Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/180

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146 NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. vi. A™. 25, im kind : their Origin and Destiny,' by M.A., 1872, pi. i. p. 40. 180. Engraving of the Hebrew camp with the signs as used by each tribe, according to Kircher('(Edip.,' vol. ii. pt. i. p. 22). Ephraim has Taurus ; Manasses, Gemini; Benjamin, centaur archer; Dan, Scorpio ; Gad, Aries ; Gersonitse. terra; Meraritte, aqua; Asser, Libra ; Simeon, Pisces ; CaathiUe, ain ; Moyses and Aaron, ignis; Nepthali, dove ; Keuben, Aquarius ; Zabulon, fishgoat; Issa- char, lobster; Judas, Leo. Between the signs are the symbols of Sol, Luna, and the five planets. In ' Mankind,' pi. xvi. p. 408. 181. No. 178 is engraved in 'Mankind,' pi. xvii. p. 428, twelve medals. 182. Fainted on panels round the outside of the case of an orrery in the United Service Museum, Banqueting Hall, Whitehall. 183. " Division of the zodiac into thirty-six parts, with the names of the decans and the distribution of the planets," with the emblems of the signs and planets. Engraved in ' Man- kind,' pi. xviii. p. 428. 184. Engraving of an astrological plani- sphere in the Egyptian style found at Rome, very mutilated. It consists of six concentric circles filled with beautifully designed figures of deities, men, and animals. In the centre are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor between the folds of Draco. In the first circle are Columba and Serpens, Lupus, Hydra, Cancer, Sirius, Procyon, Capricornus, Aries. In the second, Aries with wreath round it, Taurus with wreath, Gemini with club, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius as a centaur. In the third, Aries with wreath, Taurus with wreath, Libra, Scorpio. In the fourth, HIAJZIIBIZIZIHI IZSIHIEIEIIHISIS. In the fifth, priest with axe, eagle-headed priest with cake, priest with two cakes, wolf-headed priest, priest with staff and cake, priest with globe, priest with globe, bull-headed priest with staff. In the seventh are nine busts of the planets, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury, Luna, Saturn, Luna, Saturn, Jupiter. In ' Man- kind,' pi. xix. p. 429. 186. No. 9 is engraved in ' Mankind,' pi. xx. p. 430. 186. No. 8 is engraved in ' Mankind,' pi. xxix. p. 696. 187. Engraving of the zodiac as the Garden of Ormuzd, or the six thousand periods, or perfections. Cancer is a lobster; Virgo has wings. The same idea as No. 48, with a few variations. In ' Mankind,' pi. xxii. p. 464. 188. Engraving of the zodiac at Notre Dame (A. Z., No. 202), about 1300, which is arranged according to the domiciles of the planets. The author says Virgo is represented by the large statue of the Madonna on the column dividing the doorway, with a crown of twelve_ stars representing the twelve signs. Scorpio is a sort of cuttle-fish ; Cancer is a lobster. In ' Mankind,' pi. xxxiii. p. 478. 189. Engraving of the zodiacal circle to show the position of the heavens on the eighth day before the kalends of January, at the nativity of Mithra. The same idea as No. 48, with a few variations. In ' Mankind,' pi. xxiv. p. 482. 190. In the Peckham Fine-Art Gallery is a plaster panel decorated with two winged boys examining a globe, on which is a band bearing the signs, by Walter Crane. 191. Engraving of a zodiacal planisphere explanatory of the Apocalypse, including the Signs, Planets, Argo, Ara, Lyra, Bootes, Hercules, Draco, Hydra, Eridanus, Tribes. In ' Mankind,' pi. xxv. p. 526. 192. Engraving of tympanum of a Norman doorway in Stoke - sub - Hamdon Church, Somerset. A centaur inscribed " Sagittarivs " is shooting at an animal inscribed " Leo" ; above is lamb with a cross ; in the centre is a tree bearing three birds, which may refer to Aquila, Corvus, Columba, all enclosed in a semicircle, as if symbolic of the circle of the zodiac. In 'Somersetshire Archaeological Proceedings,' 1871. 193. On a band round an armillary sphere, supported by four female figures by Car- peaux, above the Fontaine de 1'Observatoire by Fremiet, 1874, in the Luxembourg Gardens, Paris. 194. Coloured signs on white ground on window curtains were at a private house at Ealing, 1882. 195. On an electrotype copy of No. 3 in V.A.M., 1881. 196. On the tinted wrapper of the Century monthly magazine. New York, U.S., litho- graphed by A. Bobbett, 1883-94. 197. On a paper uranograph, 1885. In V.A.M., No. 180. 198. Tinted engraving of No. 73, by J. Stow, is in the Era almanac, 1890, pi. 17. 199. " The new Zodiac Jewellery " by E. W. Streeter, 18, New Bond Street, London, 1890, comprised a bracelet having the signs en- graved within, outside of which were twelve precious stones significative of the months, each stone having a meaning affixed to it. 200. Also zodiacal rings, each having graven on it the sign for some month, and the corre- sponding stone over it, the connexion of signs and gems and months being derived from an old MS. A. B. G, (To be continued.)