27. P.—Part III., 1860, Dec. 12-15. P. Mason, W. Monk, 1858, March 29-31. S. Mason, W. Shaw, 1830, Nov. 24-27. S. Mathews, Chas. (actor), 1835, Aug. 19-22. S. Mathias, Thos. J., 1820, April 6 and 11 days. E. Maunoir, Prof. (MSS.), 1846, Dec. 18-19. P. Mayansiana, Bibliotheca, Part I., 1829, June 25-27, Mayor, Rev. J. B., 1867, March 4-6. P. Mead, Dr. R., 1754, Nov. 18 and 27 days.—1755, April 7 and 27 days. S. Meigh, Charles, 1831, Feb. 25, 28, 28. E.—(Books) 1855, July 16 and 6 days. S.—(Books), 1861 June 26-29. S.—(Autographs), 1856, Feb. 23. S. Mellish, W., 1839 (in Rogers, W. L., cat.). E. Mello, Arnold, 1810, May 24 and 10 days. S. Mildert, Right Rev. W. van, 1836, June 15-25. P. Miles, Richard, 1820, Feb. 18-19. S. Miller, Lieut.-Col., &c., 1863, Nov. 9-13. P. Milles, Dean Jere., 1843, April 10 and 4 days. S. MUlingen, James, and others, 1849 and 4 days. 8. Milner, J., 1829, May 18-20. E. — And another, 1845, April 8-9. E. Mitchell, Joseph, 1839, Oct. 16 nnd 10 days. E. Mitchell, Thos., 1861, April 18 and 3 days. S. Mitchell, W. (48 unpublished letters of Garrick), 1849, Dec. 17. P. Mitford. Rev. J., Part I., 1859, Dec. 17 and 6 days. S.—Part II., I860, April 24 and 11 days. S.- (MSS.J, 1860, July 9. S. Mogine, N. C., &c., 1863, June 23-26. P. Monoux, Rev. Sir Philip, 1814, May 12-14. S. Monro, Dr. John, 1792, April 23 and 14 days. S. Moore, Francis (MSS.), 1856, April 28-May 2. P. Moore, Thomasf (1,000 letters of, MSS.), 1853, June 23-24. P. Moradei, Dr. (of Florence), 1860, July 9-11. P. [Morant, J.], 1852, June 2. P.—1864, Feb. 8 and 4 days. P. Morgan, Lady, 186S, April 1-2. S. Morgan, J., F.L.S., 1848, Jan. 12-15. P. Morice, J., F.S.A., 1844, June 19 and 15 days. S. Morton, George, Earl of, 1829, May 18 and 15 days. P. English theological, Biblical, and other rare books was his. Most of the rarer English items are men- tioned in their respective places by Lowndes, and Maskell's name is given as the owner—e.g., the unique Prymer of Queen Elizabeth (1558), 70*.; and the' Exoneratorum Curatorum,'from Pynson's press, 81. On Aug. 30, 1848, Sotheby sold a small selection of M,1-Ufll's books (these consisted of " some of the rare liturgical books, being the duplicate volumes of and in the Maskell collection now in the British Museum "); and in 1854 (May 19and 4 days) a further series, presumably purchased privately, were in- cluded in Horner's sale (" the library of an eminent collector").

  • The other sales of G. E. Mason's at Puttick k

Simpson's, mentioned in Mr. Puttick's list, are: 1853, Feb. 21 (library); 1853, May 12 (library); 1855, July 18 (American literature); and 1859, May 25 (Anglo-American). The dates here given are in each instance of the first day's sale only. t A note in Puttick & Simpson's catalogue of July 10, 1863, p. 22, states that "this catalogue was compiled by T. Crofton Croker, and the repub- lication of it was suppressed, and it is consequently very scarce,'