Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/195

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, _ ,___ ,» __ .__ _._r..-f.¢.1._.-. -- » 9-S. v1. Aw. 25. 1900.1 NOTES AND QUERIES. “ The Gardeners’ Chronicle has faithfully held to its promises. It is still, to-day, the best gardening journal, being indispensable equally to the practical gardener and the man of science, because each finds in it something useful. We wish the journal still further success.”- Garten Flora, Berlin, Jan. 15. “The Gardeners' Chronicle is the leading horticultural journal of the world, and an historical publication. It has always excited our respectful admiration. A country is honoured by the p ion of such a publication, and the greatest honour we can aspire to is to furnish our own country with a journal as admirably conducted.”-La Samaiac Hortioolo, Feb. 13, 1897. “The Gardeners’ Chronicle is the most important horticultural journal in the world, and the most generally acknowledged authority.”--Le lllonitewr d’Horticultura, Sept., 1898. The Oldest Horticultural Newspaper. THE wifi... GARDEN ERS' .§.'ii;. PT CHRONICLE. 535 (The "1"imes’ of Horticulture.) FOR SIXTY YEARS THE LEADING JOURNAL. Its Contributors comprise the most Experienced British Gardeners, and many of the most Eminent Men of Science at Home and Abroad. A IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS. Specimen Copy post free on application to the Publisher, ‘ H. G. COVE, 41, Wellington Street, Strand, London. Telegraphic Address--GARDCHRON, LONDON. T¢l°Ph°n° NG. 1543 GERRABD. ~,# Nay be grams of all Booksellers and Nmagma, and at the Raumy Bethnal.. `1