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9* s. vi. AUG. 4, ISM.] NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHEN-ffiUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. The ATHEKJEUM for July tti contains Article* on M Al: 11. ANTOINETTE ud the DIAMOND NECKLACE. CHBON1CLE8 ol SANDHURST. A ! iILI.I-.I I I»N ol AFRICAN TALES. A SIXTEENTH-CENTURY CATHOLIC REFORMER. The CLAN DONALD. NBW NOVELS:—A> the Light Led; The Harried HIM l:inU«, The Crimson Weed; The Autobiography of a charwoman; On Allen Shore.. PHILOLOGICAL LITERATURE. - in.Ill STORIES. 8FOBTB and PASTIMES. CANADIAN and AMERICAN HISTORY. ANTIQUARIAN LITERATURE. BOOKS on INDIA. OUR LIBRARY TABLE—LIST ol NEW KOOK8. The REFORMATION In a LONDON I' VIM -I I . The ADVANCEMENT ol ENGLISH STUDIES; SALES; The COMING PUBLISHING 8RA80N: CHELSEA; DEL TIROILIO'S EPITAPH on DANTK. ALSO— LITERARY GOSSIP. FINE ARTS r— Nicolas Pousstn ; Library Table ; Royal Archirologleal Institute ; Yatton Chnrch Tower ; Salea ; Gossip. MUSIC:—The Meek ; Recent Publications . Goaalp. DRAMA :-Two New Plays ; Gostip. TktATHEKjEUMfor July 1U cmtains Articles an Tbe DICTIONARY ol NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. A BOOK on CHINA. PUBLICATIONS ol the OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A PIONEER Ol our INDIAN TRADE. BARLY HISTORY ol ENGLISH POOK RELIEF. N EW NOTBL8 ;—Robert Orange ; Little Anna Mark -. The Minister's Guest His Laurel Crown; The Kobber Troops of Circumstances; Many Daughters •, The Increasing Purpose; Caged! Chateaux de Cartel. SPOUTS and PASTIMES. BIBLIOGRAFHICAL LITERATURE. SHORT STORIES. SCHOOL-BOOKS. OCX LIBRARY TABLE—LIST ol NBW BOOKS. The JBSI • DANTE'; A NOTICE ol SPENSER; -The AGNOSTIC ANNUAL.' ALSO— LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE—The Ascent of Mount St. Ellas; Botanical Literature; Geographical Notes; Anthropological Notes; 'The Regiment of Lyfe'; Societies; Meetings Next Week > Gossip. FIN E AKTiS —High Crosses of Castledermot and Durrow; New Prints; Congress of Arcbipological societies; Mr. Arthur Hughe»'s Laadscapes ; Blackfrlara church ; The Wallace Collection; Sales; Goealp. Ml SIC:—The Week; Gossip; Performances Next Week. LHASA :—The Idea of Tragedy ; Sale ; Gossip. The A THENsEUMfor July 31 contains Articles an MR. FIRTH OD OLIVER CROMWELL. PIONEERING on the CONGO. The HISTORY of SURREY The MBDLEVAL BYZAKTINE PERIOD. NBW NOVELS:—Enoch Wllloughby; The Beautiful Mis. Leach Revengeful Fangs. ENGLISH PHILOLOGY. BIBLICAL LITERATURE. MILITARY BOOKS. RURAL SKETCHES. TALES of ADVENTURE. OUR LIBRARY TABLE—LIST ol NEW BOOKS. The PUBLIC SCHOOLS In 1300; DEL VIBGILIO'S EPITAPH on DANTE; "The AGNOSTIC ANNUAL' ; SOME NOTES UPON the WORD "TINY " ; The BIBLIOGRAPHY of WALTER 8AVAGB LAN DOR; NOTB8 Irom PARIS. Also— LITERARY G088IP. SCIENCE: —Christmas Island : Mathematical Literature; Library Table ; Astronomical Notes; Geographical Notes , Pleistocene Mao In the Thames GraTels; Goaslp. PINE ARTS:—Heraldry in Relation to Scottish History • Library Table; Illustrated catalogues; A Bell of John Danvell Hale • Gostlp. XUBIC:—The Week ; Gossip; Performances Next Week. DRAMA:—The Elizabethan Drama, Recent Publications ; Gossip. 'l/i- ATHRNjSOHfor July 7 contains Articles on CONTINENTAL LITERATURE. HOOKS on EUROPEAN POLITICS. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NEW BOOKS. The BIBLIOGRAPHY ol WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR • SALE- WINGFIELD'S 'TRUE DISCOURSE ' of the PORTUGAL VOY- AGE. ALSO- LITERARY GOSSIP. .SCIENCE ; -The Aborigines of Tasmania; Societies ; Gossip. FINE AHT8;—The Royal Academy; Blaektriars Chnrch; H. T Buckle's Portrait; Gossip. 1IUSIC:—The Week , Gossip > Performances Next Week. DRAMA :-Garriek and Drary Lane; Gossip. The ATHENAEUM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FKANCIS, Athenaeum Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G. And of all NeKtugents,