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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. vi. AUG. 11,1900. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. JUST PUBLISHED, 4to. 21*. CATALOGUS CODD. MSS. BIBLIOTHEOE BODLEIAN.E. Pars. V. Fasc. V. Codlcum H. RAWLINSON, classis Quartse Indicem Contlnen«, a. GUI/. D. .MACK V. 1900. 8vo. paper coven, pp. 52, 2i. The EVOLUTION of ENGLISH LEXICOGRAPHY (The Romanes Lecture, 1900) IH JAMBS A H. MURRAY, M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Pb.D. Delivered In the Sheldonlan Theatre- Oxford, June 22, 1800. TWO VOLUMES, crown 8vo. cloth, pp. lxxxiv-648, lOt. 6d. ESSAYS of JOHN DRYDEN. Selected and Edited by W. P. Ker, M.A., Fellow of All Souli College, Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, Professor of English Literature In University College, London. Fcap. 8vo clotb, pp. lviii-254, 4*. 6d. KING ALFRED'S VERSION of the CONSOLATIONS of BOETHIUS. Dune into Modern English, with an Introduction, by WAl.TLJi JUHN 3UDGRFIBLD, Litt.D., Editor of •King Alfred's Old English Version of the " De Consolatione." Crown 8vo. It. Qd. net. A STUDENT'S PASTIME: being a Select Series of Articles reprinted from Kotti and Qutnu. By W. W. SKBAT, LIU.D. SBCOND EDITION, extra fcap. 8vo. 3*. M. A MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN PRIMER. With Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. By JOSEPH WRIGHT, M.A. Pb.D. SBCUND EDITION, extra fcap. 8vo. 4». M. A PRIMER of the GOTHIC LANGUAGE. Containing the Gospel of St. Mark, Selections from tbe other Gonpelii, and the Second Epistle to Timothy. With Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. By JOSEPH WRIUHT, M.A. Pli.D. Crown 8vo. cloth, 81. A GRAMMAR of the BOHEMIAN (or CECH) LANGUAGE. By Prof. W. K. MORKILL, M.A. FIFTH EDITION, crown 8vo. 10*. 6d. SHORT HISTORY of FRENCH LITERATURE. By George Saintsbury, M.A. Revised, with the Section on the Nineteenth Century greatly Enlarged. Imperial 4to. price per Part 3>. Gd. net. HISTORICAL ATLAS of MODERN EUROPE, from the Decline of the Roman Empire. Comprising also Maps of Parts of Asia and of the New World connected with European History Edited by REGINALD LANK POOLB, M.A. Pn.D., Lecturer In Diplomatic in the University of Oxford. Part XXVI., containing ENGLAND and WALES in 1086. By JAMBS TAIT, M.A. ITALY, e. 850—1067. By Miss LINA BCKBNSTEIN. The OTTOMAN BMPIBB in EUROPE, 1356—1897. By W. MILLER, M.A. ALSO PUBLISHED BY HENRY FROWDE. WIT, CHARACTER, FOLKLORE, and CUSTOMS of the NORTH RIDING of YORKSHIRE. With a Glossary of over 4,000 Words and Idioms now in Use. By R. BLAKEBOROUGH. Crown Svo. cloth, 5*. net. London: HBNRY FKOWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, B.C. i i..." i or JOHN R]>WAK1> FHANC1R. Athenttrnm Frew, Hremm's Buildings. Cbkocerr Lane BC • and HnMiihMd h* JullO L. ruAMUlll .1 HrouiTs Buildup,. Uhuoerr Uuu. H.U.-Auimi«r, AHftutU, 1800